The whole world is taught to hate us

>The whole world is taught to hate us

Really makes you think

we aren't desu

Amazing how you guys are craving for attention. The whole world does not care about you, now snap out of it.

That can't be right otherwise the term Anglophile wouldn't exist. Millions of people around the world are Anglophiles. The French have the same problem, both liked and disliked. It's a factor of being highly relevant.

You're not Russia.

>le eternal anglo meme
now imagine how Swedes must feel.
Or the Jews.

>The whole world is taught to hate us
Are you sure kiddo?

We're not Germany

Except not really

>virtually not taught about the empire in school
>go aboard and don't know why everyone hates you, every country for their own reasons
>get beaten up and glassed



People abroad hate us because we're inconsiderate cunts when we go abroad

yes that too, I think it is exaggerated though. Like Spain I can understand the chavs can make it easily and cheaply to, but not as bad outside of europe

No one cares really

We are taught to value our alliance and to suck ur cock
Plz keep beating spain up

We aren't too.
I think just country who were communist

we dont hate you

literally who

i hate you for bringing mass chink and poos here

>UK and France
>highly relevant

All the foreigners love us desu

I love you