Alright, so I really do want to know how much of a 'backward bigot' I am in a Western popular ethic system.
Answer these questions, Sup Forumserns.
1. Do you think most men and women have inherently different intelligence/physical attributes? 2. Your stance on LGBT.
3. Do you think that foreigners should behave according to the laws of the host country?
For me:
1. Yes, most men and women have inherently different intellectual and physical capabalities. I seriously do think so.
2. I think that it is tolerable as long, as it is done in one's personal space and not publicized/forced upon masses as a variant of a norm.
3. Yes, the host country imposes it's rules upon guests. I do sincerely think that IN SAUDI ARABIA women are ought to wear hijab, etc., however IN GERMANY hijab could be forbidden.
Foreigners' personal customs should be irrelevant to country's culture and law. You should be like a guest in a house and be thankful for hospitality.
This is what I sincerely think memes aside. I am interested in your answers to see, how much it deviates by the country.
Anthony Gray
you would fit in well in texas in louisiana or mississippi you might be lynched as a degenerate
Aaron Baker
Your opinion is pretty much same to me, tovarish.
Brayden Bailey
Your opinions are reasonable, but too abstract.
It's the caveats that make us live in this current hell of people making ado about nothing.
You give a gay the right to be "privately gay", and soon he's making 30000 movies about how being gay rocks and getting sponsored to do it.
I also think everyone should be free on an individual level, but respect the societal customs to keep it working. But the thing is both liberals and conservatives abuse the system to smite those who are different and form this kind of hostility and tribes trying to destroy each other.
I wish we had a society with all the LGBTZOASNDKZXCMASD rights enabled, but also with no rules against discrimination - punish violence, but don't obligate people to respect each other when they clearly don't. I look at Sup Forums and think if society was thick-skinned like the Internet, by discriminating and laughing off our own discrimination we could get to a point of consensus with the opposing sides' rational people and let the drama scrubs rot in their eternal struggle for tribal belonging.
Henry Fisher
1. Physical yes, intelligence no. 2. Fine with it. 3. Yes. >if society was like Sup Forums Then everyone would an apathetic wreck who revels in cruelty.
Leo Myers
stupid question,of course people should behave like the locals or atleast respect their views in some sensitive things like religion and sexuality if they visit a foreign country
Lucas Long
>women >inherent different intellectual capabilities wut ?
Chase White
I initially had a general impression that an average Russian would make your average Texan.
Nathan Smith
>>if society was like Sup Forums And here is the part I call you an illiterate nigger and nobody flips out because it's not polite.
Brandon Morgan
That is what you were getting at. Everyone should be so desensitized that nobody would care if you posted rape porn in a Facebook group about some child's birthday or whatever. It's not feasible or realistic.
Aiden Cruz
1. Physical differences are extremely obvious. Intelligence I'll say no. Any difference in intelligence or behavior can be attributed to social constructs. Women have proven all throughout history that they're just as intelligent and strategic as men when they have access to the education and tools.
Maybe women aren't as adventurous but I attribute that to testosterone levels of men increasing risk taking behavior, which goes back to physical differences and not really one of intelligence.
2. Gay is okay in my book, your sex life and who you fall in love with is no one else's business, and homosexuality has been here since the dawn of man kind. It literally has no negative impact on society.
3.Yeah of course. If you don't like the laws don't visit, pretty simple. It's up to the native citizens to change any laws they deem unreasonable.
Cooper Gray
Trust me, there are lots of people, who would say 'no, world should be without rules and borders', etc.
Brandon Wright
Where did you get your degree in memelordry?
If you think someone needs to be emotionally involved to enforce laws that have been written with logics and long-term stability in mind, you're the problem here.
Even if having impulsive feelings was necessary to take action, I must remind you Sup Forums hunt down a girl who drowned a few puppies and that bomber guy, so there, you can still have your moral witch hunts.
I'm just advocating in favor of people being desensitized from taking offense on words. But seeing you come from a society where the biggest problem seems to be watching TVs without paying fees and spreading butter with a lethal weapon, it's only natural you would have nothing better to do with your time than create new problems to be fought.
Jason Brooks
>Do you think that foreigners should behave according to the laws of the host country?
M8, it's different that just saying 'no, world should be without rules and borders'.
I am personally in favor for world without borders but not without rules. Btw it's a utopia, when facing reality I recognize that borders are important.
So of course you have to fit to the host country's rule. The threat to be imprisoned should be a sufficient reason. You can think some rules are stupid, that they doesn't fit with your values or some universal principles, but wtf you have to be suicidal not to respect them.
Brody Rogers
>I'm just advocating in favor of people being desensitized from taking offense on words Will literally never happen, people (who haven't spent their formative years calling people niggers on the internet) have personal honor. You will not be able to get rid of this, short of forced lobotomies. I can see the appeal in think "if only everyone were as think skinned and rational as me" but in reality people are more emotional than rational and don't like it when angry NEETs spread hatred to make themselves feel superior.
William Stewart
this is as good a way to find them as zionists on Sup Forums
Ryan Sullivan
>you people I don't know, you are the one assuming I'm part of a particular group and somehow trying to rule yoruself out of it. The only group we've mentioned is Sup Forums, are you implying you're a redditor?
Besides, I'm not advocating against getting offended, but against making laws and protecting people against this kind of non-crime. If you're not as emotional as the name-callers, you won't mind being called those things in the first place, now, will you?
Cooper Roberts
>1. Do you think most men and women have inherently different intelligence/physical attributes? "intelligence" is a shitty term in this regard and a wrong choice to describe the difference. you have to ask for what they should be intelligent and how being intelligent is if you wanna use the term in this context. i mean, the definition of being intelligent is very contextual. it needs a concrete context and background.
>2. Your stance on LGBT. ive honestly hated them as collective mind. fuck all that shit. they destroy traditional liberal values and seize the scenes. its not about japan but still, it annoys me to the core for a reason. i will agree with them going for their human rights but holy fuck, they are too arrogant and self-centered to handle/hold it in public. they are as abnormal as me as a wacky artsy cunt. and such mentally problematic minorities are everywhere. they have a similar problem to the LGBT.
the LGBT aint normal, but at the same time they aint such special people among the minorities. so they shoudnt behave as if they are the main actors and the normal standard of liberal. the liberal values should be for everyone and normal as fuck, and shouldnt be specialized for a particular mentally problematic group and its ideology. otherwise, it would literally fall apart as a whole. the fuckers cant understand it.
>3. Do you think that foreigners should behave according to the laws of the host country? pretty much yes. you have to do so unless its forced. why would you dare to break a law and a norm of the country when you go there with your free will. if you wanna change it, you have to try a very tolerant/open-minded way to do it at the very least.
Juan Hughes
>the definition of being intelligent is very contextual. it needs a concrete context and background. That's why he said "intelligence attributes", broadening the definition and not arguing in favor of a single type of mental faculty.
I for one believe this varies greatly with genes too, since everyone has different personalities and ways to approach information. Being from a certain race or gender can give you a tendency, a bell-curve, but of course individuals will be always individuals.
There is also a hindering fact in the case of women - they can't pursue any intellectual hobby for too long before drooling males come and lead her hand through every hardship, making the learning really shallow. I see it time and time again with girls wanting to learn instruments, art, etc.
Again, tendencies, not stone-set rules.
Chart related shows tendency for women to be less logical and more emotional.
Eli Wood
You and I completely agree on all points
Austin Morales
fck nzs
Alexander Young
1: Most men and women are different creatures, as such deserve different treatings. Fuck equality. 2: People can want dick as long as they don't try and shove it in your face or be otherwise flamboyant about it. Otherwise, I couldn't care less about what other people stick in them. 3: Yes, if they're living in a country, they better get used to the fucking rules of it, otherwise they can fuck off.
Kevin Bailey
1. Yes, obviously. That's a fact, however the differences in mental capabilities is rather negligible, and it isn't as straightforward as "men are smratrer!!1".
2. I don't mind people fucking whoever they want or having whatever fetishes they want, but trans people are quite literally mentally sick.
3. Yes, otherwise it could lead to disappearance of local customs, which would make traveling pointless, and the world boring. However I think a certain amount of understanding from the locals is good as well. Not every tourist is going to be instantly familiar with all the customs.
James Edwards
You're being purposefully obfuscatory. I've said why people don't like trolls and why people would want to make laws prohibiting it and you've just attacked me by assuming that I'm making assumptions which I'm not. Uncivilised behaviour and random insults add nothing to a conversation only begets more uncivilised behaviour. It's like saying we shouldn't have modern medicine because "people should be immune to these diseases anyway".
Sebastian Murphy
1. Yes but these differences are negligible and can be overcome with hard work 2. LGB is fine, trannies belong on a cross
Luis Price
>There is also a hindering fact in the case of women - they can't pursue any intellectual hobby for too long before drooling males come and lead her hand through every hardship, making the learning really shallow. I see it time and time again with girls wanting to learn instruments, art, etc.
Well said. A lot of men don't seem to understand this and think that their masculinity is being attacked when you point it out, or now they call you a sjw and accuse you of accusing them of mansplaining.
Isaac Robinson
Congratulations Ivan, you are a reasonable and normal person. Now go and get shouted at by both sides of unreasonable people, because they are the ones voicing their opinions loudest.
Oliver Wood
fck antifa
Mason White
1. Physically yes. Mentally yes. It's a completely known fact that there are quite noticeable differences between male and female brains. For examples, testosterone is neurodegenerative which causes quite massive changes in personality. Also the female brain has a shitload more white matter. Whereas the male brain by comparison and space occupied has much more grey matter. These are facts.
2. 100% fine with it. Just don't go flaunting around your sexual vibes and making your entire identity/personality based around your sexuality. I've met alot of gay guys and some of them are just downright annoying. It's like, great you fuck butts I really don't care but can you please stop acting so faggy and acting like a woman?
My best friend of 10 years is bi, dude's hilarious and educated. But he's manly and fuck and you would never know that he occasionally fucks guys. To me it's a personality thing. But honestly I don't fucking care just respect that sometimes it makes me feel weirded out and uncomfortable.
It's a free country, do what you want just don't bother me please.
3. 100% absolutely. It's a matter of kindness and respect. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself. Also the host country has the ethical right to impose it's will on the guest. It's not right to walk into a friend's house and rearrange his furniture, paint the walls a different color and replace his hardwood floor with carpeting.
Brayden Harris
Except diseases actually harm people. Besides, we live under a system where name-calling is still allowed - but only for the "oppressed side". So calling someone a dumb nigger is no-no, calling someone a dumb bigot or a fucking white male is empowerment. I want both to be allowed, since trying to forbid it has led to our current asymmetrical situation.
>when you point it out Eh, this I haven't seem happen to opine about, unfortunately. Looks interesting! Girls around me are all really fond of these attention bubbles and carry on on the so-called "easy-mode" because - why put effort into something a man can bring you on a silver plate? It's not a conscious thing, mind you, but they've been raised like this from scratch, it's really hard to break away from it.
On the other hand, men are so left alone to do their thing, they become generally more skilled but also more autistic, thus jumping at any female interested in the same things as someone to marry and have a band with. Fortunately the Internet provides some degree of flexibility on this dynamic, although I still see it happen all the time with cyberdudes buttering up cybergirls. She might even be an unrevealed landwhale or a dude pretending, but just the possibility that she's a cutie behind a screen on the other side of the world is enough for a personal army of supporters to develop.
Sebastian Ramirez
Mental sickness is not the same as physical sickness but they both cause suffering. Saying that the law is currently applied unfairly is not an argument against the concept.