Can anyone who speaks Russian call this number and ask if they did it?
Also, why is the Kremlin closed on a Thursday?
That's when they do all their hacking.
>-t. Russian sleeper agent currently living in N.Y.
>russians are brainwashed
>"proofs on RT"
>Russian propaganda
>"OMG you're so delusional"
welcome to the CIA watchlist.
I'm not catching what you're throwing.
It's a form of Russian mind-control using sentences that appear to be nonsense, but actually contain subliminal messages.
Ivan is hacking your brain.
I wonder what would happen if you actually called the Kremlin and asked if they were hacking the elections in broken Russian.
There are no proofs for digital attacks or crimes.
It's the nature of digital information to be easy to copy and easy fabricated.
So you can't tell whats a legitimate logging.
So there is only one way to rate such attacks other than "cui bono?".
So it's Russia!
Send Russians into the showers.
The best thing of RT is, that it creates the impression that the cultural elite of Russia is a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing truthers.
Literally none
I don't know why you guys don't believe this.
The soviets are much more knowledgeable of psychology than you are. It's in the realm of possibility that Sup Forums is heavily infiltrated by a Russian psy op.
>Send Russians into the showers.
Well said hans!
Truedeu pls.
You can call this number and ask in English, they speak it too.
>expecting there will ever be any
I bet it wasn't even a hack, just a butthurt DNC staffer who wanted Bernie to win.
Russia did nothing wrong.
Liberals are retarded.
>Reeeeee Putin unfairly influenced the election by making public things about Hilary that are objectively true!!!! How dare he??!!?!
So we went from
>Votes were miscounted
>Russia hacked the election
and now we are at
>Putin himself literally hacked the election
fucking LOL the sheer butthurt of hillary shills is staggering. There is literally no proof of any of this shit.
If they have actual proof, they need to show it publicly. I don't even like Trump, but malware on computers doesn't translate into Putin ordering this.
I love the idea that the SVR has people on its payroll dedicated to shitposting on Sup Forums.
They pretty much are in my experience
Rich Russians are fucking nuts. Growing up under communism really fucks with people.
>post yfw its true
>mfw people get paid for shitposts and dubs
The west has finally become a bunch of banana republics, nice.
>founder of the Israel
>masterminder of German Revolution in WWI
>leader of Russian Revolution
>chose Merkel as a EU leader
>chose Trump as an USA leader