
Captain, our sensors indicate certain lifeforms of runts on the surface, should we engage photon torpedos? [edition]

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never been touched flirtatiously by a girl

good post


came VERY close to having sex with some 16 years old on year ten camp in wollongong

truly an amazing place

the decline era

starting to believe that by all measures and metrics the US is better than europe

and for the record i don't consider the UK to be a part of europe

as in decline donnelly

>I was on shrooms
I think I've found the problem

>we live on a small spherical rock flying at incredible speeds around a molten ball of gas, in a massive universe we cannot comprehend the size of, most of which is empty space and we communicate with people we cannot see and do not know instantaneously

yes thank you data

lurking my ex gfs' normiebook profiles at work

pretty sure their new boyfriends have bigger dicks than me

the UK is still an incredibly powerful country you minuscule microbe

>tfw you won't be terraforming planets in your lifetime

why are you posting here you fat fuck

go back to /cum/ with your border hopping and moose fucking companions

not hard
(I mean this as both it's not difficult to have a bigger dick than you and that they are even bigger when they're flaccid)

an incredibly coloured country

nailed it


I hate my life.

>tfw no deanna troifu

hold on a sec lads let me get my laptop

is that a valid excuse though? shrooms wouldnt make that just happen like alcohol would?

would love my ballbag in there

Really makes you wank

>tfw 500 words and some serious referencing to do
>tfw just want to sleep

willy is thinking very hard here

haha yea alright mate
*leaves without you*

pumpkin spice latte

I'm sure shrooms fuck up the psyche even more than alcohol
although there are varying factors

all these schoolgirls photos making me realise how grim britain is that they're always wearing stockings

shut up you tard

those are tights mate

it's comfy as fuck m8
better off than living in a scorching wasteland

i hate the internet

personally view brexit as the most recent iteration of the retreat of britain from a position of authority on the world stage

get over it ladies

ok im here now

hope nobody left without me

>rorke trek

They're all fugly. Get your own.

that's exactly why opinions are personal, you're allowed to be wrong if you want

can someone please explain those weird female wojak images with the pretty princess points and the pink creature?


think it's a defensible position 2bh

> tfw will never touch a boob or kiss a girl

/r9k/ pretending to be girls?

What like a hill? what a weird thing to say


hugely underrated post

defend it

Is this what waffles is?

need some music for the library

tights mentioned

the aussie must be going over his data cap posting all these webms

meme'd haha

you phisically can without their consent

then again wouldnt recommand it

going for a cycle in shorts in december

what am I like hehe x

need to poo so bad ffs

just whacked 50 gallons on the water card

gonna be a good christmas lads

what the fuck is a water card?

bet it's a poorthern thing, like pay-as-you-go heating

card made of water
they're a bit shit, you can't write anything on it and it usually evaporates in the post


>having an unlimited supply of water

brit detected
get the fuck out of my country achmed

fuck off murderer



If the bakery opens at 7am does that mean they have freshly baked shit ready to go or will I have to wait?

jesus is this actually a thing in the north? i forget access to clean water isn't a problem reserved for the third world

i dont fucking know do I

need to try this one day and see if its not just a meme


do you have unlimited electricity too?

they'll start cooking before official opening idiot

sounds like the sort of thing a baker might know

why would a shop open with nothing to sell?

this leaf eats freshly baked shit hahaha

i'd imagine you'd have to wait a little bit if you want something hit, fresh out of the oven.

It's distorted patriotism. It's immigrant identity. It's numbness through repetition. It's memes. It's uncertainty. It's the decision between engagement and detachment. It's noisy, it's tangled, it's complicated. Dean Blunt, DJ Escrow and Gassman D's debut album as Babyfather isn't a direct commentary on the world's collective headspace in 2016, but it feels like a reflection of it.

hmmm... a puzzle indeed


can't find the lecky key and av got the xmas dinner in the freezer

*smacks you in the chops*
nah senpai i aint waiting for shit

had a bit of cheese for lunch

my bakeress gf bakes cakes the day before but scones are made fresh in the morning before opening

I fucking hate tea

the so-called 'get'

it's the caffeine, the nicotine, the milligrams of tar


I went to a place yesterday where they bake the donuts fresh everytime you order and then you also get to tell them what you want on your donut. god it was so fucking good. having a place like this so close to home is surely going to make me get fat again. all that hard work down the drain :^(

warm in here isn't it?

not the way i pictured this i wanted better things
staring at the carnage, praying that the sun would never rise

What's it called where you dislike and actively avoid interaction with people you aren't friends with?

Do you think he'll ever turn the filter off?

hey don't shoot the messenger!!



Me too.