What are women like in your cunt?

What are women like in your cunt?

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intelligent and beautiful

black as estonia's middle band

intelligent and beautiful

stupid and ugly


I don't believe you

loving, traditional, family-oriented, love making delicious food, highly educated, and don't care much about what you look like

as long as you don't mind a bit of weight

smart and fragile

Yes, see

average colombian girl



black and ugly

smol and ugly

Smart,Hit or Miss Looks,Hit or Miss Greed

pretty varied, like everywhere else, machoist pig.

I actually thought she was part of the float for a few seconds

There's a wide range of women in my country. I think it's hard to generalize them.

I'll help you

Chinese,Obnoxious Rich but Pretty and also Kind poor but /r9k/-tier ugly

Don't be selfish. Black girls are beautiful, that's why I love Argentinian girls.

>intelligent and beautiful

This pic confuses me, as these people look like they could be from any South American country and yet Spain views them as different and themselves as being white. Probably ten people in that pic would be considered white in the USA.

I said what are your women LIKE you fucking retards.

Better than others


How the fuck did you know? Chinese genetics, especially the males, are so fucking inferior.

Literally, no one thinks Spain is white, only some chicanos and some "proud" mexicans

>slants that can afford surgery look better than poorfag slants who can't

Really makes me think...

Average California girl Josie Perez.

The only thing worse than chinks are gooks.

Ugly brown goblin and feminazi

PĂ©rez? Wtf lad

Sorry Canseco
Dad is Jose Canseco
She was arrested last year for DUI
She is a major league whore

pic: LA girl Sierra Egan


Nice, thank you.

A cancer

No living women here because everyone is hard at labor work and turned into males.
It used to be, according to a book:
shy, soft-spoken that you barely hear anything, always at the lawn, kitchen or at the fields, tanned, creative invention out of nature resources, can slaughter small animals for food, sundries food, wrestle with crocodiles with simple dagger.

>feminism is bad

Loving this meme.

Most of them have vaginas.

>You get into in jail for putting whatsapp poop
>Is good.

A fucking Leaf with mental retardation

Actual Spanish grills are really into lefty politics, not sure why people believe these 19th century pious memes.

W-we're not all retarded.

like this pretty much

>Chinese,Obnoxious Rich but Pretty and also Kind poor but /r9k/-tier ugly

Chinese don't make up a large portion of the Canadian population.

What about the other like 80%?

>Actual Spanish grills are really into lefty politic
No, they do not do it. They simply take advantage of the legal advantages they have to obtain a privileged status. Feminism is only an excuse to keep it, the most left-wing party in the country is mainly men (who would enter into the definition of cuck perfectly because the same party wants to give more Privileges for women).

Do not be fooled, Spanish women are not idiots, they are bad people and very smart.

>that forehead on the right

wew lad

i like girl

dont have girl

Fat, and i do mean fat. Bitches walk around built like god damn refrigerators, somehow managing to be 300 pounds with no ass or tits.


What about these big rallies I see in Spain? Nothing like this would ever happen in Canada, way too much apathy.

But that happens on Redneckville only, or in big cities too? According to Hollywood and amateur porn you have some nice stuff there.

i blame anglo genes

girls are able to date up immensely here, every attractive guy I see (not gay t.b.h) has a gf half as attractive as him

It happens a lot in the south, which is where i'm from, but you can find them anywhere in the US. Don't get me wrong we have some real beauties, but we make em ugly as well.

>Black, Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics are the fattest demographics in America
>It's the Anglos


virgin detected

raging wailing alcoholic banshees

Let's just say your penis would be extremely flacid if you visited.

Naw mayne that's a textbook fivehead.

I do not know girls from this country

many virgins in this place tonight

Depends on where you live, but in Calgary they're all self absorbed cunts that feel the world owes them everything because "muh oil"

They look like this

Totally disinterested in me.

>bad attitude
>utterly normie


Virgins and white Knights*

You called?

you know it's like "elbows too pointy" tier wizardry

>utterly normie
You know, I've never been to Canada, and while I generally view you guys positively as a brother nation to my own, the Canada that exists in my imagination is probably the most normie country in the world. Is this accurate?

So is that your gf/crush? Or are you just a white knight?

definitely.even subgroups like hipsters or goths (or whatever) have normie mentalities.

Yes kind of, but it's kind of popular to dress themselves up as indie or alt.


varied, I had one half-jap, 2 blondes, 2 redheads and the rest of normal mediterraneans in my last college class

Although I never touched a woman for free, so I can't say what are their personality like, but I think they're alright


>defending a fivehead this strongly

So it is then. Kek.

not possible to white knight for a girl who isn't here, it's just fun to call out insecure losers

I'm virginfag btw, just not a bitter virginfag

please do us a favor and erase yourself from this planet

>not possible to white knight for a girl who isn't here

wew lad

I would still bang her but user is right.

>white knighting for a girl who doesn't have any idea

Damn, she's pretty.

>I would still bang her

I bet, but something's telling me she wouldn't bang you

Just because bitches won't fuck you doesn't mean the rest of us have that problem, Olaf.


How do you know? She isn't extremely attractive anyway. Are you always this edgy?

>How do you know?

because you're sperging out about the smallest thing?

>being offended that a strange norwegian woman you don't know is being insulted for her large forehead on Sup Forums

>smallest thing

It's actually quite large user, that's the problem.



>because you're sperging out about the smallest thing?
That is exactly what you are doing in this thread buddy.

here's your (You)

I'm not the least bit surprised that you're a virgin tbqhwy famalam.

>tfw my spamfilter didn't catch your meme words

What level of autism are we dealing with here Sup Forums?

did I hit a weak spot?

Is this what blonde,blue eyed Scandanavian I've always heard about?


Abbreviation for "Country", or stealth thread about lesbians? You decide

The dumbest Eastern Euro women I've met were from Estonia.

>Hungarian: Based
>Polish: Based
>Czech: Based
>Russian: Based
>Estonian: Dumb wannabe Westerners, pathetic