Is being a Japanese NEET better than being a "western" NEET? I heard they have an entire subculture over there

Is being a Japanese NEET better than being a "western" NEET? I heard they have an entire subculture over there

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I would think that Japanese NEETs would be ostracized just as much, if not more. Don't the Japanese place a high value in working hard and doing your "part"?

Reminder that this was shot in 2002 and the NEET is probably in his mid 30s by now

>Don't the Japanese place a high value in working hard and doing your "part"?

Yes, to the point that there's an epidemic of workers killing themselves due to long hours and overworking, Japan's work-life balance is nonexistent

>After years of being bullied at school and having no friends, Y.S., who asked to be identified by his initials, retreated to his room at age 14, and proceeded to watch TV, surf the Internet and build model cars -- for 13 years. When he finally left his room one April afternoon last year, he had spent half of his life as a shut-in.

I wonder if this issue has actually gotten better since 2006?

nobody knows. but I wonder how some jobless European country people are feeling. At least I've been lived off as neet for 1 decade and hopeless but still happy.

It seems like in Japan the parents are the primary caretakers, I'm not sure about the Japanese social welfare system but there's a big safety net in most of western Europe in the form of healthcare and monetary stipends from the government, so if a parent were to find themselves in this situation their financial circumstances wouldn't be as desperate.

Yes they have an entire subculture of being NEETS but it s not better to be a neet there. They have more neets because more people give up to continue their studies or to find a job. Working in Japan is so hard and stressfull that some people just give up. Also society is pretty unforgiving, when they fail they conssider them as lazy loosers nothing more. If these people can stay years in their parent's basement it s only because the parents are too ashamed to do anything about the situation. Also don,t even think that getting a girl is easier for a neet in Japan, girls in these country care a lot more about the social statut.

Aren't Korean and Japanese society similar in regards to the pressure to succeed? Do young Koreans sometimes develop into NEETs too?


>Do young Koreans sometimes develop into NEETs
No they devolve into neets
Develop is towards something good

I'm french I have been In Seoul since a few months only but from what I saw yes.
And people really hate them especially girls.

They now have AI wives so that all the hiki's wont kill themselves.

does it get colder in seoul or paris

Seoul is colder than Paris

>born in japan aka paradise on earth
>wasting your good luck and turning into a hiki

I would gladly trade places with them anyday

Dehors sale étranger
Seoul is colder.

Pas avant d'avoir vole toutes vos femmes.

>ywn live in japan in the 80s and 90s
Dear god why?

being NEET in Japan or Scandinavia must be euphoric as

essaie lel

Scandinavia yeah. Japan no. I think they have a very skimpy social saftey net so it would be rough once your parents die

worst feel

>once your parents die
true. nobody except them gives money in Japan


Only weebs believe that being a neet in Japan is a good idea. Only weebs believe that being a neet is a good idea.

Wish I was rich and inherited a brownstone in NYC with 3 units that I could rent out and never have to work

I wish I was like my half brother who inherited shares in a big multinational and has a huge rent so he will never work of his life.

Is there anyone qoreans don't hate?

ah I totally forgot it. well, in the future, gotta to play poor in office of the district where I live.

Americans and other native english speakers have it easy here.
They don't hate white usually. But if you are not a native english speaker they won t give you a job as teacher which is one of the only job the accept foreigners for.

Duh. Typical Korean and Japanese girls seem like insanity mode when it comes to social demands.
When I told a few Japs the way it used to be here, that a woman married to a doctor was called "Mrs. Doctor", the girls actually admired that.

It doesn't surprise me, lots of guys who become neet say that girls are too picky. Also they rly want a man who can give them a good social statut. Some girls can understand if you re just a student or you have an office job, but they will push you to do more, but some girls really won't care about you if you re not wealthy.

tfw no korean NEET gf i can send money to and cuddle with on an occasional visit

develop just means change. devolve means to return to something from before.

a photo develops. a person develops as they grow. does not necessarily mean good

I wonder where Davido-kun is nowadays

no. all neets can have is the internet as you already have. anonymous stuff on the western internet has been very similar to japan. i see no different between them. and every country hick neet living in the middle of nowhere will never be able to go anywhere else.

this video is so creepy