*Starts masturbating furiously*

*Starts masturbating furiously*

>Finland as part of Russia

come here spic

Not today finngolian

*teleports behind you*

Psshh... to slow.. kiddo

>Ukraine as part of Russia
Hold him


Come get some bread

oh dios mio I'm out of here

>russia part of finland
long live empire of finland

Thanks for giving back OUR colonies.


chupame un huevo galleguito de mierda

>Nizza and Costa Azzurra part of Italy
Garibaldi approves

>giving png and new zealand to australia

Why did you give forests to spics and why did you leave São Paulo to take care of Brazil's Northeast? Nobody likes them.

Because spics belong in the forest
What is a Sao paulo?

>Kansas in Mexico


Brazil's top-grossing state, which basically gets fucked in the ass by brownies coming from the Northeast or getting funds reallocated there.

>Russian British Colombia
>Russian Yukon
>Russian Alberta
I dun geddit

I like how we still own the Falklands

Thanks, I did it intentionally

Thanks based turanic brother. Turko-Fingolian empire when?

Hong Kong too


>bolivia still has no sea
>chile stays the same
>malvinas are still british
All is good with the world

>slovakia and győr part of austria randomly, but other parts of hungary aren't

autism, not even once

>Russia boo detected

>Texas is in spic-land
>But Falklands are British
>Finland is in Russia
>But Hong-Kong is British
>Niggerland part of Spain
>But Korea is united
Not sure how to feel about this