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Good time-zone appropriate time of day, fellow slavs.


The official subhumans tread.

We like you. You make sure that some of us don't go out of control. It's a natural balance thing.

Russkí tóž buďet na latinice, bó åna jést zajebís.


My sochranili v tajne
Vsě tvåji sekrěty
I tak chotim åbratno
Nó zakryli dvěri

Glupaja vesna
Plačet z krys domóv
Ja z tåbój z uma sojti
Gotóv davnó

zachem takoy znak


bó v časti slóv bývší a/o stal dólgim a

Dlya krasoti

Våbscě ja sčitaju sebia poľakom, nó chåču štóby russkí byl na latinice

eбaть ты пoeхaвший

Można ispolzować czysto polskuju sistemu, no u nejo toż suć swoji minusy

Czy po prostu zrobić polski drugim językiem państwa rosyjskiego i chuj z tym. Chcę żeby Rosja też była częścią prawdziwą słowiańskiej kultury

He, ты пpaвдa нe ocoзнaёшь, кaкyю eбaнyтyю epecь ты нecёшь, или тeбe пpocтo нpaвитcя cмoтpeть, кaк дpyгиe люди нa этo вcё peaгиpyют?

Czechs and Slovaks aren't slavic subhumans,you stupid.

Oхyeнный тpoллинг жe. Чeхи и пoляки пытaютcя пpoчecть и нe мoгyт. Tyт дaжe нa тpaнcлит aгpятcя, тaк-тo.

a chuj tobie kurwa matole

No, we're slavic people instead.

My Russian friends, what is Зaoчнoe oбyчeниe?

online for example

Svätopluk ten krol všestkih Slovanov, kurva.

Russian language should be abolished at all.

vot smotri na kogo rovnjatsja nado

Slovenians aren't real slavs, they are South Germans in denial.

Nas nihče ne bo zravnal z zemljo, saj imamo preveč gora za kaj takega.

Slovenians are in top-3 slavs, Ivan. The most polite and intelligent slavs ever.

Rebyat ya tol'ko chto granatu

so what
latin letters which you obsessed so much is not slavic too

Your Greek letters are no more Slavic than our Latin ones desu.

i know
just somebody have unhealthy obsession

Not really. They actually are a little bit more Slavic because they were created by Slavs and for Slavs (even though originally it was just a Greek alphabet with a dozen of additional letters)

Oh, interesting. My friend will finish her University degree in Law and then she'll go into that. Is that normal? I never saw that anywhere else.

South Germans are Slovenes in denial, you nincompoop

Gajica was made by a Slav for Slavs desu

she must be studied herself and go to uni for exams
something like that

slavs must go hardcore

Gajica is still just a Latin alphabet. It doesn't even have a unique symbols like ß or ð, only basic Latin letters with diacritics.

Oh I see, interesting, thanks!

slavs are gay lol



Polite reminder that heaven on earth is not possible, but some degree of peace and prosperity is.

but what is Slovenia?


>when you have more sympathy for ISIS than rusian cocksucking cocksuckers


allahu akbar

we wuz ancient aliens an shiet

We have symbols so unique we don't actually write them most of the time

Closest to what heaven on Earth would look like

>when you have more sympathy for muslims than slavic cocksucking cocksuckers



slav food best food

Implying we are not.

Daily reminder that we; Slovenians
Are actually Alp Croats

why no knedliki and škvarky czech bro ?

das rite

Strudels and fruit dumplings are the best

You are actually Austrians

so... You're just croats in denial, aren't you?

gib słonina

what is next step of your plan?

Croatian diaspora has grown, I see

hug me bro, we think alike


aren't we alpine serbs?

confused nao

nah bro, we're actually the only remains of ancient adriatic Wendi xD

you dont like słonina ?

Didn't realise there were elephants in Poland

in russia it count as clear reminiscence of one /x/ country

>one /x/ country
i know but that does not invalidate how awesome słonina is


>not made of slon

Slavs use friendliness or ties with Germany as an insult?

Yes and no



I like špek

We call them ocvirki

špeh* desu

>špeh* desu
we talked about this
špeh is scout/spy

At least it's not slanina desu

Yes only friendly people are secret police snitches, nothing against eastern germans though

čto dělate, anonki?

Viděl dneś rosijski džin, ne smog si dati odpor - kupil. Segda sědžų i pijų. Kako mŕzka vodka s vkųsom džina.




