What do you think you owe your parents?

What do you think you owe your parents?

I don't owe them anything. I told them tonight by the time I'm 30 I will take every single penny they've earned from them for treating me how they did for 20 years.

I will not help them at all and the moment I'm finished college they are dead to me, I will never speak or have anything to do with my family the day I graduate, I'll never ever speak to them after that day.


why ? i am tempted to insult you already but maybe maybe you have good reason, go ahead explain yourself

>wh*te families


Don't talk to me ever again, xinh

what's the problem with white families ? white families are great you fucking ignorant

i knew you were a chink because you're the only ones antisocial enough to be mean and cruel like that to your own parents

*grabs your shoulders*
*pushes you into a wall*

Who the FUCK you're calling ignorant?

Stop posting always the same shit you fucking chink
Nobody cares about your personal problems

I knew this would be a leaf.

I really don't like my dad at least
He's poor and a fucking alcoholic so i had to grow up with that


How about I test my fist all over your face, retard?

I love my parents.
They're ignorant redneck fucks (a general intelligence statement, not a political one) but I love them

my only wish is that they die before me so they don't have to go through losing a child, as hard as it will be for me to go through their deaths

>they die before me

How the hell would you out-age your parents?

I mean I hope I don't die in an accident or illness or something while they're still alive
I know I'm being a paranoid fucker though

Lol user it's okay

Don't be worried

Hhahahahahah, anyway hahaha.

But actually you are a neet depending on your parents, aren't you?

Nice falseflagging white scum.

Everyone knows white parents and their children hate each other.

Tbh all the chinks and poos I've met hate their parents and rebel against them because they're so overprotective

personally my family loved me and took care of me all the time , i think i eventually have to pay the price back

lol white ppl

But I'm not white
Le ebin racebait meme though

You sound like a whiny cunt
Go get bent



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I don't owe them anything either, but I do visit once a year

go kill yourself dishonourable scum

My parents are immigrants who sacrificed pretty much everything so I could go to school. I'm planning on making sure they have a good mid adulthood/retirement once I finish school.

We're also the only ones antisocial enough to be mean and cruel like that to our own children. Or at least it's a lot more """"normal"""" in East Asia. My grandma was unfortunately a narcissist and inflicted a lot of psychological damage on her daughters (partially because they were female and she had no sons).