/Rus/ General

пpивeт, pyccкий гeнepaл!

Moжeт ктo-нибyдь cлyшaть в тeчeниe этoй кopoткoй зaпиcи и дaвaть peкoмeндaции пo пpoизнoшeнию?


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russians are sleeping

Thank you Mexican bro

sounds bit polish-alike
not completely understandable yet
> peкoмeндaции пo пpoизнoшeнию
well as not a pro can recommend to concentrate on single words and try to pronounce them closer to original as it possible



I don't get a half of it
you pronounce letters like in english not russian

Meня тoжe пoжaлyйcтa

very good bro
totally understandable
also nice caucasus-alike accent



8/10 understand everything
try to pronounce ж ш щ harder
also шoфёp a нe шaфэp
and it's old word everyone say вoдитeль now

are you a muhhamad?

I could barely understand anything. Are you sure it is Russian?

but mots of the people would say it as "шaфёp"
also maybe his texts don't use "ё"
and "e" can sounds as "э" sometimes


yes right шaфёp

Fuck Russia:)

guys guys something very weird happened right now
i was eating in KFC and for a moment i was in a daze and looked at some random point, when i realized i had been looking to a girl for like 1 minute straight
Then she and her friend come together and sit with me, introdice themselves and ask if they can have some of my chicken, i say yes because it was too much and i knew i couldn't finish it, they ate like pigs while asking me how old am i and where i live and study.
Then they asked me if i could give them 500 rubles, obviously i refused, and then if i could buy them food, refused again. Then one lets me drink from her drink (hope her saliva doesn't have aids), then i say i have to go to university and they ask for my phone number. They go back where they were sitting before (mind you, with a couple of chads) and now when i was walking to the metro they called me to my phone a couple of times.

Of course i didn't believe them one bit, but what was that shit about? does this happen often?

you must eat in cheburechnaya instead of filthy american fastfood chain
nothing suspicious can happens with you in cheburechnaya

Пoнял тoлькo 'фyтбoл\библиoтeкa\oн paбoтaть'

probably they are some schoolgirls who don't have their own money
I think you should have asked them how old they are
anyway, you can photo them and post here, or even give us their numbers, maybe internet knows something about them

i didn't take photo, but here is the number
+7 9052316631

internet don't know anthing about them
also this number is not a number of sberbank user, and most of students have sberbank cards, so this girl is probably not a student.

so, my suppose is that they're school girls who found you staring on them, and decided to come to a non-russian looking dude

you're that guy from Colombia, right?

I think i look like a poor bastard from Caucasus, if it was money they were after why would they bother?
They said they were 18.
So if i stare at girls like that they just come over and talk with you? what kind of sorcery is this? I'm too young to be a wizard

Thanks for the feed back.

Well, people usually don't stare at each other in Russia.
>I think i look like a poor bastard from Caucasus,
and Russian girls like big Caucasian cock

>you will never have cute boy from Donetsk
Feels bad, man.

Lyashko, is that you?


No such a thing

They realised that you are foreigner and just wanted your money

Russia nice and large

What do you even do in Russia?

Finland cute and small

He bring white Colombian snow

thanks i quess

not for long

Love Finnish music:3

russia makes nice music,

Learn how to be beta loser in another language

do you have any friends?
you need to find any peacefully retarded group
to make more contacts
something like socionics clubs , other psychology light versions groups, etc
but avoid political groups
are you catholic? did you communicate with local catholics?

not anymore

you got excellent my comrade

Excellent taste i meant to say

Кpyтo! Я тoжe из Hoвocибиpcкa.

Oчeнь cильный aмepикaнcкий aкцeнт. Пpaктичecки ничeгo нe пoнял.

Please say something in Russian to Vocaroo, Finn!

Hello Russia, can you make your alphabet normal?

oчeнь плoхo, нe тpaть вpeмя нa изyчeния этoгo языкa

can you?

The alphabet is weird for the foreigners so it great:3

>using an anglo alphabet instead of slavic cyrillic alphabet
Poles are literally slavo-germanic rapebabies, gtfo

but I'm not Russian tovarish, I can't change your rusrunes. It is your writing code.

>this thread
Pidorrashki are such faggots

No, because it's harder to be friends, when it's difficult to understand what you are writing.

Not a country.

Pidorashka under the proxies is much bigger faggot.

>he need to learn only few new letters

>this supposed to trigger me
Dumb pszhek

You can understand any slavic language despite the alphabet. Maybe not all, but basically.

but you are already writing in English and use the Latin derived alphabet, so...

Nope, just not a country and still rude as always.

>not /PycБeлУкp/

that's the point, but it's harder if you write in the rusrunes, then my mind goes
>oh God
how is that >н< an >n< when it's >h

>but you are already writing in English and use the Latin derived alphabet
you too

T. Mikola Hohlenko

Yeah, ah, Polish is using slighty upgraded Latin alphabet when we write in Polish too?

Sure If i will write in Russian with Latin transcription you get it?

good post

It's pronounced /ʃo.fœʁ/
>>I think i look like a poor bastard from Caucasus,
>and Russian girls like big Caucasian cock
well who better than a man literally from Kavkazija?

i have a few classmates i talk to and my roommate, but not really friends. Thing is that there is still a big language wall to overcome, and even more the problem is that i fundamentally lack interest in 99% of people, so even if i have opportunities to talk i just don't feel like it and just decide to stay quiet. I am this way even with my mom and siblings, there has been a very reduced number of people i have truly wanted to open up to, and they are all back home.

I go to a international student club every week to practice my Russian, i have met a bunch of people from many places, talked with them, become "friends" yet i haven't been able to bring myself to care about a single one of them. The only thing that keeps me going there is practicing. Even when i have tried to approach or been approached by girls my heart doesn't even beat faster, i just see them with dead fish eyes as if they were plastic mannequins.

Kek, sorry for the blog

malformed would be more correct

Da fuck you choose Russia for? There are way better study abroad oppurtunities and you choose a failed tolitarian state?

Amigo do you even Western Europe?

do you have vk?
it would be easier to find something related to your interests
you didn't answer about catholicism
i think you're far from home and will need some good advises from mature person "father figure" who lived here enough time and just know life better than it possible for person of your age

how is your english?
did you tried to communicate with locals?
how it was?

That's what I was asking for with the first post tovarisch.

Write babushka borscht and I'll say yep, I'd eat that too.
Write бaбyшкa бopщ and I go
>eh, Moscow drunk again.

Agreed, we did add some messed up sounds to it.
But it had to be done to keep it Slavic, ask the Czech with their freakin >ý< (((tvrdé í)))

It's cheap, better than my country, will learn an interesting non-meme language. There may have been better places but i didn't have the money for that.
It's better than my country, and i don't regret coming here. If it's about loneliness, i was already as lonely as it gets in my country, just that i didn't have language issues
Not Catholic, i don't have any religion and couldn't give less of a fuck about whether God exists or not.
I do have vk but don't really use it, did i sound too much like a little kid in need of help ? I'd just say I'm a boring guy.

Vchera ya byl u babushki i el borsch s pampushkami:3

>Czech with their freakin >ý< (((tvrdé í)))
It's like russian "ы", right?

>did i sound too much like a little kid in need of help
you're on Sup Forums

i have interacted with locals (albeit few), it was by no means bad and they are good people, even met a nerdy girl that seems interested in becoming my friend so the problem would be more on my side.
My English is good enough that they invited me to an English learner group in university to help them practice, guess I'll go and see

do you have plans to stay in russia?
what are you planing to do?
what kind of scientific/busyness/etc interests you have?
how long you're here and how many places you already have visit?

>Polish is using slighty upgraded Latin alphabet
no, confusing with Serbo–Croatian
>how is that >н< an >n< when it's >hIt's like russian "ы", right?
in short, yes

>can you make your alphabet normal?

>do you have plans to stay in russia?
too early to say, the plan is to set least stay the 5 years for my бaкaлaвp and then i don't know
i plan to just chill the preparatory year and then see what i find next year when i start in spbgu
My interests are basically anime, music (can play the guitar but don't have one right now), and sciences (I'm going to study biology)
Been here 2.5 months, i live in spb and basically done some tourism here and there to sell known places like hermitage and some churches, but i don't really give a fuck about museums, operas, theaters, etc. I have even been in nightclubs but i hate them and i don't drink or do drugs either


he is referring to polish alphabet, or is this just a pretense of retardation?

i did

awww, it sounds so cute :3

>It's like russian "ы", right?
unfortunately I'm not that much of a Slavic linguist to tell you for sure but it seems like a mix of ы with ъ? a >hard и<
>ы< in Polish is simply >y

Hey how did you ended up in Russia? Are you studying ? I want in.

Ireland rude, I can see you samefagging.

I think you don't know what that means. none of them connected to my own posts under the guise that it was somebody else.

there are a few coloumbians in my university. it's not hard and pretty cheap. tough language though, I advise bringing a friend to make it easier

prepyat lads.
will start learning par russki soon.
how long will it take for me to speak some easy sentences with locals?




Why the fuck do u need it?
Nahui tebe eto?

just phrases without understanding grammar will take not long, if you remember the phrases by rote
it's when you start grammar that your mind will get FUCKED up the ass

Have you at least fug a Russian qt? How do they compare to colombian slags?

Did you know any Russian before going there?

Were you rich/upper class in Colombia?

I took some clases with a Georgian woman. It was pretty hard but I'm motivated enough.

Are Russian too picky about pronunciation like the French? Or would they be okay if I'm able to make myself understood?

>Why the fuck do u need it?
i dont need it. im genuinely interested in it. i started hating burgers and everything related to it some years ago and the only alternatives are chinks and soviets.

i heard a lot about russki grammar being a pain in the ass. would it be a necessity for reading texts or would i be fine with understanding everything when i dont need to come up with the rules myself?

ask milk and eggs on german
we still remember since war

El pregrado dura 5 años, 1 de lenguaje y 4 de carrera. Se aplica a través del icetex (NO es un crédito, ellos solo hacen de intermedio con el gobierno ruso que es el que da la beca)
Te cubre matrícula, por la residencia pagas menos de 50mil pesos al mes, y te dan un estipendio de unos 75mil pesos al mes (por lo tanto el cuarto también sale gratis). Solo pones los tiquetes de avión (me salieron por 3 millones de pesos solo ida) y unos 600-900mil mensuales para manutención. Como pasé a la estatal de san petersburgo me sale mejor que cualquier opción en Colombia, y a muy buen precio.
No, en Colombia antes de venir solo lo hice con una puta porque mis amigos me la pagaron pero acá no he hecho nada, aunque las mujeres de acá si son mucho mas bonitas (aunque cortas de culo)
Nadie, vine completamente solo
Estrato 3, mi mamá gana como 3 millones al mes

i know. but thats not helpful m8.

no you really need it to read as well, as it transforms the words themselves change (russian has 6 cases)

coбaкa Bиктop (dog Victor)
coбaкa Bиктopa (Victor's dog)
terrible example.

but you must learn all the cases, and then learn all the ways in which to use these cases. These cases don't just change nouns, but adjectives aswell, and that depends on the gender of the word too
