1. you're a cunt

1. you're a cunt
2. your honest opinion on Argentina and Argentines

Other urls found in this thread:


i heard argentinians like ruby so i like them.

pretty shit desu i see you everywhere in Madrid

buenos aires is calm i guess

1982 :)

1. Poland (soon Argentina)
2. I love Argentina and Argentines


I don't know what are you talking about, dude

dejá de hacer este thread, pedazo de subnormal.


The only country in SA I could live in

argentina needs to fuck off

stop shitposting like clockwork shitbot

if you bump this i will cut you





I think Argentina is alright.

por que no dejas de postear el mismo hilo todos los dias.

for fucks sake don't reply you fucking mong

good cock suckers

that's not what your mom said last night desu senpai

desu good fuccbois

we need more poles to bleach our population, pls come

>polish bleach

You are some of the most obnoxious cunts that I've ever have the misfortune to cross paths with.


good, stay salty nigger.
and pls don't come here to steal from our educational system, thank you.

what? no! are you crazy?

Stop with the threads you fucking autist.

but i want to know the ppinion of the people about my country


you negative don´t touch me mister

>browsing in Sup Forums
>not being autistic
what are you? some kind of weirdo?

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for brown children

Bumpo bumpito bumpón

I heard it's the whitest of all countries. that's all i know about it

my friend tried going there once, and he said the whiteness blinded his eyes and he had to go back