what do you think of the world's most powerful man according to Forbes?
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I like Putin. He's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.
He is a good guy in foreign policy but domestic sucks
A lot of Americans are bitching about how he'll run our country by proxy. I for one, welcome our new Russian overlords.
>putin's domestic policy
>the most powerful man in the world is a tubro manlet
Can nothing stop the determination of the napoleon complex?
a manlet is the most powerful person in the world
tall people btfo
Cunt. I hope gets overthrown and Russia collapses and gets divided among the West, China and Muslims.
I've got no choice but to respect him: he's our new boss.
>annex finland
Are you fucking kidding? Is it even real to conquer Finland?
>world's most powerful man
That would be Soros, or Warren Buffet, or some nameless guy.
the POTUS-elected is friend of Mr Putin
Soros and Buffet are the past
>global influence plateaued 2000 years ago
>knows anything about power
Please tell me more.
>mention American Forbes
>the burgerian goes butthurt
just accept the new world order m8
Your pres is 174 kek
that's pretty normal
Truly the Bismarck of our time.
Actually, I quoted history
438 AD--Fall of the Western Roman Empire
930-1380--A series of italian-elected popes conduct one successful crusade, initate a bunch of bad ones sending hundreds of thousands to slaughter. Eventaully led to trade with islamic empires resulting in the re-emergence of classical works (see below)
~1500 AD--Renaissance. Italian art and banking innovative by european standards, but not exclusive to the entirety of euorpe
1861-Italian Unification. Absolute clusterfuck. 44 prime ministers in 145 years. What a hell of an attrition rate. Do you guys have a revolving door?
1925- Musolini. Way to go, dickwads.
2016--Renzi resigns. Italy heads in the right direction despite crippling greek-like debt.
Face it. He designated and got your president elected
except this is not related to the thread at all
also, point two and three were good
re-emerged of Classical works and Reinassance made the West civilized again
also ofc I was talking about the final point of point 2
Merkel and Hollande are same height
yet your propaganda not brianwashing you for them, aint?
His No. 2 is pure evil.
forbes is liberal propaganda
Literally hitler D:
Think of the children!
Pretty interesting figure
we've not seen the last of him yet
He's a piece of shit for trying to influence the US election. We should be doing everything we can to overthrow him.
I have yet to see any legitimate proof he "hacked" our election and he's the only noncucked world leader besides that based degenerate killing Pinoy.
He is a cool dude, but apparantly he has autism (like real autism)
He is scum.
There are worse people than him around, but none in his station.
I hope he and all the siloviks around him are removed from power soon.