these are yurops big 5
These are yurops big 5
Replace Ireland with Netherlands and you've got something.
Big what? Cucks?
dumb spic
Go suck a donkey cock
I count 6, also:
We all know Liechtenstein is the real european powerhouse
Why no Russia :^)?
because then a million russians will appear in this thread saying:
Cuz they are not white and European (and have aids)
>Panamanian counting skills
ireland doesnt count m8 theyre brit clay
>half of them are pigs
>says the country created around a canal and primarily known for a hat which is not even from there
i see what you did there
My fellas, why do you enjoy so much ranting on Spain? Why is this country about being jealous of everything and everybody?
where's your cuckstamp m8
I don't want to be with these fuckers, no bully
Then why does the pic have us with our own flag?
it has the cuckstamp like it should, on the right uppper side
If you said EU then yes but this way Russia would come into it's place
k den
Rest is ok tho
Why is there 6 of them?
Reminder we are surpassing Italy in GDP per capita right about now.
You forgot Poland
>diagonal lines on the cuckstamp represent Ireland
Lets be honest here, only 3 of us really matter.
With all due respect to Spain, a country that I love and that had probably one of the most remarkable empires in history, they're not really "big" anymore. Not since Napoleon crippled them forever.
They have a small economy. They're not relevant within or outside the EU. They're not founding members of NATO or the G6/7/8.
Britain, France, (West) Germany and Italy are the only big 4 of Europe and have been since the second half of the 19th century.
Delete Spain and put Poland on it
We, Ireland and Britain.
>Britain, Germany are the only big 2 of Europe and have been since the second half of the 19th century
Fixed for you, Beppe.
Spen y u no nationalist, nationalize everything for speibo ppl give everyone land ban anti-iber prppaganda etc..
Nationqlize banks.When ever I s
1. Italy
2. Germany
3. France
4. Spain
5. Netherlands
>African tier Unemployed and homeless
Is this a list of countries that haven't won a war since the 19th century?
shut the fuck up u bolivian scum, since we got inmigration from ur country and almost all hispanoamerica
>t. Vosotros
It must be pretty humiliating to have an island right outside your doorstep, owned by a European power that has told you you can never have it, and has beaten the shit out of you for daring to take it back and regain your own national sovereignty. Cuck
Europe is a spoke, rocks have no political sognificance.
>right outside your doorstep
>500 Kilometers
Fuck that shitty island a nobody cares in fact, you must talk with Spain about Gibraltar I think
Where's Sealand?
It does in Argentina. In fact it's the main point of foreign policy in every election. It doesn't mean much to us, nobody here particularly cares, but we do care when someone else wants it.
1. great britain
2. france
3. germany
if u consider ivan as european he goes here
4. italy
5. spain
6. switzerland
7. netherlands
8. argentina
9. sweden
10. portugal
> the main point of foreign policy in every election
Sauce? the main point always has been MercoSur alliance, Brazil and Venezuela
Chile isnt as salty of europe
the problem that Spain have with UK is that they can't free Gibraltar from them, it must be brit or spaniard, but that's not our main problem , we got 800 k of bongs retirees leeching our public healthcare the could thatke them back they r disgusting
we don't have much relations with chile in fact
When, currently ?
Currently it is
1. Germany
2. Russia
3. UK
4. France
5. Italy
and I swear god that I'll give them Ceuta and Melilla if they take the fucking old pile of crap retirees back to where they come from
That must be why Spain just surpassed Italy in GDP and is about to pass Japan, yes.
>about to pass Japan
u wot
im thinking mostly in historical relevance/ currently economy/ currently welfare index and culture
also memeing a little
el patriota forocochero es tu peor personaje
Pedro is drunk on cerveza, leave him alone.
overtake, whatever
you're not really wrong
don't forget yugoslavia
only the kikes care about that u crypto-jew, prepare the boats we need to invade something we got money to spend
Yugoslavia hasn't been a country since back when the Japanese economy was doing well.
I miss 90s so bad