
Dick size edition

(I honestly find it hard to believed that your todgers are this small lads baka)

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5.5" erect

why are all relevant Australian muscians paedos

jesus that's pathetic
wouldn't having that small of a dick make them infertile

7" erect but I have major blood flow/blood pressure problems so sometimes it's only like 5-6"

why on earth is flaccid length recorded?

6.5 here
7 if she puts in work

that's what I tell myself lad, since I went to a povvo school and ended up at a better uni whilst she went to a posh private school

still pretty intimidated though because she reads a fuck tonne of books and knows a lot more about politics and shit

Why not?

i'll buy it.

im 5.5 at least maybe near 6 its hard for me to maintain a hard on while measuring

thin as a pencil though

there are literally 8 threads up right now

If you look at the mountain, you can see a bear in it

Why do flowers and vaginas look so similar?

so what kuck we own this board

men are so stupid


the pilonidal cyst appears to be coming back


they don't

>Why do flowers and vaginas look so similar?

bit of a depressing vid, almost makes me want to recognider the whole NEET thing


do you mean reconnoitre you utter mong

it's just not the same as a 'dora

would you rather be a manlet or have a small willy?
as a manlet I wouldn't trade my decent willy for height

um... can you be nice?


Post your willies boys.

how small a willy are we talking?

what's the cutoff for a manlet these days?

drawn another swastika on my desk



very expensive. 2.4 GBP.

no thanks

mine is VERY aesthetically unpleasant to look at


hmm let's say you can be either 5'6 or have a 4 inch thin willy


>tfw I have a really nice looking & smelling penis but nobody will ever get to see it

>this NIGGER of my roommate bought an alarm clock
>it has been ringing for 21 minutes now (it's 7:21 here) and he hasn't moved an inch
Give me suggestions on what to do

that only makes me more curious

do you have a foreskin?

penises only need to be around 4 inches to be effective

take the batteries out of it

manlet then

Am I the only grower not a shower here? Feels bad having a 2" flacid dick.

How could anyone have a full hard-on if somebody else is standing there measuring it?


what if it was a pretty girl measuring it

6 inch flaccid 6.1 inch erect

yes i have a foreskin

it's just quite red, curves like a banana, and has quite a few of these little white bumps around the shaft

marvelous post

Congrats on the self quote, you've really made the annals of Aussie history.


Very Nice

feminine handwriting



post it so I can judge

VERY GAY thread so far, boyos.

same la
got this asymetrical thing that looks like some kind of rash/ scar running along the bottom from the ballbag to the tip, same texture as your lips or nipples

showing my appreciation for the well crafted post

everyone's willy is like this you utter spastoids

Just did a measure now using a piece of string

QUITE happy with 7.5

i wish

most girls' handwriting i've seen is much nicer than mine

are you seriously samefagging just so you can post your own cock

Nobody can fuck with me, nobody can FUCK with me.

now post the willy...

I'm not samefagging tb.h

fucking hell, looking through my old notes hear from 4 years ago


>Ask yourself, who is somebody that you really whole-heartedly respect? Now ask yourself why. Now bring those reasons into you & love thyself


might just top myself lads

thy will be done

If you were older then 12 when you wrote that you should kill thyself

how old are you?

yeah I've internet researched it, called the raphne I think
mine's just a lot wider and prominent than it should be, probably an inch at it's widest

don't believe you

i'm just laughing like fuck

n-n-ever mind

>Now bring those reasons into you
bit gay

was a period in time where I spelt author as authour haha

i still have my diary that i used to write in when i was 7

most of the writing is about my gameboy

They both serve very similar functions


this is the first time i've seeen this



Buy ear plugs, get a large speaker

to my dear Aussie friend,

she did this by vaping into a bubble like those kids bubble blowing things

A man refused to sit next to me on the train today 'I ain't sitting near a Muslim' he said

baka his ignorance is his own ruin

t. shia

jesus that's some detailed polygons

Got a name for this older single woman?

i bought 3 toblerones.
1100Yen, 7.15 GBP. :(

Sounds like a top lad

>Brazil is only two hours behind


>3 toblerones
alri tubs

ahh, good english chocolate

wait what? how the fuck does that work

that's what i thought


>sad act on an anonymous board makes above average claim about themselves

And you don't believe him?

are there any bears in britain? elk? anything remotely dangerous?

refused to sit next to a Muslim on the train today lads

17 cm dick but its a pencil

rather have 2-3 cm off length and more girth


been reading the daily mail have we bruce?

brazil has three time zones

doesn't explain it

doesn't explain nothing