The only way a white male can star in a AAA Hollywood movie is if said white male is Mexican

>The only way a white male can star in a AAA Hollywood movie is if said white male is Mexican

Really gets your neurons working doesn't it?


>Diego Luna

>giving a shit about star wars

disney star wars is awful, stop paying attention to this trash.

Diego wouldn't look out of place on the image in the left desu.

Not this guy. He is in Star Wars too? He looks and acts like retarted boy.

who the fuck cares? Fucking Sup Forumstards are just right wing Tumblr triggerbabies.

>watching hollyjew movies

>that photoshopped finn
If they were all wearing the Rebel's uniform you wouldn't be bitching.

Vader kills the rebels at the end desu

to be honest, I like the 'now' picture more, it kind of gives more of a 'random group of people that managed to survive through some shit' than the old one.
Then again, I know nothing about Star Wars franchise because I don't watch movies

praise kek

How would you review this film?
Please don't make me go to fuckin Sup Forums...

It's ok.

>nigger fucks your wife
>"sure we need to stop Russia"

really makes you think

Does the nigga appear on this one too?

Really makes me think

Also, this "mexicans are white" autist is a cuckold

>I don't watch movies

What makes him a cuckold?


>not a faggot.

theres always the role for the white male to play the villain in every movie

Diego Luna is white to you? Would you consider Oscar Isaac white then?

oh hey Sup Forums

I actually wouldn't, the old one looks like an actual military force that could fight the empire. the new one looks like a bunch of tards who could only blow up a convoy.

Sup Forums is a bigger cancer than Sup Forums at this point.

Not that guy but memes aside both Isaac and Luna are for practical purposes white people whatever meme Amerindian ancestry they probably don't have (they both look med)

What's troubling here is that it makes a difference/matters at all Luna is a Mexican, Isaac is a Guatemalan, that's far more influential in their lives than whether they're light skinned mestizos or dark Iberian whites.

The new one isn't a military force but a rag tag team, haven't seen the movie yet but from the trailers Luna is the only one, at the time of the movie at least, that is a actually a ranked rebel operative.

In the old continuity rebel forces were largely former Imperials, Solo himself graduated as a pilot from an imperial academy, it's comparing apples to oranges, these guys would e something like the resistance in European countries working alongside OSS in WWII, which could be anything from Italian mafia to German defectors to French peasants. Quite a different group than the guys flying bombers out of the British isles.

Btw this is a ps, but in the movie rebel soldiers look like slavs and commanders are quite like the 70's picture.
Realle made me think.

They just look like shit whites, not slavs, casting in the 70's was pretty close to anyone you could grab as oposed to the industry it's become since.

The one reference which was obvious was Imperial officers mostly had British accents while rebels spoke with American accents for the most part.

I'm talking about Rogue One : they are like based slav rebels.

While in the 70's they look like normalfags with ridiculous haircuts.

>they both look med
no, they do not user, they do not

kek, what the fuck do you think meds look like? The cherry picked models that they use on /pol threads discussing whiteness?

Diego Luna's mom was british tho.

My point stands, the guy may not look Nordic but he certainly doesn't look Amerindian, which again, there's nothing wrong with.

The girl is a qt.
The movies was awesome.
The whole diversity didn't feeled as forced.

I wish more women wore dresses like that.

She dresses well at carpet events. No tits half out or slits up to the hip. I agree with you.


>The one reference which was obvious was Imperial officers mostly had British accents while rebels spoke with American accents for the most part.

Which is funny as nearly all of these guys on the left are almost certainly British, seeing as the original trilogy (and recent films) was shot in the UK using British productions crews and extras