What happens here?
What happens here?
Country music, rednecks, whiskey, good barbecue. 7/10 it's a pretty good state.
Nothing of value. Please stay away.
t. Tennesseean
The BEST happens here.
10/10 state, especially the eastern part.
East Tennessee is literally blander than bland. West Tennessee is Best Tennessee.
Factually untrue. Eastern TN is more interesting than all areas surrounding it.
Our main export is interest.
I used to live in Knoxville
Tennessee has its pros and cons, probably 6.5/10 overall
My part is the only part to live and go to. East Tennessee is okay with good landscapes, the west has good food but is just a flat plan in a lot of parts with thick forest spreader about. Middle Tennessee is the only important part.
It's also hotter than all areas surrounding it.
I stayed at a hotel in Nashville and got an ear infection from the pillow.
Hannah Montana
East Tennessee is just a less interesting North Carolina.
North Carolina is just East Tennessee with tons of yank transplants and no SEC team.
Also vinegar based barbecue sauce SUCKS.
giants shoot massive amounts of ammo into the earth to please the sky god
Tennessee is a pretty good state to live in, but East Tennessee is the only good part. Especially the Northeast part near Virginia if you like good landscapes and small cozy towns like Kingsport and Bristol
You're not entirely wrong, but vinegar based barbecue is objectively best barbecue.
>any year
>putting your NASCAR into a stadium
Any saucy barbecue is subpar but vinegar based barbecue is the food of the gods.
>a fucking parallelogram
Why is every single US state like that
Colorado is a square, and lots of states are just random shapes.
Colorado isn't a square. The only square is Wyoming if you disregard the spherical shape of the planet.
>tfw I live real close to hickock
Visit this wondrous, magic land sometime.
refugee white cubans get arrested
>mfw someone makes a thread about my state.
>import leftie mestizo subhumans by the millions
>Obama sends these guys back
Feels good.
Well, the west border is the Mississippi. The eastern border is the mountains. However the north and the south were drawn by colonial authorities in England who had no idea what they were doing, back when Tenn was the western part of the Carolina Colony.
Are you from Tennessee? Because you the only 10 I see.
I can't imagine anything good or fun ever happening in the CSA's.
Basically every relevant country music performer got discovered there. Even non-country artists like Justin Timberlake get discovered there (he started out in Memphis).
Drinking, poverty, and bad sports teams
For reference, this is what Eastern Tennessee looks like:
The proper thing for visitors to do is to rent a cabin in this area and then go to Dollywood.
>I can't imagine anything good or fun ever happening in the CSA's.
Not every place can be a beacon of riveting entertainment like Canada, buddeh.
Literally see this when I look out my window.
Feels good man, even if I have a Poland-tier quality of life.
There's quite a few dry counties around here, tbqh.
Here is a nifty sampling of some of the cool tourist offerings in Tennessee. Anything with an overall score of 9.00 or higher is above average.
mac and cheese canucks BTFO
>There's quite a few dry counties around here, tbqh.
This. Something to consider when visiting. It's all an effort to supress moonshining. Some counties are also "moist" counties, where you can't buy booze there, but you can buy it from somewhere else and drink it there. Fun fact: Lynchburg (where Jack Daniels is made) is in a dry county.
t. butthurt southerner
I always love repeating that fact.
It's absurd.
>There's quite a few dry counties around here, tbqh.
You and I both know that never stopped anyone
Absolutely true.
I still think it discourages alcoholism, but I'm too busy getting drunk to care.
Your mother and I always knew that you would be a disappointment, even from aboot the time you were born.
Dollywood is pretty much the best American-themed theme park there is.