Why are whites so fucking stupid?

Why are whites so fucking stupid?






Those tests mean little in countries like China, where only top students take the tests. Past that call us back when international students flock to Asian colleges and research institutions like they flock to western equivilents



also all the immigrants

See the US here ? remember they are 60% white
>and black people are known to have 70-ish IQ
The Netherlands, see how they are near the top ? And they are infested with mentally retarded moroccans too

(it's funny like when it's a dick size test you're all "oh it's because of the niggers" and when it's an iq test you're all like "oh stupid white people", if you were smart you'd see your obvious hypocrisy here, in reality whites have both bigger dicks and are smarter than asians, that is just a fact)

Damn, Finland lost to three Asian countries in the reading category.

i am one smug leaf

>Math Taiwan
>Reading Taiwan
>Science Chinese Taipei


we did score rather low apparently.
oh well, it happens.


>Argentina 409
>Buenos Aires 456


>Past that call us back when international students flock to Asian colleges

Many do though.

Lol so butthurt. The only reason why America is pretty low is because of how education works there is a literal night and day phenomenon.

no butthurt, just stating the truth for all to see, you know i'm right

Fourth best in all of Asia!

When white children have a Barbecue happily with their family in their large yard, Japanese children are forced to study in tears in their houses like a kannel.

Dunno, you tell me my yellow friend.

iceland is 99.99% white yet they are below average

Not really at all. You just kinda banking on hysteria and no one really fact checking so by default they will think you are right.

Hey that's rude

and Vietnam is beating them yet they are a definitive developing country.

>b-but the tests must be r-rigged!!!
>there's no way some other race can be better than whites!

>that one inbred remote empty island
you don't say, they aren't very bright, what a surprise

besides it's probably not 99% white, the only 99% white are the eastern euro countries and unfortunately they were ruined recently
more to this point, ashkenazi jews are genetically eastern european and the smartest ethnicity, which clearly debunks all those neo-supremacist myths of asian genetically higher intelligence

>ashkenazi jews are ... the smartest

>ashkenazi jews are ... the most cunning

>leafs defending China
fucking kek, leafs will be part of China by 2020

Face it, the Chinese are one of the stupidest, most hated, and disgusting Asians on the planet.
The only thing Japan did wrong was not finishing the job. They should have done worse than Nanking.

>Uruguay almost 420

Shut up you Jap fucks enslaved by Americans

t. Takahashi

Asians are all day in their room studying for school, whites actually have souls and do fun things and study only for things that actually interest them

maybe its a scientific name of Taiwan

i feel sorry for japanese kids

Eesti are Mongols?

Because ching chongs think that whipping everyone into going to school 10h a day will have change that fact that most of the scientific progress originates from Whites.

and we can say that blacks are true emotional and ambitious people who have passion to live and enjoy their own lives. they are always enjoying their own life doing cracks everyday, having sex and cucking white guys anytime they want,
no need to waste their happy life to shit meaning study or work. of course. why do? studying and working is wasting life.

wisdom of life =
Black> white > asian

Blacks aren't successful though, whereas Whites are

So far during the last 500years.
asian cunts almost catch up white cunts living standards and economy within 100years.

whites are not so superior. It's mere just one of historical cycle that they happened to win in recent phases. just like persia and arabs used to be placed as top ranking civilization back in the middle ages.

well. anyway. I'll appreciate that whites have changed world's social system as much better way. human race equality and eliminating tyranny and adopting democracy etc.

Fair enough

You just made up a random theory on Iceland to justify your view infront of contradicting evidence.

Ashkenazi Jew have the fact that alongside cultural mores and their history they lived in mostly good states (Poland being a haven for Jews.) that gave them an opportunity to access higher levels of schooling and social resources despite discrimination that although horrid wasn't the lockout type one.

Also Ashkenazi do very well on verbal but provocatively are worse elsewhere.

>study only for things that actually interest them
So whites have low cognitive level and attention span? Gotcha.

oh, so NOW it's related to culture and education ?

when it's asians doing well it's because they're asian, but when it's jews it's because they had the right conditions to succeed

ok chang

Iceland isn't even inbred. No one really knows what being inbred really fucking is truly.

So Asians are soulless then? Nice moving the goalposts Hans you intellectually fraudulent boy.

I never said it's because they were Asian Mahmadou. Stop stuffing words into peoples mouths.

The education policy in many Asian nations tend to give good results due to various reasons such as school culture, educational budget, quality of teachers, allocation of resources etc etc.

I am ready for asia to rule the world, they're the true master race

you didn't but another asian with a canadian flag said it and generally you say this shit on the internet all the time, don't blame me for assuming you're the same at first glance

really solid banter


Why do the westerners in this thread seem so threatened?
Nobody here cares whether we surpass the westerners.

I am not my flag you autist.

For our defense I can say that Arabs really fuck up the Israel's average score.

>from left to right:
>Israel, OECD average, Hebrew speakers, Arabic speakers

>So Asians are soulless then?
this is an universal fact that everybody knows

>unironically believing that people have souls
no wonder whites are bad at science

You are one of the evidence why westerners are stupid.

Fuck off netouyo

Why do you behave so edgy? chink?
show some least respect to great anglo-westerner people who made you free from chink comminism.
You can't even type shit word if it were not them.

Not as edgy as a plastic gook typing a bunch of words to refute me.

t.fucktard chink which is being clear evidence by self that he and his ancestors used to lick anglo-white master's cock.

Why are you so edgy?

That' just sour grapes.

Shitskins influx in our county

France average IQ was 102 before the shitskins, Now it is 98.

The reason is that French average IQ is 102, while shitskins average IQ is between 60-85.

Shitskins reduce our dicksize, IQ, and PISA, they're so dumb they can't even learn how to Write and Read.

School standards keep getting lower so that even immigrants can graduate, simple really.
Why can't you understand that, are you stupid?

This concept of high test scores making smarter people is a meme and the western media is all over this shit too.

Fucking netouyo knows it is. These asian kids are not necessarily good at reading, science or math what they are good at is TAKING TESTS.

See the TOEIC exam and how many chinks score perfect scores but cant listen or speak in even simple sentences in English

I believed in this concept to until I actually got here. The difference is Asian countries make their students work hard so if you aren't poor there is a chance you could become good at these subjects.

Snowniggers doesn't count.

Only the descendants of the Celts are relevant in Europe, it is us who've made the West powerful.

Austrians = Norici
British = Britons
Belgians = Gauls
Czechs = Boii
French = Gauls
Northern Italians = Gauls
Portuguese = Celtiberians
Spaniards = Celtiberians
Southern Dutch = Gauls
Southern Germans = Volcae
Swiss = Gauls

Celts are the Master Race, and the West is merely Celtdom.

Loser English teacher who had no choice but to teach in Korea. No wonder he's so bitter

I wonder how low the average iq of Kosovo is. From my experience they are even dumber than Albanians and niggers

Rural boys dragged it down for us. Helsinki girls are 2nd in every category.




>the name for kikes and sandniggers is virtually the same

absolute kek


Singapore is a fucking nerd

shut up and go to draw anime, hitachi

>Born in France
Pick one
>Not born in Paris
Pick one

pls make more of this.

We don't spend all day studying for standardized tests to please our tiger mom nor do we cheat like the Chinese. Does it really matter though when mist inventions come from the rest and Asia simply makes minor changes? Also, how's that deflation going?

>whites acting like niggers to asians

>"hurr intelligence means nothing we having more fun"
>"durr our dicks bigger than asians"
>"hurr we fuck your women"
it's pretty pathetic desu
there is a reason why asians lost all the respects to the whites

Wow we're much higher than I would have expected.

last week I literally saw that there's a boom for plastic surgery in japan to round their eyes.
not even fucking kidding.
you're a pathetic bunch.

Japanese students don't even have it bad anymore

Meanwhile korean study like 14 hours a day since 5 years old and potato niggers and ice monkeys beat them

like whites burn their skin to become more nigger?

sitting in a classroom sleeping isnt studying

Although students here are forced to be in educational facilities all day long, they have little to no responsibility. Half the time they are dancing to kpop, sleeping, defacing school property, smoking around the back. All the work they actually do is just copied from their friends

you got sent to the poor people peasant school kim


atleast you're probably not a virgin

you mean sunbathing? like getting a tan?
that's not even close to being the same thing m8

>why are whites so stupid

>he highlights with USA

we're just pretending so you underestimate us

2 intelligent for pisa desu

That' just sour grapes.

>being trained to solve standartized tests

the "degenerate" meme is sadly true. they've culturally become as generic as others since the late 00s or so. myspace was the first phenomenon i think.

the laughable thing is, almost all of them cant make any new cultural shit anymore in themselves. look, the modern indie devs or musicians selling their music on bandcamp or underground filmmakers or fashion designers etc have nothing to do with every other colored people and immigrant.

over there they ARE almost all whites as it is, and they can solely make/produce/create whatever they want as long as they stay indie/independent regardless of PC crap. they can still express everything with a free will there. yet they cant make anything new, and instead blame their such dead-ends/death knells on other races and immigrants, and somehow a bunch of those fall for racial/nationalistic anachronistic nonsense like alt-right/brexit/maga crap.

now, ofc, there're still a few of them still make cool shit. and they are, as far as i know, unfortunately, very tolerant to the diversity yall would hate. i hate tumblr indie fuckers and pc shit in mainstream media tho. but still those modern talented ones are closer to that, not to yall or altrights

over where?

zitto animale