According to the latest research Indians are the most ignorant people on this planet, closely followed by Americans

According to the latest research Indians are the most ignorant people on this planet, closely followed by Americans.


They tested peoples knowledge about their own country.


A nation of philosopher.

Britain's thirst for knowledge knows no bounds.

>Chile is more ignorant than congolombia

Damn but it's all about LGBT, muslims and shit.
Fuck you Neverland.

The Netherlands, UK and Australia have mastered the troll sciences.

At least indians have a long history, americans on thenother hand...

The guys who collected the data were French.

Also it just ranks nations according to their tolerance.
The Netherlands, UK and Australia are the most cucked.

No it doesn't. It's ranked on how accurate people estimated the statistics about their own country, ignorant Frenchie.

Explain, merchant-liar.

I did the test, it's fucking stupid and anyway I did it better than any country's average. I thought it was going to be about general culture and not a cuck test.

Pajeet, what are you doing in europe?

Realistic rank.

Brazilians are extremely ignorant and think Russia still communist and also that all Muslims are suicide bombers.

Just fucking look at this shit.
It's all about cuck-things. I can't believe you fall for that knowledge trick.

Comprehensive reading is hard for French people. We get it.


It is a Cuck-O-Meter poll!

that is such a loaded question though. What does it mean being "unacceptable", what does that word entail? A lot of people have probably understood it as "they're gay so they should be killed/jailed"

This test is bullshit, how the fuck am I supposed to know what percentage of people are against homosexuals and people having sex befores marriage?

>how can I not be ignorant?

this chart is fucked up

Dutchies are really turks

Ahahaha, fucking cucks

>how can I start giving a shit about things not worth giving a shit about?