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Looks like a dick with thick messy pubic hair
lake michigan is rightful swedish basin
"Les Pays d'en Haut" ... Rightful French clay desu
haha benis :DDDDDDD
What's the canadian peninsula between lake huron and lake erie and ontario called? we should take it and make it part of Michigan, so we can have 3 peninsulas
Awful weather
Whole N.America is rightful French clay.
did the word peninsula originate from the word penis?
>Finnish separatists will never conquer the Great Lakes and establish a new nation
This timelime of ours. I don't want to live in it.
it's called southern ontario and it's where a good quarter of the population of canada lives
good luck with that
J'approuve ton approbation.
literally best part of north america. with the best people and coziest weather. sure there's a lot of meth and heroin and suicide rates are pretty high and the employment situation is miserable, and the winters are russia-tier but its pretty.
nice for swimming in.
yeah during the one week of summer they get.
Still, all the US Great Lakes States combined have a bigger population than all of Canada. That being said, we like having a miniature version of ourselves.
Wow, that would almost double the population of Michigan
They're the ones responsible for putting Drumpf in the White House.
Fuck them.
babby's pseudo sea
t. california douche bag
Don't forget Fl*rida
This, but stop saying Drumpf. It's cringy.
They're great
Based Lakes.
is there actually a natural border between canada and michigan like it looks like on that picture?
Some people just see what they desire
Yeah, same with New York
Yes; the St Clair and Detroit rivers.
would build cottage on the shores desu
Or just give Wisconsin the UP you cunts
ah cool, i was wondering if it was a river or the photograph had been touched up to show the border. i gotta check out the great lakes one day, each one is about the size of scotland and that sounds crazy to me.
fun fact: if you leave the property alone for a few weeks it will become a meth lab. my uncle had a cabin up near the Adirondacks that he camped in over the summer. he went one year with his family and all the windows were smashed and he found a bunch of paint thinner cans and blister packs from pills. he called the cops and they did nothing to find the people but they did condemn the place and tell him he had to hire sombody to professionally clean it before he could move back in.
>tfw no lake in Germany where you can't see the other shore
What happens here?
fun fact: that beach is full of needles and garbage.
Apparently it's Isle Royale for you Canucks.
Maybe near shit tier metropolises
>Lake Ontario
>muh lake effect snow
A vowel shift that'll fix English. Finally.
There are a solid 9,500 miles of shoreline along the Great Lakes. That's well over three times the length of the cross-continental Interstate 80. Surely they're not all covered in needles and garbage.
the uninhabited parts aren't.
At least you'll have an excuse to put a plow on your lawn tractor. My lawn isn't large enough to warrant a lawn tractor, and neither is my driveway long enough nor is the snow here heavy enough to warrant a motorized plow.
What are you fucking retarded. Yeah heroin addicts wander through isolated wilderness to get to the shoreline get trashed and throw their needles around.
You're the kind of poster that contributes nothing to any conversation, just like why you never talk to anybody in real life. Just shut the fuck up your posts stink of not knowing a god damn thing. Go now and while you're at it crawl into corner and die
The guy is a jackass don't listen to him he couldn't be more false.
>absolutely ass ravaged
Not really just being candid about your dumbshit that doesn't even make sense.
Does the idea of me being ass ravaged please you?
It's presumably some East/West Coast nu-male, so anything involving ravaging an ass gets him hot and bothered.
Stop telling them about Michigan pls
Kek so because of this every inch of the shoreline has needles everywhere? I live in one of the biggest great lakes cities and am down on the lake front all the time, I've never seen a needle.
Good point tho
Nice, I'm checking it now.
Is her pronunciation of "percent" in 1:24 common? I'm almost sure she pronounced it as /psent/ or something like that, it might hint not even schwa will survive in the dialect.
That's not in Michigan
This is a Great Lakes thread.
Many people do, especially in the Upper Peninsula. That place has the most Finnish ancestry outside of Finland, btw
I would probably pronounce it like that in casual conversation (if I wasn't paying attention).
I don't know if slurring like that is unique to here, or if it's common around the country.
If global warming screws up Earth's climate, Great Lakes states have already made a pact not to share any water with outsiders. BASED
>obama literally bails out their shit state
>bails out ALL 3 of the automakers
>this is how they repay him
Ungrateful fucks.
obama wasn't running.
we should sell wisconsin and michigan to canada because they are worthless shitholes
But we got Minnesota
kys coast monkey
pls do desu, im sick of being an amerishart
Build a wall to keep the Germaniggers away!
>You whiny faggot.
that whole region is finland 2.0,
especially the sault and t-bay
Politicians don't deserve gratitude.
Sault Ste Marie is eastern U.P. though; all the Finns went to the Western U.P. for the mining.
UUUUU, somebody's bitter.
this, unfunny germ meme.
>winters are russia-tier
Thats is the best part of the best part.
We are prepared.
>then obama and hillary supported the TPP
>hillary supported NAFTA
>these are pretty pro gun states
You're own fault.
>the winters are russia-tier
I think Russia gets way colder than we do.
It's gonna be so shit for everybody else.
>Florida dissolves like a sugar cube and fresh water goes with it
>Lower Midwest sucks their only major aquifer dry and gets erased by tornados.
>California begging for water as if the state isn't going to be yanked into the ocean by the Earth itself
>Sun Belt shrivels up and all those seniors dry up like rasins if their air conditioning is turned off for like five minutes
>Pacific Northwest literally a ticking seismic time bomb
Yeah it's more like Ukraine-tier. Not completely horrible but at least if your nuts don't freeze during winter you get to say you've earned them.
I live in Michigan
Ask a Michigander anything
Good scenery, terrible cities
Ontario is in on it too.
looks like a cartoon guy on skiis