Movie edition
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dead inside
but i still smile
gf's gonna freak when she smells i've been eating mackarel :(
>not sure if i want to be the gf
what did you lads do for you lunch when you went to school?
in year 7 and part of year 8 i used to stay in school and mostly skip dinners or occasionally eat in the dining hall
then part way through year 8 i got a lunch pass so i could leave the school premises for lunch hour and went to the chippy daily
Don't worry mate, wanting to be the little girl is very Sup Forums
go home
primary school
>cheese sandy
year 7 and 8
>school food
year 9 10
don't really remember
year 11
chippy daily
for when I do kill myself, is there a tool that can encrypt an entire hard drive?
I'd rather people not know what my thoughts were, and I don't know if I'm going to improvise my suicide, so it's nice to have a safety net
in year 7 and 8 i went to the IT rooms and fucked around on the computers when they all had like windows 95 or some shit
year 9, 10 and 11 i went on the field and mostly stood around talking with mates, sometimes played footy
we werent allowed to leave the school premises in secondary
hello lads Peter Barakan here. ama.
just magnet the whole thing dummy
anime kino
begin japanology is essential comfycore
commence wanking
ahahaha misread this post alot
reception to year 11 eat food and pissabout with friends
year 12 go around with my friends and smoke drugs or get up to shenanigans
year 13 read alone in the library.
mad mad mad MWAD
the fuck is going on here lad
cant imagine not living in a major city
need to visit chicago and boston
I can't do that when I'm dead dipshit
did you even read my post?
me holding the sign
Fuck off we're full
>the illinois runt is here
arguably the worst /brit/-yank
>21 free days a year
modern life is slavery
it didnt come
i feel so hearthbroken right now
why can they just toy with my emotions like this
Is that autismo Yank?
no, nor this one
how the absolute fuck does it take a literal month for headphones to be delivered?
cant believe this kind of stuff
If You Would Shout McDonalds At The Screen, Now Is The Time
i get 25 days leave + the 8 bank holidays
a far cry from neetdom but it's better than what most people get
wow, really got the brain in gear
>children's books/movies
can't imagine not living in the country (actually I can cause I lived in Manhattan for 5 years but have since moved to bumfuck nowhere and I much prefer it desu I can play music as loud as I want whenever I want, I shoot guns off my back porch, I can have bonfires, go hunting and fishing and off-roading all right here, etc)
>ask girl on tinder what she's up to at uni
>she replies promptly the she also does IT
>ask whether it's the same, less-common area I'm in
>no reply
>ask girl on tinder what music she's into
>replies with a few genres
>oh I love X,Y and Z too
>she asks what artists I like
>A, B and C
>oh cool I like them too
>ask her what a few of her favourites are
>no reply
Bit tempted to just say 'fuck it' to asking about anything at all except sex if they keep acting like this
political correctness gone mad
>an entire fucking month
Fuck me it took less than that for my medication to get to me from Europe to Aus and that got searched and tested by customs.
well to be fair lad, you're all on the spectrum haha xx
really need a weewee
just watched the dashi one. very comfy.
know all about kombo, katsuobushi and honkarebushi now
it's coming from japan but still I think it got """"lost"""" somewhere, Someone is probably enjoying their new pair of earphones at this moment
Some mental tried to attack a cop and the woman tried to shoot him down, missed, hit his leg, got hailed a hero for not being a mean yank
non-slavery = several 2 months holidays in a year
the IT one is whatever but the second one is boring as hell
reckon i've made the same mistake
girls say they don't like being accosted for sex on tinder, but if you try to have a normal human conversation they'll get bored and move onto the next chump it seems.
mounting evidence that all canadians look like fags
Haha :(
good taste lad
Some hothead in Vancouver got shot while in a mcdonalds parking lot while a concerned dog watched.
you can get your money back if it never got to you
>go to the doctor because I want to determine whether I'm actually depressed or not
>see a psych for 7 weekly sessions
>"well user I don't think you're depressed, maybe 'depressive' and slightly on the autism spectrum but that's about it"
>'One billion' affected by Yahoo hack
A billion people use yahoo?
bare babestation boobs
Amazon are great with that if they did contact support and they'll get one shipped quickly and also say you NEEDED it before xmas and if they cannot guarantee it before xmas tell them you demand compensation and you'll usually get £10+ refunded in the form of an amazon voucher.
you sound like a runt if the first thing you're asking a girl is what her favourite fucking songs are
Great news dude, at least you have a diagnosis now and can go from there
>oh no he asked one boring question in the middle of this conversation after I asked him the _exact same question_, I better just give it up there
how old is this lad? he looks 13-14
ah is it autistic food reviewer debate hours?
pengest munch is a normie/reddit meme now
It's popular in the Third World
thanks Ill give it one more day and then ill contact support and start MAKING DEMANDS
The very first thing I asked was about the obscure song linked on her profile and where she found it, went from there
stop perpetuating this le funny reddit nigger meme
if it makes you feel better, everyone is on the spectrum just most people are on the really low end
anyone ever use this loophole to get free orders
>pengest munch is a normie/reddit meme now
>le bbc breaking news masterrace man
Sky e-mail uses Yahoo IIRC
>you're not depressed you're just """""depressive"""""
I once got £5 voucher because a
I think there was some lad here who did something similar and got loads of free stuff
you have to remember any girl above 5/10 gets more messages than they can reply to
if you can't maintain her attention you're fucked
Stop being le edge lord
Imagine having to feign interest in another persons interests on a daily basis
It always was you filthy nigger it was on Facebook DAY ONE.
Figure I might pull out of this seller's market
Is windows defender decent? Can't be asked to find the right board to ask 2bh
I was right, it is autistic food reviewer debate hours
Hasn't let me down yet
The only autists are the ones who can't handle the fact that a black man is more entertaining that some runtish white boy living in the 1930s
i have to do this whenever the black girls at work are telling me something
literally do not care about their problems at all but you have to nod and smile and laugh and perk your eyes up so they dont think you hate them but on the inside you do hate them.... a lot...
>why yes of course Timothy James Byrne is a normal, functioning member of society.
>of course he shouldn't be sectioned! Don't be ridiculous.
the STATE of runt defenders
big day of drugs tomorrow lads
yeh does the job. that plus common sense.
I really don't care mate
nice. Quick scans reliable or should I go deeper than that?
*hits you on the head with my lacrosse stick*
I HATE you!
>literally do not care about their problems at all but you have to nod and smile and laugh and perk your eyes up so they dont think you hate them but on the inside you do hate them.... a lot...