

same here today, lol

God damn sudaca summer

about 50 degrees colder here or something

> tfw a/c on



Europe doesn't have A/C

I don't think Panama is in Europe...


It's the same here, only 75 degrees colder.

I actually have no idea, i don't go outside


>80% humidity

That sounds horrible

>check weather for weekend
>high of -19 C
>low of -33 C

Not bad. Sorry for the mobile pic.

Feels pretty gud

if it's not cold where you live, then you're not white.

And feels even worse. Here we have a weather like that for like half a year.

wtf I HATE coasties now

It's 27°C on the Gold Coast lads.

This shit sucks


Is it cold or hot in your neck of the woods?
I'd gladly take either over this weather purgatory

see In freedom it's a high of -2 and low of -28 and not accounting for wind chill.

Today was awful enough with all the wind, though I don't envy your humidity, that's just as bad

>crying about the cold
Winter is GOAT man, put on a sweater and get over it. I can't wait to go back up north for Christmas and have some comfy cold weather


>Winter is GOAT man
No one cares about the cold desu, it's the sunlight. We gotta take vitamin D supplements and/or use artificial sunlight to keep us from killing ourselves

>We gotta take vitamin D supplements and/or use artificial sunlight to keep us from killing ourselves
You sound like a weakling, do you need more time under your SAD lamp?

>western PA
>get frigid temperatures and a decent amount of snow in the middle of December
>it all warms up and melts right before Christmas Eve

every goddamn year

I'll just hang out with my fellow white friends not being surrounded by chicanos

If only, I'm in Georgia so you guessed wrong, pard

oh man, I'm actually sorry now.

Feel free to migrate up north to escape

I'm from the north, I moved down here for work

im the only one with 20°C not much humidity tier this week?
russia winter is even worst than brazil summer, i feel pity

rather warm lads.

>-30 For a week in mid-November
>rain in mid-December

Fucking global warming!

it will be about a month next time when the sun rises