Finns and other Euros, explain to me sauna culture. Is it done most commonly after a night of drinking, after exercise, or just whenever? Do you sauna with your friends, your family, strangers, all of the above? Do men and women usually sauna together? Is everyone naked? Are sauna boners common or is it just too hot for that?
Finns and other Euros, explain to me sauna culture. Is it done most commonly after a night of drinking, after exercise...
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All of them
Not common you get used to it
I need those sweaty feet in my face jesus christ.
>so autistic that they have to stand 10m apart from the next person at the bus stop and wouldn't dare interacting with a stranger
>have no problem stripping nude and sitting in close proximity to naked members of the opposite sex in a small, sweaty space
Fucking Scandinavians how do they work
The two on the left look like jailbait desu
>wearing makeup in a sauna
I wonder what thad room smells like
we're clean in the sauna.
but you might catch a stink off the bus stop people. anyone poor enough to use a bus smokes or spray-deos themselves.
Probably are tbqh
you have to mouth-breath, air is too hot
>Is it done most commonly after a night of drinking, after exercise, or just whenever?
Whenever but mostly in summer after swimming a cool lake
>Do you sauna with your friends, your family, strangers, all of the above?
You can do it with anyone really
>Do men and women usually sauna together?
>Is everyone naked?
>Are sauna boners common or is it just too hot for that?
I don't think they're very common but it certainly happens
Júan, it doesn't smell like anything because it's so hot you have hard time breathing through your nose.
>you will never have a beer in the sauna with your finnish best friends
why even live
So are you guys comfortable being nude in other contexts? Like in Gym change rooms? Or beaches? Or student nude runs like:
[NSFW link sort of, but its """""""art""""'""]
I think I really appreciate the Anglo tradition of prudity.
Do germans use saunas a lot? I kinda don't know the traditions outside Northern europe.
>ywn casually get a throbbing erection of your penis near your blond high cheekbone cousin
Why? Are you self conscious user? Japan also has sauna
about $350 for a flight to Helsinki, and 20€ for swimming hall ticket.
then you can whip your dick out, sit down, and wonder what that bucket of water is for
I think we had some nude marathon in the summer, but otherwise it does not translate too much elsewhere.
>Not very common
Finns confirmed for homofags
i'm supposed to have some finnish lads to banter with in the sauna
I just don't understand why its suddenly okay to be naked in saunas, but nowhere else.
Like, if you peek at a girl changing in the changing room, and she's just wearing her underwear, that's incredibly awkward for her (and illegal in some contexts). But if you're at a hot springs, she'll be flaunting everything just a couple meters away from you.
We know it's you, Polan.
if you want to know why, hold your boner real close over boiling water and see how it lasts.
Protestant Northern Europe is more relaxed on nudity than Catholic Southern Europe, unless France because they're fedora Freemasons since 1789.
Because naked, we are in our purest form and if both do it there's nothing weird about it until you make it weird.
c-can you hold it for me senpai?
B-But when you get into the room.
It's hot
and where did you get $350?
costs me almost $2,000 to fly there t.b.h (to be honest)
on Momondo, New York to Helsinki in January
You have that the wrong way around.
Protestants were puritanical. You cannot kill a tradition based on obvious health benefits however.
As Finns have told me on here, you have to be truly made of tough stuff to be able to go in a sauna and stare at a 70 year old man's balls for hours.
No not as much as you but sometimes.
but we don't stare nor even think about.
Meaning of course continental Europe, not the UK which is where American culture inherited most of its odd prudery from.
protestantism and reformation never hit us that hard that they'd destroy traditions.
They did affect Germany though and they dgaf about nudity either, at least not in the Protestant areas. Europe in general didn't have a lot of taboos on nudity until the Enlightenment and Victorian age made everyone ultra-prude.
Americans just took it too far
350 my arse
The first FKK clubs started appearing in Germany around 1900 actually; at this time there was something of a move away from Victorian prudery and a renewed interest in classical Greek worship of the human form.
Scandinavia was not affected so much by the Victorian age b/c geographical isolation.
We were never really prude, nudism really started in the 60s though.
Foreigners cannot understand sauna culture
t. guy with russian gf that has sauna at home
maybe it was one way?
with enough time in advance, I've found chile-finland tickets round trip for $1000, and those are often chile-usa-finland
started in the 30s already
>tfw finnish friends
>tfw sauna trip confirmed
only arabs and burgers cannot understand sauna culture
one of the best things about finland, desu
the only time it was ever awkward for me was when there was a little girl in the changing room
They pick at random areas to be autistic and areas to be all 'wild and free'
Weird as heck
Though especially in the DDR, and the 70s was the high point of naturism in Europe. It's kind of lost popularity since the 90s. Maybe people are afraid of cell phone cameras nowadays, idk.
>my whole country is puritan faggots
>sauna culture will never exist here
Saunas make more sense in Scandinavia's climate desu.
Don't know what you're on about m8, Italian women sunbathe topless like it's nbd.
Only Western Euro country that comes close to American prudery about nakedness would probably be Ireland
It's like that everywhere.
>bikini = fine
>underwear = oh dear what if Jesus sees
Male nudity at least was not a big taboo in the US in the mid-20th century. Gyms and schools at that time required men and boys to swim nude.
I often go to public saunas just to look dicks
>the only time it was ever awkward for me was when there was a little girl in the changing room
Couldn't control your hardness, no? ;)
In those days, the lower classes swam and bathed nude in rivers often with no gender segregation, although upper class women typically wore a bathing costume. By the mid-19th century, a lot of beaches started banning nude swimming.
When they want to relax.
or with friends or family.
If the family is separated.
If with friends, if you are buy whores - together.
Want naked and want not.
And if you bought a whore then don't be shy boner.
with the kind of hot that we experience here, i cant imagine myself ever enjoying a fucking sauna
i get anxiety just thinking of sauna hot
Big deal, a Finn would probably spontaneously combust if you dropped him in Panama. :^)
I'm female, and was still sort of new to sauna then.
>tfw back has acne scars and too self conscious to go shirtless in public
I like winter, glad saunas aren't a thing here
Pity, you have the right climate for it.
>Is it done most commonly after a night of drinking, after exercise, or just whenever?
>Do you sauna with your friends, your family, strangers, all of the above?
With friends and family mostly.
>Do men and women usually sauna together?
>Is everyone naked?
Of course, how the hell would you do that in your clothes?
>Are sauna boners common or is it just too hot for that?
Never happened to me.
Japan used to be same for onsens too, fine regardless of gender and age. Hyper-focus on age, gender and sexuality is a recent thing. Nowadays two males can't hug in western countries without others questioning their sexuality. It's like we aren't as prudish in modern times but at the same time we're even more prudish.
One on the left is cute as fuck
You fucking retard holy shit. I'm flying to barcelona in feb for 260 dollars.
You're welcome
because bathing in sauna is a shamanistic ritual of purity that cleans your body and soul. every sauna is a sacred site and sort of a safe space so people respect each others and the ritual regardless of their individual differences in habitus or ideals.
>>Is everyone naked?
wtf I don't like finland anymore
Everything got way too oversexualized.
Your sauna is too cold if you can be there for hours. And the old man is dead if he does not complain about cold sauna.
Wtf I love Finland now
This, exactly. Not all nudity has to be sexual. However a lot of influence from the media and the internet has changed this.
>Italy is chill and they're catholic
>Irish are not chill
Lad, Irish are papists too
Christianism didn't use to care about nudity until pretty recent times. People saw nudity as something more or less normal.
even Adam got clothes once he realized he was nude
He got a leaf. Because he was poor and couldn't afford the whole vihta to beat himself while naked in sauna.
>a fucking leaf
That was Old Testament tho
Either way I don't hink Jesus gave a fuck. I think it was Paul who said women should dress modestly, but that's subjective. If everyone is naked everyone is modest because they look the same.
Wearing clothes in sauna is pretty damn dirty
Nudity wasn't a big deal in Japan until the US occupation when we made them wear Western clothing including pants, skirts, blouses, and underwear.
Obviously, modesty has always been a thing. You're not supposed to go naked to your job or the market or shit like that. But it was never completely shunned as it is today. Up until the 19th century, people weren't afraid of bathing nude outside or things like that. They understood that getting nude didn't mean "let's fuck."
Pretty long for me. then again I am a freak penis wise.
>Nowadays two males can't hug in western countries without others questioning their sexuality.
Lol no.
Is that why they're drinking?
Btw, is the beer at room temperature?
What you're saying is, people had no problem with nudity if it were an appropriate situation like swimming where one would normally be undressed. Obviously you wouldn't sit naked in an office meeting.
Would it be creepy to ask some qtie in Finland for her # in the sauna?
if you go for the handshake hug and back pat thing that's pretty acceptable
The vast majority of people on nude beaches are gays or baby boomers who no longer give a fuck.
Official nude beaches = pretty darn gay
Being nude on your own beach during summer, drinking beer = pretty darn awesome
i would not stop staring at any pair of big boobs in sauna.
>I will never go here
why live
>no cute finn boy to sauna with and gently tug his cute pink finn cock
why would you want that?
most saunas aren't mixed
and finnish girls aren't really big boobed, in general
why is Sup Forums so gay?
Yes. Exactly. However, your country was way too prudish.
I mean, it was different in the 70s when family nudism was at its peak. Today, somewhat less so.