Would you enlist in your country's military?

Would you enlist in your country's military?


If there was a need for it and I was super desperate, sure.


Maybe if I was not a virgin and desperate with no job.

I didn't really get a choice

Yes you do

Yeah I chose it over civil services/complaining to the doc that I got a problem and getting C-papers

Absolutely not. I'm far too cowardly and feminine in mannerism for any type of military service. I'd rather cook or do some kind of community service conscientious objector activity if it came down to it.

It's full of crap, a bunch of blockheads and thieves.

You had a choice you commie fuck!

Im too redpilled for that.

Your armed forces are full of gay and trans. You will not stand out.

How the hell does serving my time make me a commie fuck you nazi fuck?


4-8 years later I'd be right back to where I am now.

Thinking about not serving your time makes you a commie fuck.

A nation which cannot advance its interests through volunteer effort alone doesn't deserve its sovereignty tbqhwyf.

Most men are happy to go to army.

No, only reason would be to spite some cousins I've got

lmao you actually had a choice you commie fuck lol
t. other

My birthdays next week I'm going to join the navy then get shit faced while trying not to feel anything. After that I'm going to pass out some place shameful.

Don't have a military.

Even if it had, it would be suicide. A small, poor country has no business having an army other than for coups. Virtually any other country that isn't as small or poor can go and invade with or without an army, ironically, another small country wouldn't be capable of that for the same reason: Small and poor army.

And of course, leaving behind the unlikely case of a situation that would jeopardize the country, an army is just a tool for sociopaths to do stuff against the population's will, not to mention that in many cases it's an ultra corrupt organization that leeches resources from the country.

But would they do it if they felt like they had a choice in the matter?

They do have a choice in the matter

Civil services

And practice they can just tell the doc they can't handle it

I finish university next semester

Wanted to join the military after high school but my dad really wanted me to finish uni first

I can join the Canadian military as a grunt or British army as a medical tech

Which one? My friends a vehicle tech here says things are shit and im better off going to the British army and get citizenship after a couple years

And exactly how many volunteers would you expect to get from a nation with the population size of a small city to defend roughly 1300km of borderline with an unspecified eastern neighbour? Expecially with those Swedes who decided to end their conscriptions hiding behind us
Surely enough for peace time operations but nowhere enough for reserves against a serious military threat.

Luckily Obama will be gone soon.

They felt like they didn't have choice cos they're fucking idiots.


I have no chance of harm when I enlist in the navy so its a no brainer. After that its GI bill college and the good life. The military took my family out of poverty, if you're poor and fit in America its far superior to staying in meth country and wasting your life.

Currently in the process of doing so. It's better pay than probably every other military, not doing a combat role though (part of the process is an aptitude test, general ability + mathematical ability, I got almost all of it right so they said I would be better suited elsewhere, not in a mentally easier role like rifleman), though everyone still has to do the exact same basic soldiering recruit training. Honestly I doubt most Aussies on Sup Forums could enlist if they wanted to, they are extremely picky and will simply stop the process and dismiss you if you have ever had anything (even an inkling) to do with mental illness. I know a guy who got dismissed because he had a minor knee injury that he took some meds for 7 years prior to applying. All these small things (as well as your qualifications and lifestyle) dictate whether or not they'll let you in, it's pretty competitive. Most of the time they won't let you in unless you're an absolute top-quality candidate. Personally I'm worried that they won't let me in because my BMI isn't in perfect range (I'm within the needed range but not in the centre of the needed range, only just above the lower end of the needed range).

Only to piss off my superiours.

I agree.

Repeat after me

Ad Matay

I would like to go to syria its fucking gold

I've seen this picture posted before you know.

I would enlist with the marines, not the military.

Yes I took it like two weeks ago
And guess what the place where I took it is now flooded to shit and about a month's work has gone to shit there because of the floods
Hooray for burning diesel

>A nation which cannot advance its interests through volunteer effort alone doesn't deserve its sovereignty tbqhwyf.

Our interests lie in our sovereignty. A volunteer army would not be numerous or cost effective enough to bring serious say in military matters in our scale. Our effectiveness lies in the fact that invading force would have to fight the whole population in exhausting guerella warfare or alternatively just annihilate us by bombs which again would just kinda miss the point of invasion.



Leave College, become US Air Force Officer in Officer School, get tuition for Bachelors degree, probably never get deployed because the Air Force basically just uses drones now.

>inb4 I deploy and die in the middle east.

Already enlisted as 35P in the Army.

i would rather kill myself than go to the army


what if i have hayfever

Yeah, but only if i get deployed in mexico city, otherwise no

What is Mexican military like? Do they just do drug busts then pocket the drugs as 'evidence'

I already did, it sucked. However, they gave me $135,000USD to get a bachelors degree in engineering. So its seeming like the right choice right now.

Depends on the situation, if we were ever invaded I'd probably sign up, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm scared shitless of being in any frontline roles

Mexicans never get this translation right. Marines in English when talking about military does not have anything to do with water. Marines in US military are the same as army as far as you can tell.

I have a medical condition that precludes it
Sucks to be young and healthy if the balloon ever goes up

I see you there, shipm8

>dat 3 section duty got me like


All these people saying that they would join "if they were desperate"
Is this really how shit foreign militaries are?
Here, to join the army, unless you go to military high school, you have to pass three exams that are tougher than entrance exams for average universities and on top of that you need to pass intensive psycholgical, medical and physical tests. It is very hard to get in the army and only people that truly want to do it get in.
I tried to go for military medical school, but the entrance exams are way harder than normal and there was only one class for the whole country.
I would join if it was't that hard

already did, deployed and discharged. Now I'm looking to rejoin as a reservist officer because I kinda miss it.

>fast cruise
>5 and dime
>lube oil vapor vented to work space
>sociopath leadership
>fighting for status (actual fighting)
>group punishment
>2hr dinner line
>mid rats
>steroid freaks
Its like they make it suck so bad and give you so much money to go to college as a lesson. And almost nobody takes the free money. Better to get a shit blue collar oil rig job...

>Would I enlist for Pakistan 2.0s military


If we stopped inventing conflicts in brown shitholes to cover for congress' money laundering and started fighting an actual enemy, I'd be the first to sign up.

Taiwanese liberation and Korean War round 2 when?

>implying I had a choice

They give free pasta so why not?