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International #688
What's the most degenerate thing you have done in a foreign country?
/fr/ - Le fil de la Francophonie et surtout du Québec
Are there any doctors on this board?
If we human beings can get nutrition by photosynthesis not having foods, we can get eternal peace?
According to latest mitochondria DNA test studies, our Y chromosome indicated special character which has D2...
How do you feel Amerifats?
Fucking 3Pm and it's already getting dark
Sverigetråden - Ingen upplaga alls
/luso/- fio lusófono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I have the cancer
Australia Hate Thread
Why are German girls so ugly?
His "city" is less than 800 years old
Would you personally allow russia to join NATO?
Which country are you a "-boo" for?
Your parents arrange a marriage with one of these british beauties
Do you love your country?
You can only post if your country is on this list
Top puf
Perfect height for woman
/tr/:başbuğ Atatürk baskısı
When will this meme about Turks being Greeks stop?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1778
I'm a white guy living in China. I teach English. I am good at it but I really hate my job
/Norgetråden/ - Send dem hjem
Could i pass as a local in your country, Sup Forums?
Why are whites fat?
Show me your Civilization VI leader Sup Forums
Your country
Are British women really uglier than other white women?
This is a Russian succubus
1. Your cunt
Just like the guy in the nice incident. Are Tunisians genetically bad drivers?
1. your cunt
You are only allowed to post in this thread if your flag has green in it
Don't be scared user!
I'm jap. any questions?
How do you feel about albino Africans?
What wuz you, Sup Forums?
Most beautiful woman in Japan
Gosh user, you're such a loser!
ITT we post really retro old ass photos of our countries
1. country/state
What's going on, Russia?
What's your country's proudest achievement
/tr/ - merhaba arkadaşlar ben burak oyunda edition
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/balt/ and /ausnz/
Literally an entire board where autistic immature losers roleplay their countries
Tfw you live in the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels
Just fucked a fat abo
What does Sup Forums think of La Rinconada, a city of 50,000 in southeastern Peru? At 5,100m...
Today is winter solstice, which means it is the darkest day of the year in northern hemisphere...
Your country
Way to go USA
Tfw nationality of my mother is different from my father
Why does Equatorial Guinea love Spain? Are they cucks?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
This triggers the iberian
Did you notice this thread by Ameriposter has been deleted soon after I posted the lists of Uykoku which is a fact that...
Why are Italy and Pakistan so strong?
Opinion on this webm?
Tfw keep telling myself ill do something productive with all my freetime as a neet
Poland is safer than western Europe
Why are Europeans gay?
Is this he a hero in Japan?
Slava ukrayini
Be brazilian
Sverigetråden - Mysiga upplagan
World national strength ranking
Kurva anyátok
EU was established to overthrow hegemony by the United States
Malaysian thread
/v4 + friends/
Boring country filled with boring people
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
How do Japanese really feel about weeaboos?
Good morning snowniggers
How do we fix America?
Poles think they're western european
RÉddit is down
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
(´ω`) hi int-kun
Does Estonia exist? And if it does, is it really a paradise?
Why do somalis have such big foreheads?
Average American
Fellow Australians, out of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Cairns, where should I move to?
/ex-yu/ noćna smjena
How do the French eat so much cheese?
For such a liberal country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
"Am I too light-skinned to fit in in your country user"?
When did the Middle East stop being cool?
Anglo Sphere Thread
Hilo latino /lat/
France is african
What pastries will your family be baking on Christmas, Sup Forums?
Culture Pals - /cp/
M-Mexicunts are you guys alright?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
What comes to mind when you think of Texas?
Sat next to a cute girl on the bus even though I knew she found me repulsive
Why is every country other than Portugal either ridiculously cucked or ridiculously poor and brown?
What's a good thing about India?
Turn on tv during the day
There a millions of nigs in South Africa looking for big white cock
Scientific production by country
Why does everyone on here but France hate America so much?
Ask a black guy who grew up in britain anything
Why are the most religious countries also the poorest ?
God I hate Maoris. They're loud, stupid, nosy and aggressive...
What do you call this in your country?
Some people actually think im white because of my flag
Name a culture dumber than American culture
Tell me something cool about your country or a country you like
Are Spanish people blanco?
ITT: We try to summon a Spaniard
Alberta thread
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Learn a new language
There, I fixed the EU
International chess thread
You can only live in 2 cities for the rest of your life which do you pick?
Why so much banter between argentina and italy? Italian diaspora?
Is this accurate?
/fr/ - Le fil de la Francophonie et surtout du Québec
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Mundanity of the world we live today
You can only post ITT if your country contributed to the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War
I think we can agree on this
/deutsch/ in Zukunft ohne /LKW/s
Russian TV gets its own Hunger Games reality show to 'allow' rape and murder in Siberia
Ask a Russian anything
/ita/ il filo
Be aussie
Best selling cars on each cunt
How could Americucks even compete?
What is the most Scandinavian picture you have?
I'm not a towelhead,this is my culture. Stop oppressing me!
How come Russians are such expert Finn-bashers...
Attention Argies! I have a question about your glorious country!
How come no one here likes the European Union?
/éire/ + /celt/
Approximately one million people, the vast majority civilians, died as a direct result of US actions in Iraq
Go to Google
Mfw I haven't paid my $13,000 hospital bill in 2 years and the hospital gives up and stops sending me mail
Italian or french poster gives a flirty (you)
Asian girls with big boobs don't exi-
Italians vs Turks
Best Europe thread
Do people in Latin America still believe in witchcraft and curses? Or is that just a meme?
/Gönnen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Russian real incomes fall 5.6% this year from last
Would I pass as Spanish if I move to Madrid?
Which countries women do you want to IMPREGNATE?
Latin America has an abundance of natural resources but is way poorer than the Gulf Arab oil states
Post yfw these countries declare war on you
Are there night clubs here?
ITT: Art from your land
/cum/ - Canada, U S A, Mexico
/Desi/ and friends
ITT: Post your least favorite section of your country
Culture Pals - /cp/
One chance at life
/fr/ - Fer de /fr/ance
The world makes noise about Syria and the big bad Russians, Iranians...
Sverigetråden - Raskrigsupplagan
/balt/ and /auschwitnz/
His country doesn't eat christmas ham
When will this meme about Turks being Greeks will stop?
What does people in your country say meanwhile when benis in bagina?
/deutsch/ Burgen Ausgabe
How come the pictures from the shooting look like a movie?
Kurva anyátok
1. Your country
Top fucking lel
RIP cute shooter. His death was the real tragedy ;_;
What is your country doing to purge the christian establishment that has been responsible for the genocide of the...
Why all of sudden people of Sup Forums started hating Russia? Wasn't Putin the good guy?
What are your thoughts on "Clash of Civilizations"?
This is considered a luxury vehicle in the US, simply because it has an Audi badge
Walk into you're room
I have pink nipple
A gothic cathedral in France
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Be german
When will this madness end?
Poland is third world
I fucking hate my country's culture
Would you racemix with an Argentine woman?
Post rappers from your country
Now that the dust has settled what is the opinion of people in your countries about Donald J...
Immigration to Ameriga
1. your cunt
Stop the madness, learn the difference!
Why is brit cuisine so shit?
Your country
/ita/ - il filo
/bunte Toleranz/ ehemals /deutsch/
What are some good, relatively objective sites to consume news?
Imagine it being colonized by Britain instead.How rich, advanced, powerful and white this whole region could have been
Muslims need to be purged
/esp/ - Hilo Español
How is life with Aspergers or high-functioning autism like in your country?
Mexican """art""" in the 20th century
1. you're a cunt
Wake up
I fucking love Italy, why don't you?
/Russia-Finland/ Brotherhood
/ASEAN/ - Goyang Pokemon Edicion
/mena/- Big Head Scientist Edition
How many people have to die before lefties stop blaming white people and start saying that Islam is the fucking problem...
Nowadays only Melbourne and Sydney are able to compete with Madrid in quality of life, worldwide
I'm a Cuck
/balt/ and /ausnz/
Hi if spain wasn't a poor brown third world dangerous shithole with no culture would you like it
Really makes you think
When will under 180cm manlets learn?
I was arrested in France with combat knife and air-soft pistol in my backpack, got court things to do in January...
Modern Americans
/luso/ Fio Lusófono:
Sup Forums Drawthread
"you do believe in god, don't you user? I don't think we can get married if you don't..."
How did they do it, Sup Forums?
Why are Scandi autists so hairy?
In this thread we are thankful for Merkel
Now that the dust has settled it is confirmed that Turks are white right?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1940
Russia is the last bastion of whites
User, your father and I went through your browser history. What is this "boards.Sup Forums...
Russian red race
Oh no! In a sudden twist of fate Japan declares war on China in a hope to reestablish their colonies from WW2
Russian Music Thread
Post normie humor from your cunt
/fr/ - Le fil /fr/
How do you go from this
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw I redpilled my ultra liberal mother on Muslims
Death to russia, russiaboos and all their allies!
Japanese look down on China because their "One party status"
This is an average australian
Are Koreans best traps?
I can't even imagine what would happen if terrorists attacked Poland
Do Japanese girls like Italian men?
What's this place called again?
Your country
Are you arrested when you touch food like this?
Be me searching on google images
You wake up in Warsaw as a Polish man
His "country" still has a queen
Do you love Japan?
/v4/ + friends
Good morning Sup Forums
Would you rather:
How come Australians are not proud of their heritage like North Americans are?
Hilo latino de REDENCION
That feel when no botnet
/tr/ - TÜRKO = ALFA edition
In France, paternity tests are illegal unless the mother consents to it...
Why don't Americans celebrate Christmas?
Does Turkey stand a chance?
Seriously, why can't we divide the world into five different language zones?
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Lotta loyalty for a hired gun
Sup Forums
Kurva anyátok
200 BC Risk - Sup Forums Refugee Edition
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Better go to bed wagecucks, you have work in the morning
Is there a particular reason why English proficiency is highest in the Nordic countries?
Are Syrians white?
Is this what palestinian girls looks like?
Hilo anti-cheto, hilo anti-recesivo, hilo amerindio
Wtf i hate germany
Humour is our defense against the imminent threat of WW3
Your cunt
Bad times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times
NOTRisk; Hexmap Edition
How much does bread cost in your country?
Is there a correlation between lactose intolerance and non-whiteness?
People who think Vlad is short for Vladimir
Tfw too intelligent to be Muslim
Is this true?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
How does it feel to be a non-anglo?
1. Tell me honestly, ok?
Americans clap after a mass shooting
You wake up in Colombia
Your cunt
Highest point is under 1000m
Alright guys, I have some free time so I figured I'd do an AMA for you
Tfw no qt American gf with Irish heritage
She's coming back and there's nothing you can do to stop it
What's the best city to visit in subsaharan africa?
Tell me the sound of guns in your language
It is decreed that the UK will be plunged into a hundred years of darkness
Be New Zealander
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Would you racemix with an Argentine woman?
/2016/ What were the highlights in your country?
Which is the best Spanish accent?
Go on social media
Are "countries" without castles truly countries?
/nachtschicht/ auch /deutsch/
When did you realize that the only way to get ahead in this world is through crime?
Be german
Be girl
Tfw if us Negros were to be deported America would be 10x better
Why were they so evil?
Which countries women do you want to IMPREGNATE?
Hear American English irl
Culture Pals - /cp/
Hey wh*te guys, here are some new years resolutions for you!
/ita/ il filo
Nachtschicht ehemals /deutsch/
A safe nation
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. your cunt
Why are rest of the europeans such manlets when compared to us?
/fr/ - /fr/aternité française
People with black hair are not white
You died, you can start new life in:
/deutsch/ und /nachtschicht/
Post deadly predators from your country
1. you're a cunt
I stand with Russia
What is the drinking culture like in your country?
Turkey appreciation thread
Sverigetråden - Ingen annan gör tråd upplaga
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
1. country
You need to have all these qualities to be considered white
What do they teach Latin Americans kids in school about the Spanish/Portuguese?
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
/caucasus/ sf2-edition
Is it just me or is US gun culture REALLY fucked up? I mean look at this shit...
/balt and ausnz/
Indians and Slavs are Aryan brothers. We are the future and preserver of the white race
Do people in you're country like anime?
Choose your sides user
Nizza 2.0
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Weather thread
Lol wtf
Time for kindness
What are you studying Sup Forums? Or what did you study if you finished...
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1777
Kurva anyátok
Why are other non-english speaking European countries so bad at making world music hits compared to Sweden and Norway?
Spain is pretty cool, actually
What happened to the west?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone Québécois
This is Japan
Poland & Turkey greatest allies
/norge tråden/
Is he white?
/bunte Toleranz/ ehemals /deutsch/
I stnd with Turey
Will she be ok?
Post your city's buses
Respects to Russia
Is this why Finns love saunas so much?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1974
Why do Europeans hate it?
The guy that started WW3
European admixture in Americas
How do you foreigners cope?
Be Russian
Ireland: Seamus, Patrick, Liam
Russian ambassador to Turkey 'shot in Ankara and hospitalised'
1. Your country
/lang/ Language Learning
1. You are a vagina
/balt/ + /ausnz/
There are karps in my bath
Is there anything good about India?
Am i only half european half middle eastern in Sup Forums ?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
ITT: post your cunts rightful clay
/ita/ - il filo 777
I lik spin do yu lik
Why don't Polish people integrate?
Tfw Negro
Could you get a job with being a racist in your country?
What the difference between jpop and kpop? I dont what be racist but it's look and sound the same
User, what's that Japanese grammar book doing on your desk?
Euros have bilingual Arabic signs
95% of american """""""people""""""" don't own one of these
Why do people think im japan?
Was Napoleon French or Italian?
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you want a white gf or asian gf?
What is the current state of your life?
/maghrib/ /mena/
How does it feel having the eye color of poo and a color which every non-white has?
British women appreciation thread
Could I pass as local in u r cunt ?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Why Russia ;_;
Are Slavs white?
1. Country, race, are you a virgin(y/n)
Could I pass as an Ainu-Japanese¿ or I am more yaoi¿
Post your "winter" weather
Now that the dust has settled on all of human history...
/fr/ - Fil de la France
What the best country in Europe to live in? Just your opinion
Tfw you will never be Polish
Do french people really eat rotten cheese and snails?
/Basel/ ehemals /deutsch/
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Red pill me on Egypt
Can anyone adopt me??
You got that gf yet Sup Forums? Your parents ARE expecting grandchildren, you know?
What do former Soviet countries think of Stalin?
Does your country celebrate Christmas Sup Forums?
How do we get rid of autistic Pepe?
Why the fuck do so many of you autists on here act like you like cold weather? I can't stand this shit
His language assigns genders to inanimate objects
Finish the sentence
Are French white?
What does Sup Forums know about the Mexican Revolution?
CD Projekt RED got the biggest cut of Poland’s 116 million PLN fund granted by the NCBR (National Center for Research...
/v4/ + friends
What the difference between them?
Why do all the Finns on here have perfect English? Suspicious as fuck if you ask me
Explain yourself Denmark
Really makes you think
Crazy Korean feminists
Who's the most strongest enemy for the USA in the history?
Why do whites of this website keep claiming to be Aryans...
What happens in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Can any Europeans answer this for me?
Be Montenegro
Niggers and spics have infested my state
1. Cuntree
Who here /friendly/
How are transgenders treated in your country?
What's wrong with American teenagers?
Why don't Latvia and Lithuania become one country?
I thought i didnt need friends. i thought that id be better off in my own company. but now, im starting to crack
Which women do you guys fever?
How does it feel to be a disarmed yurupoor who takes the bus everywhere and lives in a government apartment cube?
What did she mean by this?
Why is there a correlation between a country having a white majority and said country being more developed than the...
How do you say ''at least we have mosques'' in your language?
Kurva anyátok
Is your country (((Catholic)))?
Public Service Announcement
Slavoj Zizek
Was the US really good at war or Mexico really shit?
Tfw we could have been great
He doesn't live on an inland peninsula
Leave Communists to me
What US state has the most fat women who are single?
Why are italian girls so pretty on instagram but not in real life
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Do you know that in USSR coca cola and sodas in general were banned because they are bourgeois luxuries
Non-teal """""""countries""""""""
What is the best kind of tea and why is it sweet tea
*walks towards you*
What's their end game?
/brit/ - Mandy Nightmares Edition
Japan, what the fuck have you done?
Are Mexicans really that blonde?
Ask a Mexican anything
Be american
Why don't you take off your shirt user? hehe...come on! I wanna go swimming already!"
Why are argentines so self hating on here
Canada vs. Australia: which is better?
Two weeks and my hikikomori birthday
How do I prove i'm rich in your country?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...