And why is it romania?
Which european country u hate the most?
I hate romania because it is not a real country
I am not romanian, romanian is not a real ethnicity and if you call me a romanian irl i will flip the fuck out
Because Romania is a non-nation full of gypsies and other degenerate motherfuckers
Also other shitty european nations would be
I don't hate any one of them.
Romania has a wholesome shape, neat architecture and language along bears and cool fairytales.
They also made a fine oildispenser and btfod the turks back then.o
Arent you of daco-roman descendance or did your greatgreatgreatgreatmother at least identifie as a wallachian?
We are all Transylvanians here
> t. Szabó András
I am Transylvanian
I don't know man I like their flag design. It's almost perfect.
Are transylvanians different from the southern romanians like north germans are different to south germans?
Cant think of any.
he's a fucking troll, arae you autistic?
Trebuie sa te intorci
Because they took away erdély and deported magyars
I don't really care about anything else
I despise how Romania treats their gypsy-population so inhumanly into extreme poverty and crime, so that they're forced over here, bringing begging and their stupid huts, throwing their trash in our parks.
Makes you wonder why gypsies are treated inhumanely in the first place.
We had a gypsy family as neighbours last year. Well, basically 2 fat women and a kid. First we thought it was a big family but it appeared that she prostituted herself, and the pack of men coming and going 24/7 were her clients.
When she finished working she turned off the electricity for the bells of the whole apartement block. When we complained she just laughed in our faces, when the police came she just called us all racists.
From a fight she had with her Albanian pimp at 4am the whole apartement block heard that she only asks 20 euros for a ride, and that her pimp was going to trash the whole place if she stole from him again.
The worst of all was, when police came, they answered to our complaints: "these people have a different culture".
I can't tell anymore if Swedes are trolling or genuinely retarded. All I can say is that your kids will love you for the paradise you are leaving them.
Who here is a crime infested shithole?
Transylvania is bringing the national average up
Plus those are only reported crimes
kill yourself turk
go back to russia
>Because Romania is a non-nation full of gypsies
ohohoo, look who's talking
Nobody cares Szabo Farkas. Only hungarian diaspora like you want an independent Transylvania. My ancestors fought for the unification of our peoples, ofcourse a fucking hun like you wants to weaken the cultural identity. Go to hungary if you want a country your ancestors """fought""" for, you are not welcome here.
Thank you noble finn.
Sunt ardelean si tu nu
Faina mema totusi
Nagyon helyes.
Dony know about that,looks like someone took a leak on France
Imi pare rau, sunt ardelean, nu vorbesc maghiara
Eu sunt ardelean prietene, tu esti un nefericit a carui stramosi acum cateva generatii au trecut la catolicism si au inceput sa fie fututi de u*guri cu ochi de chinezoi fiindca ati fost prea beta sa rezistati conducerii maghiare a transilvaniei. Trebuia sa plecati din tara cu prima sansa, nu ne trebuie Farkas Alexandrescu ca tine pe aici sa ne imputa orasele cu partide mema de genul UDMR si sa nege crimele ocupatiei maghiare asupra populatiei romane.
Nu exista
Vad ca esti prost imi pare rau pentru tine. Daca nu exista unguri, de ce populatiile neconsiderate maghiare erau discriminate in timpul """Marii Transilvanii"""?
Datorita revizionismului istoric
Primii unguri au fost ardeleni, la fel si primii romani
inteleg, am vrut numa sa ofensez r*mani
fapt divers ardealu independent ar fi mult mai bun decat ardealu bozgoresc/rr*manesc
Si atunci domnule Csobi Szekel unde sunt "ardelenii" adevarati, ce limba vorbesc si de ce nu ii vad nicaier, incercand sa obtina independenta fata de romania si ungaria?
Pentru ca sunt ca tine, nu stiu cine sunt cu adevarat si continua sa creada in aceasta mema
Lucrurile se schimba, insa, incet dar sigur
who is shitland
Poti raspunde la primele doua intrebari? Si de curiozitate, ai inceput aceasta discutie cu o opinie clar nepopulara si controversata din cauza alegerilor recente? t. Om suparat pe rezultate
Am raspuns deja la ambele intrebari
Nu imi pasa de alegeri, oricum PSD castiga
this fag is
toti eu
de asemenea eu
HEEM yourself my man
Look who's being edgy there
Thanks for the (You)s