Does your cunt have a pyramid?

Does your cunt have a pyramid?

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these are our pyramids
so yes



looks like they went searching for the goat tower and got lost



>of course, but its turned backwards

Slowvak haha

In Russia.

I stand up to our name


please get on my level

show us picture of the pyramid you stupid nip


still waiting egypt to come over

Egypt haven't internets.

Yes. The rebel base in the new star wars movie is based on this mayan city. It also in episode 4 (the actual pyramids)



Yes, it's just been eroded by wind over time

close enough


We make human pyramid at school event.

Nice minaret

this is our pyramid
so yes


Comfy ufo

impressive teamwork japan!~

Finland yes

This is the church of my hometown.

In fact it is one of the largest pyramids in the world

Interesting picture ... is there more like that? I assume that is no photoshop

I think there was some photoshop. Check the Russians on top of the pyramids session too

Crystallized autism

we have something like this too



How can other nations even compete?


kind of


>only pyramid schemes

Australia, can you please for once stop shitposting?

greatest meme

You seem a bit too proud for a shitskin in a shithole.

You seem a bit too proud for a cuck in a terrorized nation

Egypt was the cradle of civilisation, show some respect.

That was Sumer.

Egypt is the most beautiful Arab nations though, way better than Algeria

Terrorized nation ?
Cuck ?

I live in the countryside, highspeed Internet, not one shitskin in 5km from me, neetbucks for the life, best healtcare system in the world

Eat my shit please

can smell the garlic from here

Yes, its even cursed!

>proceeds to make a list to why he's a cuck
I love Easyrope tbqh

Funny, ive just eaten a piece if baguette with cheese and onions 10 mins ago, not even kidding.

Seriously, i'm french therefore i'm litteraly on the pyramid

Are you seriously thinking that guetemala is better than France ?
Eh... Well, hope is the best thing for the human being

>smell the garlic
You're probably thinking if Italians. The frogs are more onion eaters.


Stop. You're embarrassing yourself

Is this jealousy?

Lad stop

stop btfo them senpai

Damn i didnt knew that when i visited budapest, also we have but too lazy to post pic


it's pretty far out from the city centre, not a lot of tourists ventures there unless they have a ticket to the National Theater or the Palace of Arts

No pyramids can top these. I dare you.

I actually went to the national palace of arts and damn i was impressed, too bad that seems like im not coming back in a while

I wanted to post that...


White pyramid of Xian

>american education
America is not a country, it's a continent


>french intellectuals


What the fuck is wrong with you people?

The Aztecs would've loved this one

Largest pyramid in the world is pictured

Yours are the gayest, I'll give you that

Linked the wrong one for what the Aztecs would've liked
