/u/ edition
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Been smoking weed nonstop for the past 3 days
ayy 420 blaze it
My princess where art thou?
In the 5 minute squad
This is what I look like
where can I buy a filling soup from? I want the kind that you drink instead of eat with a spoon
Be my bf
At least japs will like you.
>where art thou?
what type of faggot talks like this
didnt know foxes got that fat
Nice thread.
idk tb.h
>power pivot
i don't know what this is but i have a linear algebra erection
>this morning
>25,000 words left on my papers due next week
>24,500 of 25,000 words left on my papers due next week
what do
I think that Campbells makes French onion soup but I'm not sure how good it is
African American culture
A pure White Knight of course.
Lesbians are cute!
Just kill yourself already
The neighbors are starting to talk about the smell haha
it's like a more complicated pivot function
worst of all it's for accounting activity based costing, including cumulative totals and percentages for thousands of rows of data. Not difficult but just time consuming
Get a giant egg drop or hot and sour soup from your local Chinese place.
is WSHH and fighting in waffle houses the pinnacle of black culture?
that's how they found dahmer
and some of theeese, and some of thooose
A African American of ill-repute?
brb, got to go powerwash the inside of my fridge
No user, that's forbidden love
Watch Moana
don't forget to use bleach
>I can type ~100 WPM at maximum
>25000/100 = 250
>250M = 4 hours, 10 minutes
Four hours and ten minutes of typing at the fastest speed I can, without thinking at all, or my hands getting tired
Most modern Western music is derived from black spirituals and ragtime, though they tend to only claim hip hop and other nigger music
>that hair detail
shut up nerd
>mom told me that she was becomnig more dissapointed of me
haha thanks mom
my friend used to sysadmin for a small company
they had a hueg database, but it was ms access, and the db server ran on a local P4 machine
at least it's not that
A miracle of animation modern technology desu
Get WOKE nigga
Honestly have never worked with Access, maybe except once for a project sophomore year. Half the places I applied to for internships asked about experiences with Access over excel and nearly dropped spaghetti.
Nice, now can stay here whenever you want with us.
Wtf I want to kill whitey now
>modern Western music is derived from black spirituals and ragtime
Wow don't let the white folks find out or they will culturally appropriate it. We can't forget about seasoning chicken!
What the fuck is Goya
>Alan Thicke died
she say it dead serious though
but its good since I can live to no one expectations
Fact: white people are descended from black people
Fact: white people, by existing, are appropriating a black invention
>Half the places I applied to for internships asked about experiences with Access over excel and nearly dropped spaghetti.
It's a gui though. Like, how much experience does someone realistically need to use a gui?
You could say it's a little too [i]accessible[/i].
>What the fuck is Goya
A food company. Adoba is a type of seasoning/marinade. Mostly chipotle. It's what Chipotle uses to make their meats so tasty.
t. employee
fact: opinion
It's a mexican company that sells foodstuffs in the states, and they're pretty decent
Fact: Aryans are descendants from Atlantians that had to evacuate Atlantis.
>tfw black people so advanced that only their own inventions could destroy them
>25,000 words
What are you writing about, the entire histiry of civilization?
>ywn conquer the new world and get a qt indian waifu
Fact: Iran is a cognate of Aryan
>What the fuck is Goya
No wonder you white people food so uncultured
Bud what are you doing?
Pixar movies feel so lifeless
A lot of things disney does feels the same
the new world indian qt post is a good post though
looks delicious
i see nothing wrong
the list of people who rejected him
Is that chicken even fucking cooked?
its clearly all raw still
It looks raw
>tfw that was my only post quoted
>he eats raw food
>Not eating raw meat
pussies. i bet you would starve in the wild
tell your mom i said hi
she still has all her chiclets. must go to the tribal dentist.
Kill me desu
I got some raw meat for you
*unzips pants*
We're not in the wild though so keep being uncivilized and retarded Mr. Grylls.
>eating raw chicken
>He doesn't eat his meat the way god intended
Fuck off faggot I bet you suck dick
>Being a pussy
>on an east oriental motion picture forum
>doesn't eat raw meat
Obviously staged.
Stereotype is things being overcooked because afraid of raw, anyway.
>ywn see this going down the river and make a new race
>the way God intended
>chickens are a man made(bred?) animal
okay but did you fug her?
Cook your meat, buds
>chickens are a man made animal
thank you
i just flew in from cleveland
>raw fish
Acceptable, if its fresh
>raw beef
Did you at least sear the outside? That kills most of the bacteria
>raw chicken
A plastic bag would be a less painful suicide
>chickens are a man made(bred?) animal
you mean a domesticated breed
Do you seriously think that chickens originally looked like that?
>not shock freezing your food to kills bacteria
>eating nonkosher animals that carry parasites