Gf got this for me edition
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The cat rudely awoken
gonna do a suicide off the Aus/NZ bridge
could obliterate any one of you fuckers in an instant
>tfw 5'8 and built like the michelin man
calm down please
u gone get pegged, faggot.
>tfw all I get of the the GF is her spraffing shite.
Square go prick.
Bit of a fat lad haha
yeh ha ha mate turns out the things not real, no need to be a cunt.
oh yea...
I'm here now lads. How's it foing?
He likes people food
I'm here now lads. How's it foying?
this 2bh
*teleports behind you*
>4 inch penis
>gf buys me a strapon as a "gag gift"
>keeps jokingly suggesting i use it during sex
what does she mean by this?
could still heem half of you
is that a cheeky bollock I see
fe fi fo
Don't you EVER talk to us in such a tone ever again!
I am not the Janitor.
has suicidebrah met his maker yet
I had a cat that did as well
She would sit in a chair at the dinner table with us and all you'll see was her head peeking out from over the table
She got up to 20 lb but as she aged she just couldn't keep any weight on so she turned into nothing but stretched out skin and bones
Lives to 19 years old though
Good cat she was
>tfw 4 inch penis
>tfw also it's very skinny
>tfw you never got to go to a cosplay convention and pork some crazy girls in jumpsuits and you're too old for all that now
>balding at 19
>receded jaw
>massive nose
>cant grow facial hair
who else lost the genetic lottery here? runt4life haha
got a 6 inch todger but it's thicc
Club is very calm lad, not many people here
Me and the 2 housemates are talking shit about another housemate
having a massive nose can be good
you might be (((mistaken))) during a job interview and get hooked up
>tfw 6.5x5.5 inch willy
>tfw very tight fitting asian gf who only dated asians before dating me
>see a traps body
>it pans up to his face
>hes an ugly cunt
They're really smelly lad.
I'm under the sea.
pics please
Because I was actually completely.
Post your guaranteed replies images m8s
Fascism is the application of aesthetic theories onto the political and social sphere combined with the idea that reality is fluid and tied to metaphysics, meaning that presentation and ritual can have real observable impacts on reality.
really its very heart is Platonism mixed with Catholic ideas of purity and Eastern esotericism (especially Muslim and Hindu).
Online gf said my Willy is perfect
>ex messages me after months of not talking
>immediately starts complaing about some internet "celebrity" shes "dating"
yeh nah fuck off cunt aha
Communism, on the other hand, is the coalescence of such theories into the body of the whole, or the commune, so to speak.
me having a clean water drink in korea
girl at work who goes to the same uni as me keeps trying to make eye contact
My name is The Janitor, but I am not The Janitor. It is simply what my mother called me.
why do koreans like shaq
janny wont be pleased with you..
she's mentally noting your key features so she can accuse you of rape and live off the settlement
I died of general misfunction 57,283 years ago
debating on whether or not i should watch an anime movie, or some redpill videos i've collected from Sup Forums
big black cock innit
Are you a dinosaur?
just hit a dab with the gf
thats a girl
google male body visualizer you punk
would like some more opinions on welly, would like to be well read when i show up at my mates aha ive got the 'tism
when i retire i wanna live in adelaide hills
what are your guys' life goals?
I am Janitor
I am the purity monitor
I choose which threads are permitted to mature and which must be eradicated
would this thing get kev?
bet it's not that big
Put an end to the savage East and the decadent West, and forge global stability in the radical centre of Israel.
reckon i could heem any of you runts
retire somewhere out west on a big piece of land and raise honeybees and produce honey
why are americans obsessed with cuckoldry?
Peoples front of Judea?
Fack off.
why do you keep asking this? it isn't a hard one to figure out. we're 63% white lad.
weirdo across the street got visited by a load of cops today
idk why yet
ok *confiscates your wages*
black guys fuck our girls often.
Fash wave
the True radical Centre is Uruguay
not bad
i saw a mod on Sup Forums once talk about how mods do in fact get paid and they get paid quite a lot
this is really shit
just so you know and can adjust your life choices accordingly
You fucking prick
touching my willy x
mods =/= jannies
hang a sign around your neck that says something in style with "they destroyed our identity, our culture, and our soul"
would really make people think
You cretinous melt. South America is not in the centre of the world map.
yes it is
panama specifically
so jannies are just interns then?