Are you part of the alt-right movement?
Are you part of the alt-right movement?
yeah im all right
Is that your president on the picture?
Is that why you hate Denmark and Danish?
I hate French people more.
What the hell is this and why didn't anyone let me join?
Because american micro dicks are not accepted.
Sven here is used to that BBC.
you gonna give sauce on that or not?
inshallah ma brodah!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1! BRO FIST XDDDDDDDD
i am in ctrl-right movement
No, I am part of the SJW movement.
>wear crucifix necklace at public institution in france
>get arrested and persecuted for not complying with their secular, democratic values
It's a French movie.
whats alt right?
No, I'm not a retarded teenager with mommy issues.
i'm part of the european alt right
Not really. But if I'm being honest, I hope they succeed.
>alt right
>major opposition to hentai
This move needs a remake where the guys fucking the women are all blacks
>using a check list to re-affirm your identity based on your current beliefs, rather than actually striving to learn new things
Also, 90% of that infographic makes alt righters seem like new age hippies, desperately struggling against the advance of natural sciences and industrialisation.
>Alr right
>moderate support for bodybuilding and fitness
no I'm not autistic
that looks french, is it french
More of a kike fascist here t b h
Just kill the Muslims already
hello mehmet
>French """"""movies""""""
hello virginal whitey
What the fuck does some of this shit even mean? What the fuck is Cuckservatism? How do you define Non-Degrading Cinema?
Who is right of alt?
many alt-righters are hard core SJWs who think that cinema degrades men.
terminator is shown as an example of non-degrading cinema, because it portrays a strong, independent man.
this is so fucking retarded
Strange. I'm a lefty and I agree with much of this
>against identity politics
>for "identitarian movement"
>at least people didn't call me "racist"
What's wrong with french cinema? :^)
am i a retard who discovered politics yesterday?
no sorry
wtf? now I love france!?!
this is basically all achieved by a sharia driven/islamic country
>tfw i agree with 75%+
huh apparently im alt-right. just gotta get rid of the authoritarianism over art and muh identitarian movement. time to go beat some jews i guess
Total conformity, of any kind, would solve many problems.
Oh baby I hope this is subbed
i love alt righters, they are always good for a laugh. i've never seen a more unaware group. not even the fedora neo atheists from reddyt who were all the rage around 2012 were such a perfect mix of self importance and stupidity. i can picture the smelly neet loser wasting 3 hours in photoshop making that shit while smugly stroking his weak chin while his mother makes him tendies in the next room, the outside world going on giving 0 shit about the "alt right" and their babbling.
t. Ahmed
Could be islamic, could be christian, could be fascist. So long as everyone conforms to one ideology or philosophy, a ton of problems would go away.
>next guy approaches
>doesn't stick his dick in the first guy's ass
wasted potential
No, I'm an actual conservative.
I'm not apart of anything.
source on this
I just recited the alt-right shahada, so yeah.
>this is your brain on 10 hours of Sup Forums a day
all this graph seems to be getting is flack, but i agree with it quite a bit
Alt right is basically a term used for anyone under the age of 40 whos a nationalist desu
i'm part of the movement that is waiting patiently for some sort of horrible event that will make both sides fuck off and bring rationality back.
No, I'm not gay.
This is actually a pretty accurate description of alt-right. So it's also a great testament to how retarded the movement is. There's no reasoning or logic or arguments behind it. Just a lot of angry neckbears collecting all the things they hate and think are the root of their problems and opposing it by posting memes on the internet. Goddamnit Sup Forums is pathetic.
>mixed market economics
but alot of the things they dont like isnt really just cause they dont like it only, alot of it is infact harmful
but on the other hand you can argue for it as their freedom allows them to do it therefor they should be allowed to 2bh
Source on this now!
>supports "Art"
Most of these people couldn't tell a Degas from a Pollock.
both sides are scared to talk facts, thats the real issue. especially in regards to race. we know that black people are on average less intelligent than whites. a black kid raised from birth by white parents will not perform as well as his white brother. that gets called racism but its true. asians outperform whites in the way.
blacks on average underperform in all areas of life (except for certain groups of africans who immigrate here who make decent doctors/engineers) whites are held as the average and they mostly do ok and hispanics fall somewhere in between but are capable of performing equally to whites. meanwhile asians and indians kick everyones ass all over the place all the time.
but we're not allowed to discuss these things because it's "racist" and it might lead to some nasty lines of thought.
Industrial scale cucking.
not the same movie but it should finish you off.
"harmful" you mean. There's nothing on that list of which the benefits can't be argued.
You're right in that PC and race-cards prevent good discussion but it's not true that blacks are by definition less intelligent. And if they are it's not because of genetic factors but socio-economic and cultural ones, you know the story.
I have an Asian friend from China and I discussed this with her a few times and she said that a lot of countries like China and South-Korea allow massive cheating on IQ tests to outperform whites. I don't have any real evidence of it, but would it really be such a surprise? IQ tests are mediocre ways of measuring intelligence at best.
Yes? I agree with some of the politics, would consider myself a nationalist but I don't know if I align with white nationalism. It was never something I've called myself but is a term that people in my circle have referred to us as a group for a year or two now.
I don't support ethnonationalism in the US but I think it 's right and at this point somewhat necessary for Europe.