how do you feel about white chocolate?
How do you feel about white chocolate?
a contradiction in terms
runt chocolate
The worst shit that the human race has ever seen.
only good if it's filled with dark chocolote
The purest of all chocolates
everything what's white's better than black kek xd desu
I feel sick after eating a couple pieces and don't want to touch it after that, does anyone feel the same?
I can sit and scoff a full bar in one go. Not even a fat slob, I just love it.
It's still not as good as regular milk chocolate though.
do not understand why it exists.
Most non-Americans do m8. White """""""chocolate"""""" is almost always made with obscene amounts of white sugar in order to make it palatable.
that's intolerant I guess
should be banned
It's shit. Doesn't even contain cocoa powder, it's basically fat with milk.
It's the best form of chocolate IMO on its own, even if it's not technically chocolate.
This, it should not exist
best chocolate baka desu senpai desu senpai baka
It's... okay? I'd rather eat normal chocolate, but I don't mind it I guess.
They're delicious.
Much better than dark chocolate.
I can easily eat 2 whole blocks of this shit in one sitting, food of the gods
God tier. Anyone with different tastes is clearly a buffoon and ought to be laughed at for the intellectual inferiority in disliking white chocolate.
pure fat and sugar delicious
best one
It's amazing. One of my few weaknesses.
comparing it to actual chocolate is disgrace
The best thing ever. I hate that you can't buy it here.
Same thing with strawberry milk. Only chocolate milk is sold. WTF?
Literally not chocolate. This is an objective fact.
i crave it right now
It can be really good or really bad
I have this with all chocolate except the ones with like 70% or above
>that chocolate
It's the best, especially with raisins inside but I get sore throat if I eat to much at once
Fucking bitch way to melt.
The first time I melt them, I fucked it up because cocoa butter that it has dries up when heated.
like everything else that's good it's about proportion, as a solid chocolate bar it isn't any good, however they used to sell some strawberry filled white chocolate skulls here which were delicious and there's quite a few other aplications for which it works great.
What kind of 3rd world country doesn't sell white chocolate ?
its not really chocolate, just large amounts of butter, sugar, butter, sugar, powdered milk and vanilla sugar.
Its just a bar of sugar nicely flavored and i love it, in certain amounts when i need to eat candy or something, when my blood sugar is low.
Disgusting. Only human trash with no taste would like such foul garbage.
The fuck is strawberry milk
It's not chocolate.
We joke that white """""chocolate""""" exist so that niggers can get dirty as well
>pick sugar (40%)
>add fats (60%)
>call it chocolate
why is this allowed
Obviously milk with strawberry flavoring
Literally fat and sugar with no chocolate. Only uneducated fatties would like that shit.
>coca powder is this magical ingredient that makes everything healthy, nutritious and worthy
The chocolate from Argentina
tasty soap
It's quite unhealthy, even for chocolate.
I like strawberry chocolate :3 ^_^v
i don't like chocolate to begin with but white is the only kind that is bearable to me.
Shit. Dark chocolate is and will always be the best kind of chocolate, regardless of what amerifats say.
Chocolate is the most overrated shit ever, it doesn't even taste that good. Actually dessert/sweets in general are overrated as fuck.
white chocolate = for kids
chocolate in big quantities is disgusting anyway, something only true americans should eat
American chocolate is bad try eating some from Switzerland or Belgium.
I eat 100% chocolate every day for medicinal purposes.
White chocolate best chocolate, and it's not even technically chocolate
i like my chocholate like my people
I never implied such a thing, dumb cunt.
it really depends on the brand, but generally it's my favorite
different tastes, I've always been into sweets and disgusted by most salty treats and fast food
let's mix it with dark brown one
yesss, this one! I don't even care if I look like a fag when I eat it.
It's shit
this stuff is pretty good
Holy fuck yes literally god tier chocolate
b8ing too hard
not bait, its actually pretty good