Why yes I am a member of the so-called Alt-Right

>Why yes I am a member of the so-called Alt-Right

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the alt right is all right am i right or left

Back to your containment thread

I fucked up



>trumps victory is the first step in the return of white male dominance in american society

kek are you butthurt yet ? soon there is no such thing as "hate speech" and we can say whatever we want


>everyone who isn't an alt rightist is a socialist

Nobody tried to suppress your speech. Making fun of you =/= censoring you.

And why would we be butthurt? It's the all right that's butthurt about their meme man selling out.

when will this meme end

Alt-right isn't real, it's a meme created by the far-left to vilify hardworking white guys like me who don't want the state to take our money or tell us what to do and think.

>Everyone who holds different beliefs than me is a member of the International Hate and Nazism Group called the 'alt right'

The alt-right is real but it's miss-labelled. People seem to think the alt-right are skinhead neo-nazis but they're mostly just youtubing neckbeards obsessed with those "SJWs BTFO BY LOGIC" videos.

>it's a meme created by the far-left
it was created by clinton, who is a rightwinger as well. but a different kind of rightwinger, the liberal-conservative one. she reminds me of merkel

Funny how the terms "Alt right" and "fake news" only just came up towards the end of the US election

Leftists are trying new buzzwords because their classic "Racist" and "Bigot" buzzwords failed them

But that makes no sense. The alt in alt right is there to signify people don't believe it's a part of the mainstream right.

No, Richard Spencer put up a website way before the election claiming to be the home of the alt right.

That's sort of my point, the far left is pushing that label hard because they want society to think that any right-leaning millennial male is a neo-nazi extremist.

>I label people without ever giving an ear to whatever they have to say

The term alt right has existed for several years though.

The alt-right are pretty susceptible to hateful narratives desu, so there is sometimes some overlap. Too much time on the internet getting obsessed with narratives can drive people a bit mental. Also, I don't recall anyone saying that every conservative is alt-right, think you're extrapolating a bit too much there.

uniformed cuck

the "alt right' isn't a group or movement. It's all sorts of people from coming from different views.

No, it only seems that way because of the bandwagoners who don't know where the term originally came from.

>not being right wing

Yeah, this board isnt for you, you fucking cuck. out!

This isn't your safe space.

Right on.

>white male
shouldn't that be 'orange baby' ?

t. cucks

I find it super indie saying i'm "redpilled" in public.

Matrix is so underground nowadays.

>he takes the alt-right meme seriously
Top laffs m8y

People who do mass replies should be the first to die on the day of the rope.