average /brit/ bod edition
my willy is a bit smaller
vibrations? maybe she's not completely deaf either
just made a thread myself
what is x
business idea: rename the self-styled rosy to charlie
bag of custard doughnuts please boss
would be a bit weird to say you're completely deaf if you aren't completely deaf 2bh
how's your 2016 been lads
mine has been 8/10
they haven't. it's all "fake news" (aka propaganda)
solid 4
3/10 and that's being generous
How exactly has Russian hacking influenced the US Elections?
>Skinny-fat manlet with gyno
Oh my dayz pham
thinking EXTREMELY hard about young kylie
Is anyone even happy here?
God I hate this fucking website.
yeah im a dumbcunt and didn't properly read it
if you don't like the smell of vagina you're bent
simple as
Fuck off
jan - june was awful
july - october was the best
nov - dec has been mediocre
dude just think positive vibes lmao
Been a good year desu
7 tbqh
>Moved out of parents and in with mates
>Got into better shape, started lifting
>Got gf
>Did some nice travel abroad with work
>Didn't really go on holiday or anywhere interesting
>Didn't find a new job
Jan-Oct was great
Oct-Present was appalling, wipes out anything good that already happened this year
one of the better years in my lifetime
Tell us all your drama dubs-chan
2017 WILL be better
Want to die
Think positive
Start lifting
Be yourself
very little if any
>Be yourself
What a gay ass advice
What even music is this?
I hate this fucking place.
Clintons campaign would have gone a lot better without the whole email scandal (DoJ/FBI investigation) and the unsavoury/scandalous internal actions of her campaign being leaked.
pissing myself at this post haha
classic /brit/
cant lie lads those tumblr SJW blogs are extremely aesthetic
peak web design
What a gay ass flag
friendly reminder that mary's boy child jesus christ was born on christmas day and man will live forever more because of christmas day
no real drama just worked and got high everyday and got pretty dark but then went travelling and had a sick time and kept the positivity going for a while but now its got cold and dark again and uni got really hard
90s trip hop, you ignorant cunt
ahh yes this will definitely help
>trip hop
Back to the 'dit with you
The armpit must be a better smell
Yeah well how many colours yours got cunt
further proves that people are being brainwashed through higher education 2bh
It's not even about having a girlfriend. I just want a meaningful connection with someone. Nobody ever thinks to invite me to anything. I saw a snapchat story of three of my friends hanging out and I've never been invited. I don't hang out with anybody because I don't cross their mind. I have gone my entire life being the kid at school who says funny things sometimes and does stupid stuff but who tf cares about him. He's only good for a laugh every once in a while. Why would you ever want to have me around? They'll never know because they don't ever invite me. I sit alone in my room or at the piano and all I do is think about all the fun I'm missing out on for who knows what reason. Maybe if I had been richer or I had started smoking and drinking like my old friends did then I would be cool enough to hang out with them, but I didn't do that and now I just sit alone in silence. I don't do anything. I play stupid phone games and essentially I'm just wasting time every day until it's time for bed which is one of the worst parts of the day because I start thinking about my awful existence and all the things I failed at that day. I just need someone to show emotion towards me. I don't want to be some side character in a person's life. I want someone to feel something for me.
ahhh yes
ah yes, more arrogant students, just what we need
>police force made up entirely of poncy little uni wankers who couldn't get a job with their sports science degree
ah yes
>tfw no posh brit gf
based on her accent can you tell where the lass on the right is from?
>Paid degree apprenticeship
look this is just a way to reduce the amount you have to pay new recruits.
Do you even know what this genre is, you fucking pleb?
Good post
me 2
standard middle class southern accent, not posh
Having more/less than 3 colours on your flag is fucking shit
Having a 3 colour stripe looks almost as bad, especially as half of the countries of Earth now copied it
>i only listen to dat nigger chanting sheeeeeeeeit man
the south
her face is posh af mate.
>especially as half of the countries of Earth now copied it
anal is for dicklets
sounds really nice
yeah,, im pretty chummy all told
Have you actually read the article, Abo?
must be so fucking shit to have an area as large as that be completely urbanised
japan's lucky to have nice countryside, otherwise their country would be so fucking grim
desu putting yellow in your flag is THE most distasteful thing possible
it really isn't, its just makeup
you're under the influence of Sup Forums memes that brits are ugly
your flag would be better if the Prince's Flag
those orange dickheads bankrupted up to help you cunts reeeeeee
not posh la, 'posh' means received pronunciation
like to keep one fingernail long on each hand for the purpose of;1. scraping dandruff off my scalp and 2. extracting the dandruff from underneath that nail and flicking it away
Wouldn't mind some of whatever the FBI were smoking when they wrote this,
people will think you do coke tho
NEED to take my daily dose of LSD to keep my pineal gland from calcifying after reading this post.
Red, white and blue (and variations thereof) are the objectively best colours
the worst colours are: black, yellow, orange, pink and brown
only other coke users would think that
Who the fuck can understand these measurements/
classical guitarists do it too afaik
I can't think of a single flag with pink in it
that's 3 fingers and a thumb lad
Do you knobheads actually learn metric or not?
I had this brit friend and when i asked him he was really fucking vague about it, like it's actually taught but basically no one gives a shit and still persists on using Imperial for no reason
Do you ever read your comments before posting and think to yourself how boring and autistic you come across?
why are australians allergic to caps unless they're trying to emphasise a word
don't see what that has to do with classical guitarists' fingernails lad
NOT sure thats strictly an australian thing desu
decorations of red
on a green christmas tree
won't be the same, dear
if you're not here with me
the battlestation
>North Korea
a brit pointed it out the other day and i can't unsee it
we learn and use both, its really fucking odd but I dont mind
>Distance in miles
>Short distances in metres and cm
>weight for food or ingredients in kg and g
>weight for people in stone
>height in ft and inches
>speed in mph
and so on, we effectively have to learn both systems
>And this is where i store my koreans and chinese so they can dry