Culture Pals - /cp/

lisadk is a QT 3.14 edition

Come meet QTs from around the world, get your flirt on, learn '''''languages''''', partake in bants with swedenyes, make fun of qts memeing Sup Forumscore music to them, flirt with lisadk, block thailand, etc

Website for newfags:

OP pastebin:

mega with all the OP pics that nobody uses

Old thread

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First for fine ass


i love thread creating Brazilian user

lets all give him a kiss :*

We need a final solution to the Korean problem.

russian kiss for including /cp/ in the title


I mean, you guys have solved the japanese problem in 1945.

Not true. Anime still exists.

How many are still active?

It only solves the problem for a few years. Like going to a doctor for a general check up once in a while, u know?

hey guys, this is the same person with 2 account right? Look at the names and both contacted my korean fake profile lol
Tell me it's not true. Both "girls" look hot

i fucking hated gongorist

in the top 7 row

OG right here, new pic same account name

I'm not on there.

Legit hurt my feelings.

Not the single that matters =:((

Nortism's friend list is basically the new Sperg Squad.

Doesn't matter. More attention is always good.

Unless it's from Pakis. Pakis out, etc.

Send me friend requests everyone, will accept later tonight when I have done enough shitposting

thanks for commenting on my pic baby boy :3

T-that's what friends are for handsome :^•

/pot_lel was my Asian fake. It's dead now


wtf Ukraine I thought you were arab free

yay o/ thanks for responding \(º0º)/

I saw a black chick with a Ukrainian flag two days ago with pics very clearly taken in Kiev.

Freaked me the fuck out.

May Þunarr be with you in your endeavour and bring you success.
When the pics are framed, assume it's a fake account.

Wanted to add you motherheckers as friends but 90% of you don't accept friend requests without message first

Frick this

Apparently Ukraine actually has a moderate sized black community. They sent a black woman to eurovision a few years back which caused massive butthurt and I've seen pictures of black people in the Ukrainian army.

well, then message first, you fool.

Can't be bothered

Where the fuck did they come from? And why in God's name would you move to one of the only white countries that's Africa tier shitty?

Now that is rude. Definitely not a way to treat a fellow slav.

>a bigger hospital
Kek every time.

>online feature is broken again

You guys spent a thousand yeard killing and enslaving each other. So it depends on your perspective.

I don't think I'm going to make a move with this Ecuadorian QT, she wants me to text her today. But i don't think I will.

My theory about blacks in Ukraine and Russia is that they were guest workers from Angola or some shit and just stayed after the Soviet Union collapsed. Same reasoning as to why the Czech Republic has the 3rd largest Vietnamese community in Europe

Please tell me this is someone on here's fake profile.

Post her number. I'll pretend to be you and post the noods on here.

Dunno, I see blacks in St.P. rather often. They usually do shit like passing out flyers. I doubt that they are even legally in Russia.

I don't have her number yet, we talk on Tinder

The soviet union was already giving away scholarships and receiving students from fellow communist countries and countries under its influence, including Africa.

Yeah but that's St. Petersburg. Why the fuck would anyone immigrate to Kiev, legal or otherwise, especially if they were black?

i love you

I love you cp
everyone of you

Tbh, I would say the same thing about St.P. Also, Kiev is a beautiful city and is not a bad place to live in (assuming. that you disregard all the political stuff), so idk. As I said, I doubt that they legally emigrate. You seem to overestimate their intellectual capabilities.

I don't deserve your love.

Kiev's a fucking shithole though.

everyone does. we will remain friends for life. Cp is our family now

You are fat

Not cunts and /mena/ though.

no grandpa , im skinnyyyyy

For you

whats a cunt

Or manlets

would you rather be a girl or be a virgin for life? question is for men

>tfw the only response you're looking forward anymore is nortism's

If you loose that weight, will you die?

tweezer is your best friend my lad

I like it natural

would rather be a virgin girl for life desu

why hahaha

That fucker doesn't respond to my messages.

And I thought we were going do Gdansk ;_;

girls can manipulate men into doing anything they want so easily, that it's not even funny

lets find out who is the most handsome guy on cp is
whoever wins will be crowned the king

no men are the ones doing that
remember dutch boy makes girls stuff objects up the butt

Ludwig already won.

See He looks older than 20 imo though, not that it's a bad thing.

no i disagree, there's one more handsome than ludwig

I honestly might be but I'd don't want attention from yall.

lol post profile

Post picture, I doubt he's gonna be good looking, tall and also fit.

he is tall and handsome yea

A girl
They were all purged in the great spergout of July

Oh fuck, im there. Dont visit anymore tho. Got an IRL gf from there, been together for over a year and a half now. Try and find me on the list.

Also rachel a qt.

Nah. I'm in Michigan, try to find me.

who is kraut, post profile. leaflets are barely average, all of them in my opinion. clayton's age and crooked nose bothers me as well as sissy haircut

I don't know his profile, I just know that he is fuggen handsome and gets more qts than my fake Korean...almost

awww you is clay clay lol


Not going to answer how I dox people btw, if I tell people would be able to prevent :^D

hmm clay is the only one i know from michigan
gib another hint

handsome by cp standards= slightly below average in real life :D

There are a few men like that, but women are way better at it, this is an undeniable fact

russia pls do not argue with me, you know how bad men treat women

/ZzynpP just messaged me saying "I dont need your comment"

Catfishing is not manipulation

(ง ั⌑ั)ว ) Dame!

Common you guys, don't fight, there's enough me for everybody

true true, i am also guilty of catfishing :D
once things got so bad, the person almost jailed my ass. learned my lesson and gave it up for good ;(

I used to be on the sperg list before i deleted my account?

who here remembers Johnno, the autistic Aussie?

Im qt and in my 30s.

I'm on the list.

Also realized I've wasted three years of my life on Interpals, looking at my age in this list. mfw.

30s = old and ugly or ogly

You don't even know that nobody even likes bullies, like you!!!

drinking lactofree milk

6 years for me :p (never been on the list tho)

A-are you the patriarch we seek?

lmao you fucking virgintards relying on a shitty dating website to get women