Why don't Latvia and Lithuania become one country?

Why don't Latvia and Lithuania become one country?

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I don't want to speak Shituanian

Tell me about Lativa.

If I drilled for oil there, would you die?

Isn't Lithuanian purer and more conservative than Latvian?

Russians in denial
Poles in denial

Is latvia the country with the tallest women?

Two different languages. Why would they become the same country?

Probably because Latvians would have to stop speaking Russian

Finland in denial

Swedo-Russian rapebaby
Russo-Swedish rapebaby

Friendly reminder that Poles and Ukrainians are both descended from a tribe called the Polans.


I want the Baltics to form a military union to counter Russia

Reeee we don't have slav genes

Who'd doubt

Correct post. Not only Polans, but also Radimichi and Vyatichi. Hot girls come from them, rest of Ukrainians are tatar/khazars and turkics.


0+0+0 tanks is still 0 tanks.

cockroaches in denial

I can see it now. Capital in Vilnius, with the citizenry attempting to become bilingual in both Latvian and Lithuanian to make communication efficient. Latvian is a better language though so maybe it can predominate somehow.

they'd all just end up using Russian for convenience's sake

Well, our languages are similar but not mutually mutually intelligible. It would be nice to have some sort of union with both languages being taught in schools mandatory.

There is another problem though

Population of Latvia: 1 933 863
Population of Lithuania: 2 804 494

Russians in Lithuania: 176,913 (5,8%)
Russians in Latvia: 520,126 (26%)

Population of Lithuania-Latvia: 4 738 357
Russians in Lithuania-Latvia: 697 039 (14,71%)

Every 4th person in latvia is a russian


Finno-Germanic rapebaby
Finno-Slavic rapebaby

then who was Lechite?

They are protestant scum who unironically burn paintings thinking they're the "antichrist". They'd end up burning lady of the gates of dawn which would bring us to war with Poland.

None of the baltic languages r pure

Fuck Russia

Fuck off cuckball.

excellent map


Only Latvian is polluted by G*rman, Lithuanian is a pure ancient Aryan tongue


lithuanian is autistic but cool

They already are
It's called Russia

Their dialects are too far apart; afaik there isn't even a continuum like there is in Finland/Karelia, or historically between Spain and France (Catalonian and Occitan being the transitional dialects, Occitan being endangered/near-extinct)

Also, there is an issue of religion, but that ain't too important nowadays.

just stay in your shithole volodya


Why don't US and Chinada become one country?

In terms of loanwords, yes, but Lithuanian palatalisation is awfully similar to Russian. Probably a coincidental development though.

In terms of sound changes, Lithuanian is more conservative except for the Proto-Baltic long *ā, which is "o" in Lithuanian.

Compare Latvian "vāks" (lid, cover) to Lithuanian "vokas" (eyelid, envelope).

Also, the feminine genitive:
Lithuanian: genitive of "juosta" is "juostos"
Latvian: genitive of "josta" is "jostas"
Note: in Latvian, /uo/ is written as "o".

Because they are completely different countries?

Lithuanian is an East Balt language while Latvian and Prussian are West Balt.
That means Lithuania was stolen from Latvians and Prussians by invaders from Russia.
I guess this explains why Lithuanians are so uncivilized.
