Investment edition
Yay North America!
Me on the right.
>tfw made serious gainz after the fed raised rates
Did someone say investing?
>with a mustache
Me in the center
>tfw shitposting on Sup Forums instead of focusing on my final paper that's due tomorrow
>My last fucking paper that I need to do before break
I'm beginning to lose hope lads.
And with that said:
If 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9 you will do your paper.
End my life pls.
Stop replying to Baja you vultures, she's MY gf, we already have a baby on the way and soon she's going to get a green card and then we'll get married and live happily ever after!
Pic related the gf
listen up goyim, business idea:
>invest in real estate
>make medical marijuana legal
I'm pretty sure people just go there to die. I cannot think of any valid reason to be there.
What happens in the orange areas?
Into my Bajachan Lewd folder it goes...
>invest in marijuana vending machines
This dwarfs my fuckup of cringe.
I feel a lot better now.
>tfw listening to weeb music and it's not that bad
how lewd are we going?
How many of these do you actually have?
Almost nothing.
You're only making it worse by bringing it up again you autist
i cant fap to this
Bring it to Sup Forums level.
People live in shitty 3rd world conditions and either get eaten by bears or murder each other at a disproportionately high rate.
That's the idea desu.
>I feel a lot better now
*cums* in your sexy girl penis*
Ah much better
Now, what were you saying?
French dessert
>alaska is more developed than most of canada
What's your opinion on this following of pervy NEETS you have? Honestly wanna know.
I found this picture of a fish on /out/.
Apparently it's real and it's called a cornetfish
Who else /rap/ here?
Did you make this yourself?
Tbf, quite a bit of it is because of their shitty currency.
Animals are strange creatures.
I like some rap but I don't really seek out rap music for the most part
She loves it of course, like she loves this
*Puts penis in Bajas mouth*
Mm I ate some pineapple slices just for you bby, let me know if it's to your liking (;
You want a weird fish?
Look up these.
>asking questions you really really don't want the answers to
I wouldn't press that issue if I were you, Baja
... You... shouldn't admit that user.
Well poop
How many times have you guys ejaculated to Bajachans posts today? I'm up to 3 now in the last hour, although I just came here teehee no pun intended
*look these up
sure smells like fish...
now what's the other orange creature
don't blame you. I grew up in NYC so it's a big part of the culture there, even if you're not black
Not that we also don't like shit like Elton John and whatever, but it's something you can't help be exposed to
Isn't rap popular everywhere in America nowadays?
It's funny to read some of their posts.
Having a pseudo-fanbase makes me feel weird tbqh
You know what else smells like fish?
Bajas tight little girlpuss
Lucky for her I like fish ;)))
you fags and your obsession is embarrassing and makes me cringe
r u boy or grill
Ehh whatever, triggered a Canadian.
Nice digits.
This dick will make you feel just right then!
*unxzips your pants*
Ooh, my favorite panties!
*Pulls down your undies*
*Licks your asshole*
Is that burritos I taste? Aw, you didn't share with me? That's okay, I know something else you can share.
*Pounds my throbbing cock into your ass and fills it to the brim with cum*
Thank me later sweetie :3
>mfw you get your own subreddit or fanfiction
You know one of those is probably on the way, tbqh.
*reaches into your pocket*
OwO what's this?
Fuck off autist, if you don't like it you don't have to post here it's that simple
fuck off weirdo bitch
I'll be always a tranny for /cum/
It doesn't matter what do I say anymore.
Where did you take this picture from? It seems you already know it, right?
>Not using le maymay arrows
Deep sea animals fuck me up desu.
Nothing down there seems to follow any kind of logic
A p-penis...
Fill in the blank!
I want to _____ Bajachan
Cum on?
Cum in?
Why not both?
*Vionetly explodes cum in Bajachan's direction with the power of my marvelous erection*
I said the other day that I suspected that was your photo so they probably lurked through the archives to look for it.
Oh yeah, definitely.
Am I the only one who finds female doctors really attractive?
There was some young jewish resident with a nice tan today when I went in to the ER for a nasty cough I've been having for a while.
She said "Oy Vey" to one of my coughs and I nutted right there.
ok *stops*
your post make me laugh, ty
member when LMM was the hot topic?
I never said I used Reddit. I pretty much only have an account for raids and the Jim Gaffigan AMA.
Resdit is for normies who "are so underground lolololol xDDDDDD"
I'd oy her vey
>I'll be always a tranny for /cum/
>It doesn't matter what do I say anymore
That's because you don't say anything in the first place
Every time someone asks you your gender you either don't reply, reply with something vague, or reply with something meaningless like you just did, because in actuality you like all the attention you're getting both from lonely NEET autists who think you're a girl and people who dislike you and you're a dude
It's why you namefag in the first place, right? For attention?
You know what, I've had a change of heart. Merry Bajamas
A likely story...
You mean female nurses right? cause most are hot
No she was an internal medicine resident. Looked pretty young too, maybe 25.
>tfw no jewish doctor gf
>Reddit is for normies
It actually isn't, and really is to Sup Forums what Canada is to the US.
you'll attract Sup Forumstards. Ssshhhhhh
You can't stop me, my love for Baja is pire, just like the sweet pineapple-y cum I feed Baja on a daily basis!
Speaking of which, time for your daily helping
*Cums on Baja again*
>hacking e-mails
Hmm... Really makes you think...
I want to learn another language this year, specifically an asian one.
I like animu, but I also want the language to be useful for international commerce, they say Chinnese is a fucking nightmare and I don't see the worth of it now that almost all of those chinks speak English already.
Is Japana even relevant in the microchip industry or technology development or should I pick Korean?
>haha I wonder if I should make a Bajachan subreddit
>let me just go to
>someone already just made this