Post your weather forecast

Post your weather forecast

I even changed to commie units

Other urls found in this thread:


Been dry for like two weeks


>filthy imperial units

i hate being a smoker right now

So cold

Oh fuck!

holy shit buddy

Good god

All three of us used Celsius you dummy


But it appears F° as selected

No need to cover your location, filthy norteño fag from montemirrey


Fahrenheit is selectable, Celsius is currently in use





Nigger, you're wrong as fuck

>wind speeds in km/h
>temps not in C


>Confuse Morelos with Monterrey

>western siberia

>Low of -26°C on Sunday
I'm looking forward to it tb h

He's literally not. You're an idiot

on the edge
of the crater
looking at the abyss

Holy shit, you actually live in Siberia. You live closer to me than most of the Europeans in this thread.



>tfw it has been cool enough for snow for a while but completely dry

Holy fuck


I hate summer



holy shit

Very comfy


ah yes

I've never experienced an outdoor temperature lower than 10C, this must be like living on mars




I feel like the UV index is always "extreme"

>that humidity
you live in literal hell

t. southerner

don't see why everybody's whinging about this

-44 is A LOT colder than that mate

It won't snow, goddamn it!

I hate winter.


I love summer!
Why haven't you moved to the southern hemisphere user?

soft cunt



Russia has no windchill, Edmonton does. Windchill is what makes the cold unbearable, it isn't so bad when there's no wind.

>the entirety of Russia has no windchill


Dallas has also a lot of shitskins, its almost no difference

On the thing he posted there's no wind, thus no windchill. -19 with 10km/h of wind is worse than -40 with no wind.

Still, I'm sure there are days when he has windchill and -40

Except you are pretty fucking wrong

-19°C and 10km/h wind won't get you anywhere close to -40

South Dallas, not north dallas

>Canada is jealous because Russia has colder temperatures


>-19 with 10km/h of wind is worse than -40 with no wind
but literally says "feels like -25°C"

Hi. Novosibirsk ITT.

In November, the weather was on pic releated.

Now the heat. But we are waiting for the new year -40




32° Confy absolute madman

бля, лoл. Tы жe пpocтo зaгyглил пoгoдy в Oймякoнe?

tfw tropical paradise compared to , good luck keeping your feet warm my lad.

He. Я живy тaм.

This yesterday


Fun fact: Russian cities go through more temperature changes within a week than European ones do within a year

Can't complain I guess.

Sad but true

It must be a horrible experience to have to live in such conditions.

>what is alcohol for?

this kills the stupid piece of shit canuck


>a fucking leaf


>Implying you are really from Oymyakon
It's a meme town

do they even have internet there ?

Lol, how many people live there?

Much respect bud
Da land here, 11 farenheit
Cold as FUCK

> 27 kph wind today



update: wind came and the sound the windows made from it scared the shit out of me

C for comfy, need snow

>-5 C
>40 km/h winds

would be comfier if there was a little of snow on the ground. not too much though.

Imo it never really gets worse than about -25C in the bigger cities in Canada. It's only the meme tier places that get really cold.

We can have quite some variation too but mostly in spring
