Why is Europe such a mess?

Why is Europe such a mess?

>Kosovo has Albanian lands
>Italy has German lands
>Slovakia, Romania have Hungarian lands

because of the longer history, asia and middle east have ethnic maps that are just as confusing

america didn't have the time to get there yet but it's already much more defined than it used to be

Slovaks could have just thrown out all Hungarian speaking peoples like we threw out Germans
after WWII, Hungarians owe Slovaks for their post war benevolence.


When the Ottomans were expelled back in 1913.

We wanted to genocide all Muslims and Albanians, but Austria and Germany threatened war. We were in no position to fight another war, so we just agreed - the Muslims could stay, thus Albania became a country.

They are still making problems to this day (and they forever will). Really teaches you a lesson in history.

>nation states

That's like.. soooo 1840s, like, gosh, get with the times granpa

>Turkish minority in Voralberg
Didn't know the invasion was already started in the 90s

Also, if we went full German mode (putting all same-language speakers into one Nation), we'd end up with only 7 ethnicities on this map. (instead of 16)

>back in 1913
>we wanted...
>we were in no position...
>we just agreed...

What are you, 120?

>I only oppress them, and don't annihilate them

and it was Churchill and the Brits who said that we aren't collectively guilty like the Germans, therefore banning Benes from expelling us, what he wanted so badly

Europe is a mess. Believe me folks. Its terrible. Were gonna fix it. i tell you folks. its gonna be great

he shouldve thrown you out..
it was KuK and the second K were you guys.. so of course you were guilty.. shouldve gone back then
second time you were the guys who accepted Vienna Arbitration and allied yourself with Axis powers.
Obviously you were guilty the second time around as well.

Its obviously the Czech hard worker attitude of "When you do something do it all the way." that Slovaks dont know
and didnt kick your treacherous asses across the Danube, like we kicked Germans over the border.

>Le everyone is guilty who belongs to an ethnicity meme

Hey Yosif, nice to meet you, although I thought you already died in 1953

Also, this is some ultrachauvinist bullshit

I don't even see the sense in it

When you cut the forest splinters fly.

Its better to cull them all than leave the space for resistance.

Number of border conflicts in Sudetenland
>0 (Zero)

Number of border conflicts in Southern Slovakia
>1000+ (Thousands+)

Okay, I won't go down to arguments with edgy 14 yo kiddos who just discovered the local right-wing party.

>chopping wood is quite the same as killing whole ethnicities

ahh, a proper psychopath

Dont be all faggy now.

I have nothing against Hungarians I just think that cosmopolitanism is bullshit and multiculti is trash if the country was built on homogenous ideas.

Yet still if you dont have the balls to accept the past as it was then no need to argue about stupid bullshit on fucking

>Start war
>Get fucked
>Accept defeat and dont cry about muh trianon 100 years later.

and on the contrary I would consider myself to be libertarian in classic British sense.

And you give life too much of a value.

As you write response to this message thousands of innocents are being raped by subhumans all across the world.
Its a damn cruel place and if you cant accept it than you cant afford to talk about matters of its cruel past.

Western Europeans are innately more altruistic, co-operative and logical than Eastern Europeans.

the maturing process was done earlier i suppose

i blame Ottomans for everything. you should too

Your lack of history knowledge is painful.

I'll tell you how it happened and leave the thread, as I said, I don't like to argue with edgy kiddos.

>Get pulled into war by a king with questionable sanity
>Get fucked with being played as an Austrian puppet all the time
>Autumn 1918
>be independent after nearly 500 years
>A social democrat idiot, Károlyi becomes president
>Wants to be a friend of the entante, but they already failed for the bs of Masaryk how cruel and guilty we are
>Doesn't perceive it and continues this policy until his fail
>Yugos, Czechs and Romanians coming to the current borders at that time
>Get the commies into office after Károlyi
>Half a year under full throttle Marxism, therefore without recognized government and representation at the peace conference
>Fight back the invaders, but only until the Frenchies promise recognition and stopping the invader forces in exchange for abolishing the millitary
>Commies abolish millitary
>No recognition and the Romanians are coming
>Several months of complete anarchy, while the Romanians are marching there
>Entante decides it's time for a Hungarian government to have someone the treaty signed
>Horthy gets into office
>It's too late for negotiating anything on the pact

because history and culture
i know, i know it's difficult for an amcericlap to conceive such concepts

you cant probably fathom the fact that country is represented by its government and is its people are fully responsible
for wrongdoing of its government. Until you can face that you should cease any unnecessary rambles about your own damn

because we dont have 200 years of history

>Western Europeans are innately more altruistic, co-operative and logical than Eastern Europeans.
ayyyy lmao

Relax, you might have some Italian/Roman ancestry so you're good. Serbs and Romanians on the other hand are mentally a pure savage eastern people.

We defeated Austria in WWI so Alto Adige is a righ italian clay. Plus they ruled, settled and infested our north for millenias so it's just a little revenge.