>tfw typical slav face with puffy cheeks like a pig
fuckin poland gen
>tfw typical slav face with puffy cheeks like a pig
fuckin poland gen
t. mr potato head
t. Downie
cheeks are cute, CUTE
I got only partly puffy cheeks and a big square jaw so I got the short end of the stick, luckily.
but poland is east germanic so you can't be like that, r-ri-right?
None of them look white
t. Pawel
literally me in red
>star of david
We are east Asian.
Basically a lost Chineese tribe.
Here's one without.
Also: thicccc.
Are you bald? It seems like all polak males getting bald in early years
This comes as no surprise to me, I have long speculated that Slavs are Caucasoid-Mongols.
puffy cheeks are a symptom of incorrect swallowing pattern
try swallowing by pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth. this is where the tongue should rest at all times with good oral posture. over time, you'll notice your cheeks hollowing out and your face becoming leaner
>tfw same face
>tfw ancestry traces directly back to Poland (great grandmother was Polish, among several others)
me on the far left with the gray coat
literally cuck-face
thanks bolan for the genes :DDD
You should have a "chimp out" genes if you're partly Polish. Maybe it got lost due to all the mixing your ancestors went through.
>all the mixing by ancestors
There wasn't much, honestly, the only mix was between my mother and father.
Mother being directly descended and father mostly (German being his majority).
inb4 muh heritage
It's hard not to know when you have an 85 year old uncle who's literally mapped out your entire ancestry for the last 200 years.
also yes I'm muh hurritage 'murriburger
the guy on the bottom right is an absolute qt
also the blond guy on the left
Should make you resistant to being a cuck than. Poles chimp out if they are uncomfortable with something or don't accept it, that means you can't get cucked because the risk of chimp out is too big.