Overrated shit-tier chocolate

overrated shit-tier chocolate

looks like its compensating british teeth indeed

Why didn't they just raise prices?

Fuck these scummy scamming practices. Everything gets smaller just so they can charge same price. Not only is this intentionally misleading to consumer, it also fucks up calculation of price indices.

Surely making a different-shaped bar just for the UK would cost extra money for Toblerone. It seems like the most cost-effective thing to do would be to continue selling the regular bar in the UK at a higher price, if Brexit really was a big issue for them. It seems like the company are just doing this to protest Brexit rather than because it's the best thing to do, it's incredibly immature of them.

And there are far better European chocolates out there anyway. The only time anyone actually buys Toblerone is when they get the really big ones from a foreign airport. So those people won't even be affected by this since they're buying the regular bars anyway.

We're a Cadbury nation m8. No one gives a shit about Toblerone.

Get used to it lad. After you're out of common market, everything made for Brits will have to be "special" to comply with your national standards.

I love toblerone, but Cadbury is top dog.

You guys should switch to hershey's

Hershey is shit.


What kind of poverty-tier Toblerone is this

You guys should switch to Cadbury tbqh.

isn't it actually puke?

IIRC you guys give us an inferior version

American chocolate has different ingredients, they substitute cocoa for something else - 10% cocoa for American chocolate, Cadbury here has at least 20%

>not switching to Ferrero

cool, your flag looks literally like an half-opened chocolate bar

Hershey has blocked the import of real Cadbury products because it apparently creates "brand confusion" with Hershey's products.

It's not Cadbury's fault that Hershey are complete jews.

We mostly eat british chocolate, cadbury's or rowntree (mars bars, milkbars, malteasers etc)



>The Hershey Process milk chocolate used in these bars uses fresh milk delivered directly from local farms. The process was developed by Milton Hershey and produced the first mass-produced chocolate in the United States. As a result, the Hershey flavor is widely recognized in the United States, but less so internationally, especially in areas where European chocolates are more widely available. The process is a trade secret, but experts speculate that the milk is partially lipolyzed, producing butyric acid, which stabilizes the milk from further fermentation. This flavor gives the product a particular sour, "tangy" taste