
Crouching Thornton Hidden Duracell edition.

Also my wife's sons get out REEEEEEEEE

Other urls found in this thread:


are uachtarán

When will they learn?


need a gf lads

how do i accquire a pure blooded gaelic gf fit to bear my seed


Be yourself you utter faggot

Fuck I did it again.

you mean tell her about the globalist conspiracy alex?

how do i find myself

>Both defendants were described as being "high risk" of re-offending, probation reports concluded.

>At the time of the O'Donoghue burglary, David Casey had 14 previous convictions, mostly for road traffic and public order offences, and one previous conviction for burglary. He was on bail in relation to burglary and robbery charges at the time.

>Michael Casey had 44 previous convictions
when he burgled the O'Donoghue home.



>tfw no average irish gf


>being a prostitute
>in broad daylight
>in the middle of town

>mfw I used to live near one of those cunts

Why can't we just gas the knackers ffs

>I'm voting yes at quarter to seven
What did she mean by this?

That's when she'd leave the disco to be fingered

>"But user, no one has the right to take human life"
Same wankers against the death penalty are pro-abortion.

>tfw no modest Irish gf

Honestly there should be a straight-up death penalty for repeat offences, or any kind of "home invasion" including burglary.

And more importantly as well "single-mothers" (including merely unmarried mothers) need to be punished and certainly not funded.

I'm a lesbian why would I not love her for this?

too cute

>I'm a lesbian

It was established that you are in fact a male.

A lot of single mothers have cuntish husbands that beat or left them. Can't really blame the woman on that one.


Only people who hate single mothers are middle class yuppies with no friends who think anarcho-capitalism is a real ideology.

>in a bit of a mood
>boys joke it must be my period
>tfw it actually is

I'd say it's more people with absent father figures who blame their problems on how they were raised.


never trust a sligonian

>A lot of single mothers have cuntish husbands that beat or left them.

This wasn't even true back when 2nd-wave feminism was new. If you want to assert otherwise, provide statistics, since "anecdotal" knowledge in the modern world suggests otherwise.

Additionally, placing the blame for single mothers on the quality of their "husbands" ignores the fact that the responsibility for choosing their husband and their children's father(s) lays ENTIRELY on the woman, not "society" or anyone else.

Only people who defend single mothers are single mothers and numale white knights.

That's legitimate reasoning, but talking about the people making the argument is not a counter-argument.

shit I had an eu4 screencap but the file was too big so it didn't post

Convert to jpg or resize.

You'll be nu-ly female when I rip your cock off and bate you about the head with it at the meet up, faggot.


Look, I get your ma is hungry for cocks, but things have gone too far if she has to send out her babby to go rip them off of strangers to bring to her council house lair.

>This wasn't even true back when 2nd-wave feminism was new
Fairly sure spousal abuse was always a thing. But I don't have any graphs or numbers so maybe it wasn't.

>Additionally, placing the blame for single mothers on the quality of their "husbands" ignores the fact that the responsibility for choosing their husband and their children's father(s) lays ENTIRELY on the woman, not "society" or anyone else.
What if he was fine for a while but become a bastard later on? It happens with age and especially alcoholism.

Is the meetup still on? How many are going?

That you Rooster? When are you back in Ireland?

We're meeting up at Diceys, there's like 16 of us. Frogweeb is coming over SPECIFICALLY to suck the cum out of my cock at the meet up.

germanlad is coming over too
He seems sound but I'm hopping him anyway to show dominance

Diceys where and when?
There's a Dicey Reillys in Carlow.
I'll go, invite me lads.

Meet me outside the underage disco for a fingering.

You better stop this meme.
Are Sersh is pure.

>But I don't have any graphs or numbers so maybe it wasn't.
Not saying it "wasn't" a thing, just that as an excuse for feminism it's a load of shite, seeing how feminism was pushed by rich women with soft husbands who'd never disagree with them, let alone hit them, deliberately fostering the belief that every marriage where the man lashed out or used violence to silence or punish the woman was a decades-long torture of the poor innocent woman, and fostering the belief that all of your neighbours' marriages could be like that too.
Subversive shit meant to break down the trust between men and women, between family members, extended family, and community in general.

And as an excuse for the modern phenomenon of "single-motherhood", it's insanely out-of-touch as well, given how much of a witch-hunt there is for "domestic violence" nowadays, and the fact that "single mothers" generally, perhaps even by definition, do not get married in the first place, meaning that divorce or a husband who betrays the family is not an excuse for the phenomenon which I'm describing.

>What if he was fine for a while but become a bastard later on? It happens with age and especially alcoholism.
Then, IF there is a case where that is true, the responsibility for the "single motherhood" is his fault, but it is a damned lie to say that that is a common occurence, or part of the socially-engineered phenomenon of "single motherhood" more broadly.

When is this meetup so I know when to avoid Diceys?

>Sersh is pure

There isn't one, I just told a lie on the internet.

As if you're going to a club...


Reminder that those who voted no or would vote no are more Irish than those who voted or would vote yes.


Same thing with the fag vote.

I'm actually in Diceys fairly often lad

Not all of us are shut ins

This was the referendum that ended this country

I love the upsurge in Willie O'Dea posting.

all me

ELLEN post your FUCKING neck right NOW!! Cunt!


>it's a "yank tries reposting things he's seen here to try to fit in" post

Itsa me :)

>it's an "it's an" posting spree

its all me actually

are you a cute girl?

Hello Ireland.

are Italian women qt?

There's an agony aunt article in the Irish Times about some guy whose wife is divorcing him for """one-off gay sex""".

Truly the society the brave lads of '16 had in mind when they went out to face the British gunfire

Unfortunately not.
Wassup cote d'ivoire
That's one thing about them.

For your information I'm the original Ellen Post Neck poster. I've been doing it multiple times a week for more than a year now.

The wife wants it, or he does? Or is that her reward for divorcing him?


She's divorcing him because he's a faggot, and he's run crying to the Irish Times about it.

The Irish Times should be used as a database for the Government to track and catalogue all the "progressives" in the country.

We can then purge them overnight instead of it being a witch hunt.

>it's a "yank tries to pretend he invented something that was posted before he was old enough to own a phone and then replies to himself" thread

>it's a frogweeb doesn't post her feet again thread

oíche mhaith

fuck you post neck

She showed them to me ;)

*breathes furiously*

Meet me down by the River Saile, motherfucker.

i've got a penknife long and sharp lad


>bomb them willy, bomb them all

Got more dakka lads

>stop the bully lads

Breathnú suas

Another tank lads

Downloading every one of these Lion of Limerick pictures.

It won't stop me.
None will survive.

Here's another to add to your collection.

was he involved in the american clown attacks?

Just realised that clown walks like our Kev.

the know nothings were right
potatoniggers need to be gassed

Why marry a woman if he's a fag? Used to talk to a qt Polish girl whose boyfriend left her for a bloke, she was one of the kindest people around too, fucking gays I hope the devil comes and sodomises them on national television and a few am radio stations.

Who wore it better?

Why didn't you fuck her? Or was it the boyfriend you were trying to seduce?

>not naming the file "two Snakes"

>Why didn't you fuck her?

She didn't want a relationship after what happened, lost contact with her now anyway.

>She didn't want a relationship after what happened

Doesn't mean she didn't want metric tonnes of the D(ea) lad.

Willie of course
>yfw Blindboy runs in the next election in Limerick and gets BTFO by Willie

It's unnaturally mild over here for the middle of December. Doesn't feel like it's close to Christmas at all.

>not snake and shnake

post ur feet pls

Yeah I suppose I need to stick my weapon in a woman someday lad.

I actually saw Willie O'Dea at a Lidl in Limerick yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Excuse me sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

I just did.

Don't be such a cock tease.

Goodnight user.

wtf.. willie o dea? more like willie o geebag... i hate limerick now