You wake up in Poznan, Poland

You wake up in Poznan, Poland

what do?

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Unify Germany.

looks like clown city

Live. I am in Poznań, Poland.

Be happy.

the fuck are you from though?

>not liking a colorful city

>tfw not living in Poznań, Poland

Przeprowadzałbym się do Londyna.

I wake up in Poznań everyday, it sucks, life sucks. And the city is not even half as colourful, it's mostly commie blocks and modern buildings without soul, and the sky is grey and it's often foggy, and people are grey too. Poland is probably the most depressing place on earth.

The Faroe islands are a bunch of shitty frozen islands north of the UK that's owned by denmark

do dupy chyba smieciu jebany banderowski ja pierdole kurwo ukrainska niech was ruscy rozjebia raz na zawsze wy psy pierdolone

Shouldn't be to hard to get a ticket back to chicago...

Bring back prussia

>And the city is not even half as colourful
even if only 0.0000001% like in OP's pic, still looks better than mine

>it's mostly commie blocks and modern buildings without soul

>Poland is probably the most depressing place on earth.
nope, that's Russia

looks like*

>be surprised and my heart is beating with joy
>hang out
>local bydlos spot and bully me because I am Asian
>go home, with a bruise on my face

brb ratting out to Disney

leave and begin cleaning mr first world's toilet

Grab some breakfast, check net for shit to check out locally... find old pub drink beer try to hit on some Polen broads, tell from Socal, bang drink all night. wipe dick on drapes, fly home.

Do you really think that the first world countries over there will let you work when they have much more qualified second worlders to do it?
We would too, but there's only another first world country and a third world one near us so we're stuck with you

>generic picture of what could be any Euro street with a blue instagram filter
ah yes very depressing

I hate overcolouring photos
It can make even the shittiest places look good

That doesn't happen. Sure we see Asians as alien two-faced sneaky midget people but we don't bully.

post a non-overcoloured one then

use my saved shekels to travel around europe and then return to Chile

first 30 sec is as much bullying as an Asian can get here

still looks great 2bh

That still looks pretty nice.

no, it usually makes them look tacky and shit

kurwa ;_; why do poles hate asians so much? we dindu nuffin to Poland.
You should know how much Japanese love Poland.
We even had a Polish festival two months ago.

Poznan sucks asshole. I made the of staying there for a night this past summer. Even Lodz is better than poznan. The fake ass historic old town with its overly colorful recreated buildings is nausea inducing. Biggest waste of 24 hours in my life.

Poland's been dicked over by foreign nations so many times it's no wonder they're hostile to foreigners

i walk around the city and then take a train to paris where my sister will accomodate me

>We even had a Polish festival two months ago.
Where? Got any links/pics?
I walked into some small German festival when I was in Tokyo last month, was cute as hell with all the Japanese singers dressed like Bavarians and all the visitors eating bratwurst.

>kurwa ;_; why do poles hate asians so much?
They don't. A nigger, a sandnigger, or a spic mistaken for a sandnigger (sorry spics) can get his ass kicked in a shady alley at a late hour, but Asians are generally regarded as polite people, therefore acceptable.
Viets are probably the most liked minority group here.
Here's a Polish asiaboo song:

>poles bitch about their country but almost every pic on Sup Forums looks 1000x prettier and more cultured that anywhere in the new world

east asians are generally well recieved in a lot of countries.
Well, ignoring the chinese. They have problems

That's because photos posted in poleboo threads are cherrypicked Old Town parts. For every pretty historical building there's a hundred of ugly gommieblocks.

Wonder how many mushrooms I just ate and why I didn't bother to learn Polish or bring a translation dictionary.

>or a spic mistaken for a sandnigger (sorry spics) can get his ass kicked in a shady alley at a late hour

>tfw you love Poland but Poland would kill you at the first opportunity


Are there many weebs in Poland?

the commieblocks aren't an argument, every city in the world has nice and ugly parts

Tear that shit down and build pretty neighborhoods

Most cities. Some cities are all ugly part. Like detroit

Barely anyone really differentiates between Asians here. Everything yellow falls into the same polite-people-with-a-funny-accent category, whether Chinese, Viet or Korean.

in one of the richest area of Tokyo
the Polish embassy hosted it.

Much of Detroit is actually pretty. Just run down and very dilapidated.

The only Chinese person I've ever seen irl was an old Chinese teacher at my university, and she was very friendly Tbh
>or a spic mistaken for a sandnigger (sorry spics) can get his ass kicked in a shady alley at a late hour
I'm talking about men, not qts
Fernando Martinez memes are very much alive here, so some bydło can get triggered when they see Enrique from Erasmus (aka Orgazmus) dancing with the local girls. Poles are jealous and afraid of getting cucked.

wtf I love my country now

That's pretty cute actually. Missing my favorite part but I doubt japanese people would be interested in cavalry from a few centuries ago

>Miś Uszatek of all things

I don't know if it's just the area I'm in then but the chinese around here just come off as kinda rude
Then again where I live we don't have many chinese (Mostly indians and poles for immigrants) so...

>Some cities are all ugly part. Like detroit
is Detroit really THAT bad? or it's ugly for american standards?, I've seen some aereal view pics doesn't seem so terrible

>I'm talking about men, not qts
oh stop it you :3

>Poles are jealous and afraid of getting cucked
I don't think that's the case when they beat arabs (or arab looking) people, or it is?

There are some. Not many I think.
Then again I'm not sure if there's a lot of them or not, because I have no comparison to the amounts of weebs in other cunts.

They're probably trying to market towards their audience

>4 of the 5 largest Polish cities were built by Germans
really makes you think

Beats me. I know two personally.
I don't think we have any big dedicated weebcons.

Detroit is what happens when you build an entire city on ONE industry, get rather large, and then that industry just vanishes overnight. I've never personally been, but everyone I known who's lived there has said "Don't go there" even my mom who lived there in the 60s says that

>canned fish of all things

Well yeah, it's not like germans live in germany

Downtown Detroit has some gorgeous skyscrapers and none of that modern glassy shut like other Americans cities. It's actually pretty nice.

Outside downtown however is a massive ring of desolation

Now when I listen to it seems like Uszatek was a full-blown pedo Tbh
Childhood ruined
>those wooden blocks that were like shittier gommie version of Lego

Oh. I forgot to mention that it's probably the most corrupt city in the US. Full stop. Their local schools get more funding than any other school district in the US and they're still falling apart since the money "Disappears"

>American knowledge of history
Poland literally did not exist for centuries.
Everything in Poland today was built by Germans and Austrians and (in the shitty eastern part) Russia.

don't feed the kraut

I think their finances started improving once they elected a white mayor.

Who'd have thought?

I know that poland, despite not existing for most of the last 200 years. has existed as a unified state for longer than your country. Unless you count your holy roman clusterfuck as unified...

>I don't think that's the case when they beat arabs (or arab looking) people, or it is?
No no, they beat up Jamals and Obongos because of that.
They beat up Arabs because they hate islam.
Funny thing is, average bydlo's favourite food is kebab. There's a shitton of kebab shops everywhere.

basically 3rd world tier, kek

That city just got fucked by the relocation of the automotive industry. Kinda like how silicon valley is gonna go in the next couple decades

More or less. Except there are still people alive who can remember it being a nice place.

ah fuck it, I trest these baits as free bumps
>123 years

>average bydlo's favourite food is kebab. There's a shitton of kebab shops everywhere.
ayy, they want the advantages of multiculturalism but without the people who brings it, a little pretentious the boys

>Except there are still people alive who can remember it being a nice place
pretty much like Argentina then, anyone who is older than 35 comlains about how the country went to shit in the 80s-90s

That's because kebab in poland is a fastfood not an actual dish.
>you wait 5 min for it
>ton of fat
>lots of meat
>can eat while squatting/walking/sitting
I personally enjoy my kebab sometimes on lunchbreaks

admire the colors

We're probably gonna have two detroits soon though, since silicon valley is getting too fucking expensive to do anything in and companies are starting to leave.

You can have burgers without having Americans make it for you, I see no issue here.

At least now we can eat true patriotic kebab

>since silicon valley is getting too fucking expensive to do anything
isn't NYC more or less like that too?

based, but it's not realistic, especially when you're under Merkel's rule

NYC is always going to be a trade hub. They also have tourism that they can fall back on too
Silicon valley is ONLY the tech industry and californians, and the californians are bleeding the tech companies dry so they can spend the money on stupid shit

Obtain a Polish maiden and make babies



to go work on the building, of course.

Looks like Disneyland.

What a lovely city!

I'm coming Poznan. Brace yourselves.

why do all poles look like this?

>Funny thing is, average bydlo's favourite food is kebab. There's a shitton of kebab shops everywhere.
Funny thing is Hitler drank water. I bet you do too.

I just did

I don't know why Polish people are so keen on leaving Poland, it seems and look like a nice and pretty country.

I'd buy 5 rogale marcińskie and take a train back to Olsztyn.

I like how those dark skinned people at 3:35 are visibly uncomfortable and laughing through fear because a big wend is bullying them.

Lack of vitamin D.

this is Poland


this is a polish kid

About that, why the fuck most of white movies, pics and tv shows (canadians, americans and european) always make it seem like the weather is always cloudy there?

Its still okay, I think lack of industries and work is more of a factor. Just because you in EU doesn't mean you have pretend you are classy Euros who doesn't need to do the heavy work. Revive your industries man.

The only days that I see the sun here is the days when it's chilly with aminus temperature because the the cold disperses the clouds.

There is a saying in my country
>If you don't know what it is about, then it is about money.
and that's the protip.

We would be superfine if not for the communism, which we didn't even wanted in the first place (the popular vote was rigged by the soviets), so basically we were on the wrong side of the map. End of the story.