Non-Americans and northerners will never experience the excellence of Publix

>non-Americans and northerners will never experience the excellence of Publix
Hmm . . . sad.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no /cum/ publix thread

>shilling for a fucking grocery chain

is this just a memey walmart?

This pepe is literally the only way I know publix even exists

Of course, it's autism central.

It's really expensive



Harris Teeter has better subs.

t. Carolina fag

i swear publix has been shilling on this site since 2009 with that picture and that exact post

Holy shit, Jason works at public?

I thought this was common knowledge around Genova witnesses.

enjoy your poverty

What the fuck is Publix? Louisianafag. Is it like Subway but greasier?

East TN here, I don't know of any Publix nearby.
Where the fuck are they?

we had one where I lived in middle TN, around Franklin

is this some sort of communist obama shart-free zone?

if so im not interested

im from the glorious best coast, what the fuck is Publix? is that like Lidl for New England scum?

you didnt know? he's been sent home several times because of his overpowering stench

For all you spagooters that aren't privileged enough to know, Publix is a grocery store chain in 4 southeastern states. It is similar in many ways to Kroger's or Ralph's, but it is generally very clean and bright and overall exhibits a pleasant shopping experience. Also, their generic Publix brand food, of which they have a lot, is generally as good as name brand.

>Publix Super Markets, Inc., commonly known as Publix, is an employee-owned, American supermarket chain based in Lakeland, Florida. Publix operates throughout the Southeast, with locations in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina and have plans to expand to Virginia in 2017.
The more you know.

This is literally every major supermarket chain in Australia
It feels good to be first world

So it's a Seppo Waitrose's

Yea but Publix doesn't have alligators in the produce section and poisonous spiders under the cottage cheese

Publix doesn't shill, it's just that good

Who else would have Florida State beef jerky?

Why don't Publix's have scales at the entrance/exits anymore?
Or was it just the ones I shopped to?

They stll do in the older stores

Is this just people posting about how much they love a supermarket chain?

Like if I started talking about how great Sainsbury's is? I don't get it.

There is one in Cleveland, TN I have been to

>implying northerners haven't been to disnie worl state

So it's like the Starbucks of grocery stores?

>tfw so irrelevant floridabro doesn't even mention west coast

sadness embraces me

>implying foreigners don't go to disnie worl state

it's like hannahford's

We have no culture so we build our synthetic one around consumerism.

Literally the rest of the country is northern, even the south

Floridians don't consider themselves Southerners either. Southerners would never be able to make something as good as publix

just how pleb can you get exactly?

How did you get this flag?

not as pleb as heb

i went there once when i was in tampa

it was just a normal grocery store, i dont get why its a meme. i guess most southerners get most of their food from fast food restaurants and gas station candy aisles so it's a bit of a novelty

Kill yourself, retard

if our brave union boys converted it to ash, then it's southern

>Americans will never experience living in a 92% white country
Hmm . . . sad.

Im american and never even heard of publix

we have subway, port of subs, and jimmy johns where I'm from

delet tis

Me too

They have Wisconsin meme food which makes it my favorite