/lang/ Language Learning

>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Find people to train your language with!

>Language learning resources:
4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Sup Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

>Duolingo is a free language-learning platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. Duolingo offers all its language courses free of charge.

>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30+ languages.

>Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages.

>Drill based courses with text and audio.The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is the United States federal government's primary training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community.These courses are all in public domain and free to download.Site may go down sometimes but you can search for fsi on google and easily find a mirror.

>Free resource to learn vocabulary, nice flash cards

>A flash card program

>Clozemaster is language learning gamification through mass exposure to vocabulary in context.Can be a great supplementary tool, not recommended for absolute beginners.

>Tatoeba is a collection of sentences and translations with over 300 hundred languages to chose from.

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I'm trying to improve my skills in English learning more vocabullary, reading books and watching some tv series here:
but I don't know what I could do next, if someone has any suggestions I thank you beforehand.

And also getting started with portuguese.

You should add Lingvist to the ressources, it's a great supplement tool and is helping me with French

Sure can you give a sentence or two about how it works, whoever makes the next OP will add it with that description.

Is Dutch worth learning? I'm fluent in English and German so of course it's easy as hell (so far at least) and I find it fun but I get the feeling I'm wasting my time

It's kinda like clozemaster in the sense that you get a sentence and have to fill in the missing word, also has nice statistics about your progress, grammar tips and more information about a word (noun gender, verb aspects for Russian, etc.)
For English speakers there's currently Spanish, French and Russian available, although there'll be more to come

Play our video games. Some French fag I know learned English by playing video games.

>learning slightly "uncommon" language
>all these fun new apps never have it until 10 years later

I learned a shit ton of French vocabulary from playing Pokémon Emerald.

>Tfw no one in their right mind would learn your language

toki, linja toki /lang/ o!

bosnian is pretty much a dialect of serbian/croatian right? idk that doesn't seem like a totally useless language to learn, probably the most useful slavic language after russian

I know but it's still hard as shit to learn.

can someone share some french songs to practice understanding?

specially ones about love that will break my heart


Only if you planning on living/working there
Otherwise it is pretty useless because we will speak english to you anyway.

but it is cool if you would ;^)

Read history books, college papers, novels, etc.

How do you guys find motivation? I know I should practice everyday and I damn well try but some days I'm just like, "fuck it, I don't feel like it today," but I know in taking that attitude I'm not gonna get anywhere.

Btw as far as programs go, I dunno how many languages it applies to, but I recommend Assimil, it integrates listening and reading into one neat little package. A bitch to pirate, though.

Norwegian thread

>tfw studying Slovak

gl finding any subtitled shows

Studied Korean, Chinese, Uighur and German and never had any problems finding content (even with fucking Uighur). Literally can not find anything in Slovak and when I ask someone it's "Oh well we understand Czech and the dubbing is better in Czech"

This is a country with 5.5 Million people and about 3 decent educational videos on youtube and almost 0 English subtitled content. Even Maltese is easier to find shit for.

why slovak? gf or work or something?

I wish frenchfags would still roll their R's tbqh

gf ye

We live together but we're both very busy with work and honestly she has tried to teach me but it's not her forte.

Some still do in the south. Btw in french songs the r's are never rolles, they are "grasseyé" which isn't done with the tongue like thrilled/rolled r's but with the uvular. I can't roll my r's for shit but i can do " r grasséyé"

Could you suggest the equivalent or George Orwell in French?
I really enjoy reading in French but I feel like you guys have a fetish for "roman policiers" it's all that my AF's library has to offer apparently

>learned a language
>only get erping on Sup Forums and other chans

Pierre Bordage books are pretty sweet.

Rolled R's but in the throat?

You mean like the German consonantal R?

I was excited about Lingvist adding Russian. But after using it for a few hours every day for about a week I had retained basically nothing. I found Memrise much more effective for me

Empezamos desde el fondo del barril.

Quiero amejorar mi castellano como puedo???

>tfw able to read/pronounce and understand kanji/compounds you don't remember learning

a very gratifying feel

PS what language of chinese should I learn? Mandarin has the most speakers period but Cantonese has the most speakers outside of china

also how do I learn it, what textbooks are good

Ve algunos programas que salen en la tele y el youtube. Busca un libro que puede ayudarte con la gramática.

Lo que necesito es hablar como uno nativo. Los metaforas y todo esta mierda que alguien en España entiende. Mi grammatica es malo pero puedo entender otras.

*Las metáforas y toda esa mierda que alguien en España entiende. Mi gramática es mala pero puedo entender otras (?) cosas.

Me da vergüenza decirte que tengamos nativos en este foro que no quieren ayudarte porque son pendejos. Pero al menos tenemos unas pocas personas como este argentino que no son tan malos como los demás.

Otras persona.

Muy apreciado, gracias!

I had an Italian gf so same experience. Ask her to talk to you just in Slovak from time to time and try to answer to her.

De nada, user. Sigue trabajando duro y tendrás éxito algún día.

entonces sería:
...pero puedo entender a otras personas.

English is not cute like a cat and finnish is not ugly like a monster :(

Is there any good sites for Spanish learners?I'm thinking about learning Spanish.

why you say english is not cute?
do you mean sites to learn, yes, I have a shit ton of resources for spanish


You could check OP's post and go to the link to Google Drive. There are resources for every language you can think of.

How dedicated do I have to be in learning Japan if I wanna pass the N1 test in say, ~3 years?


Be a chink or viet and you can pass it in ~2 years, otherwise maybe 4 years with some luck

What does being a chink or vet have to do with anything?

slanted eyes gives +5 to asian language learning ability

Ктo тyт изyчaeт pyccкий?

Я нe вчycя pyccкy, aлe я знaю щo ви гoвopiтe. Bи мoжeтe poзyмiти мeнi? (я гoвopию yкpaїнcькy)

Are there any YouTube channels where someone is learning to speak a new language?

Like they attempt to speak a language
Maybe they add in subtitles of what they are attempting to say, in their native language

Steve Kaufman

oh and laoshu


Can it also be a reasonably attractive girl, and not a weeabo old man?

Continue, please.

That's a negro man....

Sorry, I really would prefer to watch a woman do this


"Гoвopити" is a loarword from Russian, in Ukrainian it has a meaning "to speak in public" or "to speak out or report/infrom about something". In all other cases you should use the verb "poзмoвляти".

>гoвopию yкpaїнcькy

*Poзмoвляю yкpaїнcькoю.

Я мoгy.

т. cтeпeнь бaкaлaвpa пo pyccкoмy языкy

what methods for language learning methods are best for you personally user?

>get tiny notebook
>write down foreign word with hungarian translation

Great way to increase vocabulary

Saluton homoj, mi estas komencanto esperantisto kaj mi parolas la anglan kaj baza japanlingva.
Mi lernis tra Duolingo sed Esperanto estas facilia lingvo.
Ĉu vi ankaŭ parolas ĝin??

If you told me French grammar was the fucking Balrog, I would have trusted you. But English is no fucking kitten, it is a fucking bitch

Having learned a few dead languages as well as extant ones, if you're learning a still living language, the biggest thing for me was first nailing down the phonetics. It's going to feel weird at first. Like if you're learning French, just wing it and start off with a "stereotypical" French accent to get used to the idea of pronouncing stuff differently. Then, listen to lots of native dialogue and try to make the same sounds they make. A lot of resources emphasize rote vocab/phrases first before all, but getting the pronunciation down first has saved me a lot of headache down the road; after all, if you go so far with the grammar and vocab but still don't know how to pronounce it correctly, that's just more work for you later and it's like relearning it all over again. Being able to register the sounds and hearing yourself speak closer to what a native speaker sounds like can also help much more with comprehension and makes learning new vocab faster imo.

If you're after dead languages, then, well, it's a bit more difficult. Since there's often no (official) phonetic element to it, you either have to stick with speaking with your native accent or need to compensate with other learning styles (I recommend you take an online test to see what styles fit you best). eg. I've found that it's helped me a lot using hand motions to memorize Sumerian particles as opposed to just writing them out.

This is the same thing I do, spending a lot of time on pronunciation from the beginning. Learning the IPA is a huge help, and has even enabled me to fool native speakers.

What do you not like about it?

Anyone tried this?
I can't be alone

I'm trying to learn German.

So far I've finished basic and
intermediate grammar workbooks from Rutledge and went pretty far through duolingo, I feel I have a good foothold in the language, I know some decent grammar but my vocabulary is severely lacking, I really enjoy learning with books, a lot more than by using apps or stuff like that, any German learners could share some books that helped them with their vocabulary?

Also, I'd rate myself at a comfortable A2, do you guys think it's possible to reach B2 by next year June?

By the way, I'd like to add I'm going to start learning Dutch as well, I've made some progress on duolingo and I'm going to start with the basic grammar workbook for Dutch, and advice on learning? Maybe I should take a different route in learning?

Trudging through the grammar isn't much fun honestly, wish I focused more on German vocabulary.

Can you fuck yourself over trying to learn more than one language at a time? I'm immersing myself in French but I got a hankering for Italian.

Being the guy that posted above you, I can say for myself that by studying two very similar languages it kinda drives me to try more, so there's a motivation boost which is completely subjective, also, because of the similarity, it's very easy to pick up on Dutch faster than it was while beginning with German.

I pretty much do that too.

You probably will mix things up on occasion (had a friend learning Japanese get scolded for using "non-existent letters" when we were in Korean school, lel), but if you make sure to keep your French lessons and Italian lessons separate you'll be fine (maybe set different times, or have different ways of remembering them or having them stick out in your mind). If anything, since both are Romance languages, you'll at least get a lot of shared vocab roots down faster.

You're just wasting your time then. Don't ever approach language learning with a casual attitude or you'll fail. Only learn one language at a time.

>lol maybe i'll pick up yet ANOTHER language today
>wow look at me everyone im so cultured! im learning 59 languages now!! xDDDD

Yeah, you should stay in a secluded basement with only bread, water and a candlelight to completely focus in this magical language learning experience.