A*g incident edition

>We do it too



Reeeeee etc etc

Can women do this in your country?

No pics.
it's as minor as christmas though.

No it's heresy and it's a waste of women.
No wonder why your women are known for their Stahces


What is happening there ?

2 IDF soldiers chasing an Arap

Ahahah ayyraps

It's from a rap video

>2 IDF soldiers
They don't exactly look Israeli.




fresh meme

>They don't exactly look Israeli.
I believe you haven't met Israeli people yet



>wake up
>middle east is now this
>wat do?

Laugh because it's none of my business.

._. This general needs sexsleeves tbqh

._. Now theres maghreb where should I post?

.-. Maghreb memes???

>in 1000 AD

I think they meant ship building complexs, which inspired iberians to start mercantilism later

This just won't work (for now) tbqh, let's just go back

really make you think.

>woman has mustache
>gets mistaken for a dude

No, it doesn't happen