>british cuisine
British cuisine
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cusine is a step sister retard
fuck you slav basterd
what the fuck, as a taco lover this is gore
They're drunk all of the time so they make food that tastes good while drunk.
if that's gore what's actual gore end up being?
I don't see that being tasty no matter how intoxicated you are t.b.h
This is accurate.
stfu crisp sandwiches are heaven-sent!
>chips and bread
wow....so this is the power of britannia
cuisine is like кyхня
Wow. That's what I call low-tier food
>crisp sandwich
>chip butty
>toast sandwich
You disgust me.
Doesn't look like much but I bet it's actually good. Gonna try.
what the fuck
crisp sandwiches on normal slices of bread a thing but not with a wrap
this can't be real
chip butties are god-tier food
That looks more like a Mexican immigrant attempting to make a crisp sandwich.
>crisp sandwich is actually a thing
I thought it was just a meme like the toast sandwich
How is this cooked? It is heated in the microwave or not?
It's a child/intoxicated student thing.
toast sandwich is a meme
crisp sandwich is a snack for children/stoners
chip butty is GOAT food
>Same thread every day
not sure if people on this board have short term memory loss or they are just very easily entertained
This is true of every imageboard, most message boards, and even real world conversations.
> russian salad
Lmao I used to do that too.
But its tasty sober too
Give it a go
>Beloved british """dish""" is typical african cuisine
having a mild buzz doesn't mean you're sober sean
isn't jordan in asia
fuck off wop, go back to your spicy meatballs
Actually, it's made out of grain. Potato alcohol is the samogon, produced by enthusiasts.
Try it Ivan, chippy sandwich is god tier.
even worse
Really puts the cognitus apparatus into motion.
I do love my friday tacos
>canacucks think putting gravy and cheese on chips is unique and take pride in it
lmao we've been doing that up north since before you were a country
>chip sandwich
>crisp sandwich
>toast sandwich
>british """"""""cuisine""""""""
toast sandwich is a meme, only the other two are true
also i've been in polish shops and polish food fails regulatory standards here, it's so bad it's illegal lol
>british cuisine
i want to masturbate but my parents are at home what do
We should not really roast the british, our cuisine is in fact not any better.
lock the door?
use the toilet?
literally nothing wrong with crisp sarnies and chip butties
Could really go for a curry about now.
>it fails some imaginary EU standards therefore its bad
nicely memed Muhammad
t. cuck
t. vegan pussy
B-but kielbasa and paczkis?
Now the crisps were decent. Had a good crunch to them, salty the way we like. And best them ridges were capturin all the saus you know boss man did it right wif da ruffles.
The cukes were on as well, noice, thick slices very meaty..succulent. Not soggin up the wich as it were. Um, a bit under seasoned...no real heat.
The wrap on the other hand was just dead pham, not really fluffy but indeed rather chewy and had zero flavour...just nang. Bossman must keep his wraps near the heater or somefin cuz dead on pham they was dry.
Overall his chipwrap wasn't bad, price at 2 quid 99 (never got my pence change eiver) I give it a solid 2.7/5
If you're in the Tallywhackershire neighbourhood and cravin proper chip butty head down to Punjeet's off licence and ask for a right crisper.
I was on customary high school trip to Auschwitz, all we ever got was schnitzels and potatoes all trip
memes aside british cuisine is rather good
We have no cuisine.
If you count """english breakfast""" as cuisine, which really is just a bunch of fried shit, then you're a culinary retard.
>scottish cuisine
>we have no cuisine
but we do
Give me ten (10) examples.
what about the pies and puddings and stuff
It's absolute shit, doesn't count as a proper dish.
Dunno about """"cuisine"""" but standard and traditional British dishes are usually just made from fresh meats and vegetables. Nothing overly special but usually tasty and more importantly fresh.
Those are called Berliner
Poles steal everything, from food to cars
>argues about cuisine
>"dont know about cuisine"
>be a country cucked to death and back
>doesn't know that there's like 60 different kinds of sausages
This kid needs to do a collab with pic related.
I'm not arguing about cuisine, numbuts. Didn't you see the """"cuisine"""" bit in my post?
Berliininmunkki is a traditional Finnish jelly doughnut
ours is still better
Can confirm, berliininmunkki is finnish.
what the hell do you eat daily to think of this as an "upgrade" ?
how can this be a "recipe"? what makes them so lazy when they cook something.
There is literally nothing wrong with crisp sandwiches if you're a kid.
shut the fuck up you dumb piece of shit
You know, if they just took the toppings of the pizza and fried them inside a batter ball, it would be a lot better
toast sandwich isn't real
the other two are gourmet
Is tea real or just a meme? Seems weird to boil a bunch of leaves
beef wellington
cottage pie
shepherd's pie
fisherman's pie
sunday roast
toad in the hole
steak pie
full english
welsh rarebit
spotted dick
knickerbocker glory
eton mess
and so on and so forth
what about treacle tart?
just a big hoax desu
yo, i don't know how you fuckers manage to keep having these threads at a reasonably civilized level
everyone here is convinced everyone else except for our balkan neighbors and southern europe has shit cuisine. any implication of any differing opinions gets laughed off. like, i genuinely can't comprehend how people don't get burried in (You)s for saying
>german cuisine is best
>czech cuisine is best
>russian cuisine is best
>polish cuisine is best
>scandi cuisine is best
>x asian shithole cuisine is best
>x taconigger cuisine is best
it's times like these where i think that sometimes Sup Forums is more tolerant than the real world
These threads are so constant and repetitive that no one cares anymore
Am I doing it right?
Brits make great pies and people who slag them off can suck it.
Steak and ale pie is best pie.
Cause of the huge immigration to UK, Brits now can choose and taste food from any part of the world you can imagine. Also even so called traditional British cuisine has some awesome cheese, beer, meat pies, stews, sea food. And English breakfast is godlike.
Completely wrong
>cusine is a step sister retard
Cheese mentioned.
fuck off you cunt
pole detected
very nice
Some times ago the brits on Sup Forums actually admited that their food sucks but recently they're coming back with the damage control. You people need to settle down and accept it. It's no big deal after all, Germany has shit food too.
Take it easy lmao, thanks to pakis and pajeets we have some variety in our """""""cuisine""""""".
german potato salad is pretty good. their chocolate cake is great too. and i fucking love sauerkraut, but i'm weird.
Yeah. British cheese is worth dying for.