Why are whites so fucking stupid?

Why are whites so fucking stupid?

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Why are E*ros and J*ps so violent?

ching chong ling long

We're just really lazy.

>finns, paddies, ex-russians and canucks are the only ones able to compete with asians

what does this test measure? capacity to memorize data?

maybe in science due to rote memorization involved in chem and biology, but if you have to memorize shit from math or reading, you're probably sub 400 tier

That's a cheap excuse.

A cheap excuse worthy of the lazy

In all seriousness however, I'd moreso put it down to a culture that discourages academic achievement in many schools. If you're clever, that's no something to be proud of in a poor area.

But we are asians

reading is 100% capacity, but math are like 50% memorizing and 50% capacity

In my opinion stupid is equating ability to do math with intelligence.

>Taiwan in Math
>Taiwan in Reading
>Chinese Taipei in Science

Math (high level) is a better check of intelligence than IQ or anything else. It's the best way to measure your level of problem solving.

>but math are like 50% memorizing and 50% capacity
here math is barely memorizing as we're given the equations to work with, there might be a bit of memorization but it's mostly manipulating equations and a little bit of spatial thinking for geometry-type situations

That isn't true for me personally, but give source for that being true for the general population.

Right on my Asian brother.

Math majors can easily go into CS or Science or learn pretty much anything that isn't huge on memorization with ease. Programming actually is pretty much math and 90% of it is just thinking of an algorithm and then translating it into your favorite language.

they rack disciprine

>canucks finns
>not asian

pick 1


>Math (high level) is a better check of intelligence than IQ or anything else.

Not exactly.

So you don't have facts, this is just your subjective opinion. Actually I agree that math correlates to memorization kind of learning. Which is very prominent in asian countries.

If white are stupid then why white people ruled the world and still do?

In Asia only India and China are of any importance. Japan is just USA colony under natives "control".
Africa - no country of any importance.
Middle East, the same, well we cany say that Turyeky is important but they are more white then not.
Both America are mostly white.

This world belongs to white race.

Sorry pal, but white race is disappearing. US Whites will be a minority in the course of couple of generations, europe whites also stopped breeding. Sure, China is becoming a superpower, but Taiwan, Korea, HK, Singapore have massive economic impact, and they still grow. Soon it will way larger that most of the european countries.

le rote memorization meme




>We're just really lazy.
Typical answer by white people, actually Japanese are the ones that put less effort on these tests


PISA is special because it is designed to found out whether students can use whatever they have learnt in school and apply that knowledge to real life situations and problems, the test is less interested in knowing whether students can repeat like parrots what they have been thought in class

See more here:

My impression is that westerners generally take shit less seriously than asians. Whatever it is.
Even if they put some effort into one test. They just joke around most of the time. Koreans are so hung up on the "serious business" of schools that many of those who fail kill themselves. And you have the whole respectfulness and polite culture. You don't joke around with that.

>If white are stupid then why white people ruled the world and still do?
PISA only gives us information about the reading, math and science skills of 15 years old that are enrolled in school and are at least in grade seven, 15 years old that are enrolled in school and are at least in grade seven don't rule the world

>My impression

So stupid children become those who rule the world and genius children become irrelevant to the world?

>many of those who fail kill themselves
The suicide rates of young people in East Asians countries is pretty much the same, if I remeber correctly only in countries like Japan, Hungary and New Zealand is considerably higher


This graph illustrates something that old people never fucking realise here, Britain never got any worse, every other country just got a lot better.

More like, "white people, especially Anglos and Nordics, were the smartest people in the world and that is why they ruled the world but now East Asians, Finnics, some Anglo offshoots and maybe Swiss are the smartest and they are going to rule the world soon"

What is that even supposed to mean?
I said "young people", and still, suicide rates are not even correlated to PISA scores, nor to other International large scale assesments scores


*The suicide rates of young people in East Asians countries is pretty much the same AS Westerners

>supposed to mean
Just facts, you don't have to try to remember.

I don't even know what the hell this "PISA" thing is. Nor do I care.
I'm more interested in IQ scores.

Student life in Korea is suicide-tier. Seriously cant be compared to western countries

>I don't even know
Thank you for showing us your ignorance on the subject

You're welcome. Does that feel good?

>less effort
>tests and work

My fucking sides
Anyway, anyone who has had contact with Asians in a work environment knows they're robots and have no creativity. Their natural position is below the white man, being given specific tasks to do while the white man actually thinks of new ideas and fucks their women.

>Student life in Korea is suicide-tier
Students in Korea spends as much time as Slovakians on homework


Laziness shouldn't matter desu. If you have ever had to "study" to succeed at a test you are a subhuman and probably sub 100 IQ as well.

non-western countries have a reputation for cheating on tests

india and china being some of the worst

>non-western countries have a reputation for cheating on tests
Another typical knee-jerk reaction by white people, see OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría Treviño remarks about that here, from 20:47 to 25:03
and also the Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills of the OECD Andreas Schleicher here:

What's with the hostility against whites Paco?


shut up JAcques, the only reason your country is even top 50 on that list is because of Wang bumping up your averages

ungrateful faggot

>Czech Republic
>Slovak Republic
Really makes you think

honestly you dont need your whole population to be EXCELLENT at reading and writing when over half of them will end up doing something completely unrelated.

H-haha we asians mirite guys

if asians are so smart why is every non-westernized asian country a shithole

string-eyes btfo

It's pretty needed though. Quality of workforce needs to be high.

PISA scores are much better though in every way for nation comparisons on the state of the education. IQ does none of that.

I'd love to see that figure adjusted to per capita. We have a lot of people, thus we have a lot of dumb people.

You stagnated hard.

I think you mean "non-per capita", that is the "total amount of smart and dumb people" right?

I would ignore the results of Hong Kong, Macau, China and Korea since it's well established that cheating is rife in these areas and officials try and game standardised tests to inflate scores.

They don't fucking cheat though. You can't cheat on PISA's, how would you?

>Make sure terrible students are "sick" on the day of test

I'm sure something that obvious is covered. but there are plenty of ways to do it if you are dedicated to it.

lol this

believing chinese data is retarded

>Insult China
>A Fucking Leaf jumps up to defend them


>it's well established
See And besides there have been never problems or inconsistencies with East Asians countries in applying the PISA Technical Standards, but this was the case with Albania, Argentina, Kazakhstan and Malaysia in 2015, in the case of the last three their results are not fully comparable because of issues with sample coverage (Argentina), school response rates (Malaysia), or construct coverage (Kazakhstan)

The Netherlands also tried to rig her results in 2000 (and again this has never been the case with any East Asian country/economy)

Well for starters why is china only represented by its most well educated provinces?

Are you seriously this fucking dense or just another braindead nigger wetback piece of shit Australian nigger?

Like, I really can't tell, your question is so stupid it doesn't even make sense.

You do not want to get caught cheating on a test in China.

》You do not want to get caught cheating on a test in China.


China is not represented by its well educated provinces, in all of the OECD reports, press releases, etc., they make sure to point out always that it represents only "Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Guangdong" they also do the same everytime they mention Cyprus and Israel, it is actually pretty annoying but I guess they do it for faggots like you

Regarding Hong Kong and Macau see youtube.com/watch?v=piEayQ0T-qA I think it is a pretty clear explanation

Sorry m8, I forgot how low down the reading comprehension list Brazil is. In the list that OP posted, China has an asterisk next to its name. look at the bottom of the image, and you'll see "China is represented by the provinces of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Guangdong". These 4 areas are probably the most well developed in all of China. It is very dishonest to claim china as a whole can be represented by the results of these 4 provinces.

Actually, most lists you'll see only have the name of the province, with China as a country not appearing. It's not fair to compare it to other countries that are properly tested like this.

OP's image in particular is dishonest as it does name China as a country. If they are only recording results for certain cities/provinces, why don't they do this for every country?

>China is not represented by its well educated provinces,
>they make sure to point out always that it represents only "Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Guangdong"

I am having trouble wrapping my mind around your contradiction here. Are you saying Jiangsu province is not one of China's most well educated provinces? If so, I would like to bring you to contest on that statement.

Actually if we dig deeper into the data only western countries are the ones that seem to be cheating


By the way Shanghai has the same life expectancy as Chile and Guangdong has the same GDP per capita as Mexico

There are actually figures for subnational units and other types of stratifications like races and ethnicity in the United States, Hebrew and Arabic speakers in Israel, indigenous background in Australia etc.


>It is very dishonest to claim china as a whole can be represented by the results of these 4 provinces.
Again, the OECD has never done this, it's just media trying to get clickbait from white people

Then why wasn't this image in the OP? Oh because he was only interested in some weak race baiting.

To give you an idea of how the GDP per capita (PPP) of those 4 Chinese provinces and the rest of China benchmark in the international context in 2015

Macau $111,270 (it would be between Qatar and Luxembourg)
Hong Kong $56,878 (between Switzerland and the United States)
Beijing $30,136 (between Slovenia and Slovak Republic)
Chinese Taipei $46,833 (between Germany and Denmark)
Shanghai $29,245 (between Slovak Republic and Estonia)
Jiangsu $24,950 (between Kazakhstan and Latvia)
Guangdong $19,140 (between Bulgaria and Gabon)
Mainland China $14,340 (between Algeria and Macedonia)


Pilot PISA tests in China in 2009 show that China performs around the OECD average





>roasted by mongols



why are asians so useless?

And in 2012 Pilot PISA tests in Zhejiang (GDP per capita (PPP) between Chile and Panama in 2015) showed that it performed above all participating countries/economies in that year