Indians and Slavs are Aryan brothers. We are the future and preserver of the white race

Indians and Slavs are Aryan brothers. We are the future and preserver of the white race.

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You mean upper-caste Indians?

yes, we are pure aryans.


lol if you r1a fags are so tough how come theres none of you all in Western Europe-Finland?

a lot of strangely Slavic toponyms (for example in Brittany - pic rel)

Slavs were everywhere.

I'm r1a

if you learn to shower and take poo in loo i can respect indians

The Fellowship of Loo?

Indians and Slavs have a clear symbiotic relationship. the former clogs, the latter unclogs

Different subclade.

Bait harder.

Z283 is the more prevalent one in Europe but I didn't know Z93 reached all the way to Germany and Spain

there's nothing controversial about a relationship between Slavs and Indians anyway. they both have common Bronze Age ancestry from the steppe, along with all other Europeans. R1a branched out relatively recently too

>they both have common Bronze Age ancestry from the steppe, along with all other Europeans. R1a branched out relatively recently too

Sea Peoples = Philistines = Veneti = people currently known as Slavs

we wuz raiding grease, we wuz also trojans

>Troy most likely has been founded by Thracians
>Thracian language strangely resemble Slavic language.

You have to go back.
Finland is for I1 but since there's too many N guys to deport we'll let them stay.
We don't have to make an exception for you fuckers though.

>in the Bible in chapter about Philistines name "Lehi" appears
l1 are Swedish colonizators.

N are finns.

I saw you posting that in the other thread. you're memeing but it's sad how that kind of pseudo-linguistics is still going strong

they also wrote this one

Slavic speakers in Bronze Age Thrace lol

>Tollensee battle
>warriors' DNA has been tested and they turned out to be genetically same as modern Poles

I'd be happy to go back to Norway

>Slavic speakers in Bronze Age Thrace lol
And what's so hard to believe about it?

Slavs didn't appear out of thin air and most of the "swamp belarus, ukraine mamay" bullshit was propagated by Germans to justify their land grabs.

I1 were in Finland before Finns fucking idiot.
We can't colonize our homeland.

because the slavic language didn't exist yet


Mat Zemlya, also Matka Ziemia, and Mati Syra Zemlya (literally Damp Mother Earth), is the oldest deity in Slavic mythology, her identity later blended into that of Mokosh.[1] She shares characteristics with Indo-Iranian Ardvi Sura Anahita “Humid Mother of the Earth.”

proto-slavic language might have existed, slavic no

Map is incorrect. West Finland has a hotspot of R1a and I think more than in the east.

Still enough to claim kangz n shit

Slavs aren't white.

Neither is Sweden

Just because of linguistic relation? Does that mean that some dirty gypsies from Romania get to claim every single polish accomplishment? If not, then you don't get to claim those proto-slavic accomplishments either.

Me too

>Just because of linguistic relation? Does that mean that some dirty gypsies from Romania get to claim every single polish accomplishment? If not, then you don't get to claim those proto-slavic accomplishments either.
No, because they were literally caled "Lehi" and "Veneds" which can be linked mainly to Poland and Poles.

Don't believe me? Check the bible

STR mutations would show clearly that it's from Swedes if that was that recent.

By the way, Fennoswedes actually have more Finnish Y-DNA than the other way around.

>Pienen erikoisuuden muodostavat Pohjanmaan ruotsinkieliset: heidän N1c1-frekvensinsä 40% on korkeampi kuin Satakunnan ja (pääasiassa suomenkielisen) Etelä-Pohjanmaan.
>A small peculiarity are the Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnians: their N1c1 frequency is 40% higher than Satakunta's and (the mostly Finnish-speaking) Southern Ostrobothnia.

It also makes perfect sense historically, because Swedish speakers had no reason to "go" to Finns.

jesus. who the fuck wrote this? his comparisons are hilarious. for example, he used an Ottoman Turkish loanword into Modern Greek to compare to ancient Thracian

Poles along with other northeast Europeans have a lot of steppe ancestry, nothing coincidental (the other warriors involved were Sardinian-like i.e. like Neolithic farmers) but whether proto-Slavic or just Balto-Slavic existed at the time (1250 BC) is unsure. in pre-Migration times, Poland itself was inhabited by East Germanic speakers (Goths, Vandals etc.) and not Slavic speakers anyway, those migrated from the East later on

What kind of fucking proofs do you expect faggot?
Finns didn't live in Finland before a few thousand years ago.

I1 isn't +50% in any country for a reason, I1 is the mark of the cuck.

So who the fuck invaded who?

Was Finland Scandinavian before N-eskimos came?
>East Germanic speakers (Goths, Vandals etc.) and not Slavic speakers anyway, those migrated from the East later on

I'm I1 and cuckoldry and colored people don't appeal to me. I also hate Slavs.

Ahh it's the legendary "poles are east germanic-vandal-goth-sarmatians" shitposter. move along people

The Finnish I1 separated a bit before the Saxon I1 did, so it's quite old and comes form Denmark/Central Europe.

You still bear the mark of the cuck. I1 people succumbed to everybody who conquered them and adopted their languages, be it Indo-Europeans (R1a and R1b) or Uralic people (N1).

care to explain what you're supposed to be arguing for with that link?

I don't claim it, you nigger.

Vandals and Goths aren't native to Poland. Proto-Poles are.

>inb4 muh blog
Read it, you faggot. It has sources.

Finland was a sparsely inhabited dump for thousands of years. It wasn't anything to contest over but it's a fact that us I1 folks were here first and we probably spoke some proto-Germanic dialect.

whites aren't slavic*

Why do you call N eskimo? The northeast Europeans who have N have the highest Mesolithic ancestry on the continent.

>So who the fuck invaded who?
Swedes wanted us under the Catholic tax system. How do you yourself imagine it going? I'd like to hear because it seems very fantastical.

we have no ancient East Germanic genomes, though. for all we know Poles and ancient East Germanic speakers were basically the same genetically

we know there was a depopulation in Poland in early medieval times and suddenly Poland went from East Germanic to Slavic speaking. at the same time, those Slavic speakers expanded towards northern Russia and towards the Balkans

by the way, NO modern population is exactly like Corded Ware - they were too steppe-like while modern Europeans (even Poles and Balts) are less so

Claiming anything because of nationality, some haplogroup, or any other genetical similarity is just a sure way of detecting a person with absolutely no accomplishments of their own.

Keep telling that to yourself. I think it's the haplogroup of Alpha Males.
Btw, even eastern Finns have 20% of it.

Finns and Estonians have very high Yamnaya-like (might be some actual Indo-European but it also might just be a lot of Uralic) ancestry. Finns also have some extra Siberian on top of that (maybe Uralic was Yamnaya-like + extra Siberian)

I'm not sure why you think N should be connected to the smaller WHG component in Estonians and Finns and not to this massive one

You forget that I1 came from nothing in the late Neolithic and was alpha enough to infiltrate the Indo-European patrilineal warrior classes.

N1c1 is obviously alpha too, it took over the Baltics in a flash.

You have a very weird definition of "alpha", if it includes getting your women impregnated and your people as a whole assimilated by every people you ever came in contact with.
>even eastern Finns have 20% of it.
So? That's still in the minority, and throughout Fennoscandia I1 peaks at a mere 40%. Mesolithic maternal lineages still prevail, however, which suggests that Asiatic R1 and N1 carriers did most of the fucking whilst I1 "men" passively stood by.

Okay well you should go share your stories about N supremacy to Yakuts I'm sure they would be interested to know that they were born to fuck Swedish women.

I'm R1a so Yakuts are none of my business. Even so, the patrilineal ancestors of most Finns looked like that and those Nordo-Paleolithic women still let them impregnate them.

WHG is anything but small. It's hiding underneath all the other components. In total it's 50% or close.

I'd like to debunk your stupid statements with this. Don't bother bringing it up any longer.

maybe so but no one can yet tell with certainty whether other components are eating up a lot of genuine WHG that didn't come with them in an indirect way

in general, direct WHG still seems like the least important component in Europe, even in the Eastern Baltic

I'm E3b, am I Aryan

N1c people are heavily blonde outside of the arctic areas. Andronovo were Indo-Europeans way far in the east and genetically light-pigmented. Those N1c1 even before they got to Baltics were almost certainly blonde. Stop being a mouthbreather with an irrational fetish for non-Europeaness.

Maybe N guys played dirty and killed off peaceful I1 men.

whites are peaceful intellectuals :) just like cain and abel

That's just retarded. You shouldn't be watching sports ever if you really believe that. Also avoid tribalism or else you're a hypocrite.

I agree. County of Kurikka in Western Finland has the most MENSA members per capita in the world.
We are the race of peace and Uralics are warmongols.

>I1 is peaceful
>Birger Jarl was I1.