How accurate is this book? Its an outline of Russia's plans for the world going back 1997

How accurate is this book? Its an outline of Russia's plans for the world going back 1997.

>Russia should use its special forces within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism. For instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.

>United Kingdom
>Should be cut off from Europe

>should be offered the de facto political dominance over most Protestant and Catholic states located within Central and Eastern Europe. Kaliningrad oblast could be given back to Germany.

>should be annexed by Russia because "“Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics". Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible

Most of these plans looks like its being implemented except dismantling China. Russian Empire 2.0 when? Its Putin playing 5d chess?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Russia won again



>should be dismembered. Abkhazia and "United Ossetia" (which includes Georgia's South Ossetia) will be incorporated into Russia. Georgia's independent policies are unacceptable.

>Russia needs to create "geopolitical shocks" within Turkey. These can be achieved by employing Kurds, Armenians and other minorities

How did Americucks get btfo this underhandedly? All of the west must unite and utterly annihilate russia imo.

>muh putin boogeyman

>Bulgaria to reunite with third rome
>"Orthodox collectivist East" – will unite with the "Moscow the Third Rome" and reject the "rational-individualistic West".

Third Rome again lmfao.


his goals are slowly being met.

russia is a menace, always has been always will be. there is no trusting the eternal russky.

yeah we all got BIG PLANS for one another dont we?

First it was jews with you, now it is Russians. Too bad, western shit, Russia can actually fight back.

>Lol le war abd ussr balkanization hurted rus economic lel

hmm i wonder what happened back then :thinking:

russia is a poor petrostate shithole that gets weaker every year. hillary shills are trying to use it as an excuse for their shitty campaign.

relax, user the russkie boogyman isn't coming for you

>this is what Westcucks actually believe



except russians are rusing, you're not supposed to corrupt elections in the west. its only third world countries that are allowed to get coup'd. this is practically war.

they barely care about the sanctions, they are getting btfo out of the west but it won't limit their ability to expand.




all the cool kids are now reading lev gumilyov for their russian meme ethnography

So now USA is officially a third world country and so are all its satellites.

not yet. we war you nao.

sad but true, america is now like russia in the 90s and trump is our yeltsin

Did Americans plant Yeltsin by interfering with the election?

USA opened up itself to all the lefties and commies of the world following the cold wat, they've gained a lot of power since then.

yes modern USA is a third world.

And it doesnt look like it'll get any better any time soon.

Good thing I moved out of that USSR wannabe shit hole.

96 russian election was rigged, more by domestic forces in russia, but US supported it

With the insane amount of antirussian rhetoric it certainly looks like west is finally gearing up for a war. God help us all, then.

if anything the only thing gearing up there is a full blown civil war.

I dont think the USA,as a "nation", is in any serious condition to launch an invasion.

Yeah, it is a bit concerning 2bqh.

yeah you're going to get fucked, not us. we are posting even more troops in eastern poland/balts and can sustain moderate nuking.

times are going to be fun!

I just believe we have legitimate claim to Gotland. I mean, we have owned it since time immemorial.

With Trump soon in charge of the biggest military power in the west, I wouldn't worry. Whatever he may be, he's not anti-russia. US and Iran though, that's another story.

Have fun with the south american drug cartels as they begin deeper influences in canada.

they're going to fuck yous up like they did with the USA, poor leaf

In 1993-1996 there was a real chance of starting a full-scale civil war in Russia.

of course we will lose in the case of war, but we can still deal a huge amount of damage to everyone involved, enough to make you not want to ever fuck with us. That's our leverage.

(Tip: Napoleon,Hitler, western scum never changes)

quit your bullshitin, yous cant even fuck up ISIS, stronk rooshya

I know, right. This shit is insane. I'm pretty sure it wasn't this bad in the fucking 60s.

>south american cartels

nah they have barely infilitrated the US.

the key is you'll fuck up our allies in europe. canada won't be touched, neither will australia and america will use fancy nuke shields.

its reagan limited nuclear war 2.0 igor, yall will be fucked.

nigga calm down this aint civ 5

He is the american president. You can't be the president and not be anti-Russia by definition.

Yeah, but, you weren't invading other europeans in the 60's.


theyre already on it

You dint think there was no purpose in all this NAFTA bullshit...did you?

the insurgents are already there

fist come the sorftcore

then the hardcore

then they rape you while youre out cold

canada is as good as fucked, the way I see it

>Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning
By itself, yes, but for Russia, no.

There's a reason Russia spent almost 3 centuries of expansionist policy gaining more territory towards Europe. The great European plain is Russia greatest geopolitical weakness, the further West towards the carpathians and Germany Russia controls, the more secure the Russian heartland is.

>Abkhazia and "United Ossetia" (which includes Georgia's South Ossetia) will be incorporated into Russia

Having control, or at the very least, denying NATO control of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia is of course important for Russias security too, Russia needs to secure the south Caucuses to avoid being flanked, and in the case of wartime, having a second front thats much shorter distance to Russias core. It does this by directly and indirectly supporting the separatist occupations and keeping the south Caucuses divided through a unbalance of power, which is what Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-karabakh.

Basically all of Russias future objectives are 1:1 copy pastes from what the USSR was. The USSR was designed to make Russia the most secure it could be, which is why Russia wasn't afraid to be a main belligerent in the Cold war, now they've lost that territory, they're trying to get it back, because without it, Russias very existence as a nation is at stake.

>yous cant even fuck up ISIS

Then why are you so afraid that we're gonig to takover the entire world?

Ah, yes. 'They are going to invade us, we need to invade them preemptively'. Straight out of Hitler's playbook. Europe never changes.

Who would want Russia? Only poor, worthless nations have to expand, wealthy europeans are more in favor of decreasing in size (England granting Scotland the option to leave, Sweden giving up Norway etc.)

>Ukraine was planning to invade Russia

Hahaha oh man, you're so fucking brainwashed

Not necessarily, he's a businessman first and president second, and he has business relations in Russia. At worst, he'll be less anti-russia than Obama was. He's very into anti-iran shit though, so most depends on Russia's stance on US going all aggressive towards Iran.

>Straight out of Hitler's playbook. Europe never changes.
As i said, dude Hitlerism are always will be part of western thinking.

>you're so fucking brainwashed
He's talking about you and your media retarded propaganda. It's not "Ukraine was planning to invade Russia", it's "Russia is planning to invade Europe, Putin is literally Hitler and is going to take Gotland soon so we have to do something about it."

See? Brainwashed. The media doesn't control people in Sweden, it's pure entertainment.

And if you weren't such gullible propaganda tools, you could have that too.

>you're so fucking brainwashed
>coming from a westerner
1984 seems like a naive fairy tale compared to the west right now when it comes to propaganda and brainwashing.
Hitler had quintessential european/western way of thinking.

Great argument. Russia is like the poop that someone set on fire and put on your doorstep.

It's still a big fucking bear that can rip your face off if the timing is right. I'd be afraid of it.

>Who would want Russia? Only poor, worthless nations have to expand, wealthy europeans are more in favor of decreasing in size
No one, it's why all but a handful of former Soviet states have leaned away from Russia and joined NATO. It's that Russia needs them, without them, the population and industrial core of Russia is vulnerable to NATO attack, and Russia has no reason to believe the west is trustable, this goes hand in hand with that fact that many of Russias political advisers are Cold war veterans, these are men who calculate on capability and not on promises of others. Quite literally, they have the mindset of Cold war Russia.

>The media doesn't control people in Sweden
>if you weren't such gullible propaganda tools
You literally believe that i'm a gullible propaganda tool because your media told you so. And at the same time we're talking in english on taiwanese frog cartoon forum. You do realize that i can read western media too, right?

Europe is like an insane aggressive delusional maniac who is standing at your doorstep with a bloodied machete and tells you to open the door, it's gonna be alright. You are literally animals who cannot be trusted or understood.

No, I believe you're a gullible propaganda tool because you keep saying stupid shit.

Russia is like old Europe.

>The media doesn't control people in Sweden, it's pure entertainment.

M8 pls, that's what you think. Swedish ppl eat every word the MSM says, just like most of the rest of Western Europe.

It is sad how brainwashed you are. And it is twice as sad that we have to live near people like you.

>antirussian sentiment
Ahaha my sides, they probably fear to become as successful as us.

The people who wave rainbow flags can't be aggressive "by definition"

>you keep saying stupid shit.
I think you got me confused with some other russian liberator in this thread. You really should relax, you should know how intense hatred of everything russian usually ends.

>No, I believe you're a gullible propaganda tool because you keep saying stupid shit.

I was thinking the same about you, "New Europe"

Nope. We've always had a very skeptical relation to our media, come see for yourself.

How am I brainwashed if I distrust and don't believe in what the media says?

>hurr durr Russia is going to be invaded by NATO any moment now

By this logic Poland would be justified to expand in all fucking directions because it's nothing but a featureless plain.

Oh the irony of this post.

>hurr durr Russia is going to be invaded by NATO any moment now

I dont think that, never said I did, but what I did say is that many of Russias political advisers are Cold war veterans who think in terms of capability, not in promises by others. Russia has a very real reason to fear NATO, national security, but does that mean NATO is actually going to invade Russias anytime soon? No, probably not. It's just that Russia doesn't trust the west, and they don't trust any ex-soviet states who in their eyes, "betrayed them" and joined NATO.

Yeah, sorry. I get what you mean.

lol that data is at least 15 years old and it has nothing to do with reality now. and obviously "svoboda slova" and human rights are just a fucking mith, its just used mostly by the west to scare governments that dont obey them, you see how good are they to saudi arabia?
and somebody should report you to fsb or roskomnadzor you fucking western spy

>just a fucking mith

Is okay friend.

It's a bit of common knowledge that without Stalin the USSR would have had the military people and engineers to have made the war less of a clysterfuck. Since he was pretty much the absolute ruler at that time, the cartoon is apt.

yes, human rights are bullshit actually. nobody really gives a shit about them. its a tool used mostly by western governments to portray countries they dont like in a bad picture, sometimes to prepare their public to support the possible invasion or limited military conflict

That's what people say until they or someone they care for is dragged out to enjoy hospitality of security services for saying something inconvenient.
Or beaten to death in prison for something they didn't do.
Or shot.

>millenials discovered "The Great Game"
it lasts for centures

double this aussie

meme book


no such thing

You're ignoring his point. Yes, human rights problems are a thing, but the western world only pretends to care about them when they can use it to smear countries they don't like. They have absolutely no problem being buddies with Saudis for example while Saudi Arabia is probably the worst offender in human rights violations.

yes, thats what i wanted to say thank you. never thought a turk would be useful for something

That's an argument to attack western world for its hypocrisy.
It's not an argument that could be used to defend authoritarian regimes.



>its a tool used mostly by western governments to portray countries they dont like in a bad picture, sometimes to prepare their public to support the possible invasion or limited military conflict

that doesn't mean those countries don't violate "human rights". saudi arabia does too

the existence of hypocrisy and pretext for 'intervention' don't negate them

Russia's infiltration is a fact. we knew it's been the case in Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, now the USA

Russia has also dismembered Georgia and the Ukraine

please tell me how it's a bogeyman and not reality

so putin is playing 4d chess too, after all

>Russia interfering in our ducking election is a liberal conspiracy
>it's ok because my candidate one

kys my man. Democracy isn't for you, African populism seems more your style