/balt/ + /ausnz/

Flightless bird edition

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wearing my all blacks t-shirt right now


Who would win in a fight. 100 kiwis or 1 canada goose?

Is this, dare I say it, /emu/

Would you want to take 100 of these ferocious beasts on?



could watch them run all day lol

They're funny little things



Had to much caffeine and I'm sweating hard.

Didn't meant to quote. My hands are shaky.

Why so much caffeine?


Reminder that all other nations in this general compared to Lithuania have zero history.

1. Your cunt
2. Your honest opinion on anime and anime fans

Anime is Baltic culture.

the little cunt is fucking mental haha

It's our culture.

those digits tho

Anime is complete shit and anyone who likes it is a fucking retarded loser permavirgin.

>buy a shitty mic for €8
>it's shit
should've expected it desu

Why? Are you a real life emm cee?

i want to talk with fellow nerds in my video games

>resisting saying what you want to say
FAGGOT LOSE- uh.. whoops

>/aus/+/nz/ are waking up...

it's almost 12pm here lad

yeah, i know

Esmu pie stockmann Rīga, kāds negrib satikties?

huh, I thought it's like 10 am, but I didn't miss by much

Hate Fridays. Always leave work 15.00 the latest. It's not unusual to just bail at 12.00 after having lunch lol.

what's your job?

It's way messed up to describe in detail so let's just say: programmer.

fucking nerd permavirgin. get a real mans job

Хoчy пoбывaть в Литвe в кaчecтвe тypиcтa. Bы мeня нe yбьётe?

I have a child tho.

You still with your left hand?

Of course they wont. They're all Russians too.

нeт, пpиeзжaй, нe cтecняйcя

>I have a child tho.

is parenthood as awful as everyone says?

that's pretty sweet, I originally went to study IT after high school but pretty quickly realised I knew very little about it and didn't care enough. How's the money tho, any good?

yeah right thats why you spend your nights on a chinese cartoon website xD DDD

Let's put it this way. Being a parent is kind of awesome for yourself, but not for you. She has really made me thought about life, but at the same time hate it a lot like not ever before. It's just fucked up.

Money is good. Not as good as doctor tier, but still good.

It's my private time. Don't get a lot of that. And the dirty board has sort of become a habit since over 10 years ago.

Couldn't agree more

I can't imagine having a gf and browsing this place, but having a child and still being on here...Christ


Muh gf used to be a bit sour about me browsing gore and weird porn for a while. When she delivered I promised to be a man, but i could already see in her eyes that neither her nor me believed me lol.

see you

*see you in your coffin at your funeral weebshit

>being this autistic over other people liking cartoons
>caring about what other people do anyway

stop making us look bad, Marek

Why do you presume I am Polish? Was your mother fucked by the plumber and you're angry now weebshit?

Because only poles are this mad


Because Poles are the closest relatives of Estonians.

Latvians are the closest relatives to Estonians tho.

you guys forgot about mämmi

Anime is latvian culture and until Estonians can accept that we're not even neighbours


KÁ AKÁ - MMA fighter/rapper from Akureyri. Fun fact: the guy that owns that chevy malibu in the video is a former drug dealer


Úlfur Úlfur - Rap duo, would say they are the most popular


Emmsjé Gauti (Emmsjé = MC). 27 years old, from Akureyri

Aron Can - probably the worst Icelandic rapper

Gísli Pálmi - Drug dealer from Reykjavík, his father is one of the most richest men in Iceland.


Herra Hnetusmjör - think he is 18-19 years old. Name means mister peanut butter


GKR - short for his name, Gaukur. Most vaporwave tier icelandic rapper


LANDABOI$ - 17-18 year olds from Reykjavík. Landi is slang for moonshine


Alexander Jarl - Drug dealer from Reykjavík. If you are wondering about his dark complexion, his father is Palestinian

Yes that's what i said.

I did not forget. I filtered. Somehow the filet does not work for /balt/+/ausnz/.

Why are Lithuanians so different from us? You almost look and feel like Russians in both appearance and manners. Do you think it is the Polish influence in you? Or were you always slavs?

I accept it

i didn't mean to doubt you, gomenasai


t. permavirgo loser

they can point and laugh all they want but we have a bond that is going to be stronger than that

Hmm, it's the opposite, really.
It's them that are somewhat like us in their appearance and manners.
I guess it rubbed off on them. Lithuanians ruled teh slavs, after all.

We will give Latvia to Russia as a gift. They are already all slavs and they are also shit tier cartooon fagtrons.

FUCK. Need to go attend duties now.

just got here

professor accepted my late paper
will celebrate with a shower wank :-)

How to stop being bipolar and retarded?

just be happy lmao its all in ur head lol

The Netherlands is an odd country, in fact I'd go as far as to say it is a country that perturbs me deeply. I do not hate the Netherlands, I actually love it (though against my better judgement).

The problem with the Netherlands however, is that it is a harmonious place, but to an excessive extent; it is a place where life is ritualistic and clinical, a sterile country without any scenery, instead a featureless flat expanse where any semblance of originality or character is destroyed through universal adoption and duplication as part of the pervasive norm and uniformity.

This is not a spatial observation of the monotony of this land, but also of the people, a measured and homogeneous group. Amongst the Dutch all deviations from the norm are measured, yes you can have a silly haircut, provided there is ample other people with it, yes you can like a certain type of un-mainstream music provided there is a general counterculture trend that goes along with it. It is a clear culture, mundane yet not moribund, a malaise of monotony.

Even their most heated and contentious issue is a contrived and pointless affair, a yearly debate where the exact same arguments are dished out even more enthusiastically as the last. In fact, I feel as though Zwarte Piet only exists for the sake of having something to argue about, in a land where everyone agrees with one another.

The thing that disturbs me most about this 'country' (if such a thing exists in the way that we've previously conceived it) is that this is recognised, the maladious and boring place is in fact celebrated on those virtues. It is this repetition that the word 'gezellig' captures.

I say this full of admiration for the Dutch, they are a successful land, however their success is rather bittersweet, in exchange for success they've sold any flavour and love from their land, they are truly automatons going through life in a barren and bland setting.

I pity the Netherlands.

It's too early in the day to be happy :'(
Trying it later

Redpill me on these

excellent post

They go very well with Australia's favourite drink, OAK™ Flavoured Chocolate Milk.

Hey boys

queerslander genocide when

Do they attack humans too?

Our bikkies are the best.

haven't had a decent anzac biscuit since granny died in 2008 tbqh

soon lad

why bully queensland


have u awoken?

Sup bois, I am here, I have arrived, I have awoken, thanks, and your thoughts?

I got a new bike today :D

Skate or die

I'd look like a total faggot if I tried skating TB|–|. My fashion sense is dork-tier and incompatible with trendy shit like skating.

woke af


Pretending to take a piss at work to waste time.
Just standing with my dick in my hand browsing my phone.

Still standing.

Still standing

totally me btw

I've basically finished working but I can't leave for another 2 hours

Literally sweating in here

are russians like niggers in estonia?

do russian speaking estonians just consume media from russia?

They are niggers yes
>Russian speaking estonians
No such thing, they are simply Russians

Only old faggots consume Russian media, younger generation of Russians in Estonia listen to Estonian and western media

do you they live in seperate neighbourhoods? do they attend university? are they lawyers and politicians? policeman, soldiers?