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We surrender xdddd last army in world
what did they mean by that?
I surrender
Stop bullying france pls
your country get its ass kicked by few armenians farmer
so be quiet mehmet
I don't think so, France don't discredit yourself. Was a good army indeed and high tech even.
I think problem was with defensive doctrine. Putting so much effort in static defense is not a good idea, more flexible approach would be reasonable. Even then still i'm in no place to judge experienced generals of that time.
The fault is for Belgium for letting pass germans but the big country responsible and UK with its cowardise.
France wanted to launch a counter offensive but UK refused and wanted to return in their island. France helped them until the end at Dunkirke.
Anglos even made a movie, called Dunkirke directed by Nolan.
I imagine that the movie will minimize the impact of the french while we did the jod, and more, while we wanted to launch a counter offensive
>few armenians
You forgot a bulk of russians behind them.
Get shrekt by germany
>Maginot line
>Maurice Gustave Gamelin
>update the taxy mobile units in WWI into horse riding units in WWII
French soldiers were good. They just had shit commanders.
Wait, why do I have a german flag?
What is your real cunt?
>only building half of your defensive line
are the french the stupidest race on the planet?
>The French race
Fyi a race isn't the same as a nation.
t shitskins
Don't you have some african bulls to prep Achmeds ?
>the german race in charge of racial classification
it was just a banter, mate
Even though Alpine Line was useful.
wow, took you long enough to finally figure that out.
We sell stuff to both sides
Reminds me of this
Spics fought against the french invasion when they didn't have any chance, meanwhile you just took a seat in your cafeterias while drinking coffee and mumbling honhonhon each time a nazi soldier showed up.